Monday, February 11, 2013

Semi-Annual Seafood Bananza

Welp, we tried to be social on Friday night.
We did great until 9pm when the awfully loud band came on. I felt so lame for wanting to leave because I could just hear my mom saying, "If it's too loud, you are too old," BUT we still get credit for hitting up one more bar on the way home. Why yes...I did bring yogurt to the bar in lieu of not drinking. They boys have to keep the DD happy.

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These may or may not have come home with us:

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I was just happy that Will was super lovey-dovey, and I got ALL of his attention at the bar. Not that he doesn't give me lots of attention, but I got extra with V-day around the corner and celebrating five years "together" this weekend.

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Yes, I know that I already talked about the day we first hung out five years ago in January, but we didn't actually celebrate that day. We saved that for February 12th, which marks five years since we made "us" official, and three years since he put a ring on it.

No one wants to celebrate on a Tuesday so Saturday was the new Tuesday, and our Semi-annual Seafood Bananza commenced. {I did partake in the wine}

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Canoodling by the fire was the finale, but I will leave it at that ;)

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I still can't believe that it has been five years babe.
On one hand I feel like we've been together for a million years, but on the other...I still get butterflies like it was just yesterday that you walked into my life. Thank you for being the main character in my love story, and our once in a lifetime kinda' love <3

My final thought for the weekend?


  1. That seafood looks so amazing! Mouth watering.

    Bonnie Rose
    The Compass Rose

  2. i love that your brought yogurt to the bar. awesome.

  3. Oh my god thank you for making me want crab legs like it's nobodies business. Now I'm going to be thinking about that all day long. Happy five slash three years!

  4. That seafood looks sooooo yummy! And I swear you always look so gorgeous girlfriend! Glad you had a good one.

  5. Awwwww i love your super sweet love story. Seriously, every time I read it I'm like siiiiiiiiiiiiigh!!!!

    Love the yogurt at the bar, so smart!

    And I agree, loud music is sometimes just ANNOYING!

    Your food looks delish, I want I want!

  6. you guys are too cute!
    and you definitely should bring that bottle home

  7. Looks like a wonderful way to celebrate! All that seafood looks so good! Happy five & three year anniversary, friend! :)

  8. Aww! Love yall! :) Those military beer glasses are great! I agree with that ecard!

  9. You guys are so cute! We still glasses too. Thiefs

  10. I lol'ed at your ecard. I can't say I had this exact thought yesterday as I laid out all my clothes, to be eventually folded, because I'm too lazy to fold immediately so I lay them out first... BUT I feel you.

    Next time I'm DD, which is always I'm making froyo my payment. Genius.

  11. That seafood looks yummy! I need to find a good seafood place here.

  12. Happy 5 year anniversary! The Seafood doesn't look so good to me but i'd be all about the good times and a drink or two!

  13. I love it. Froyo at the bar :)

    Glad you had a great weekend with will.

  14. Aww you two are so cute! Happy 5 years!

  15. Sounds like you had a great weekend! Happy 5 years!!!!! P.S. I love that last pic, I wish my dryer had a fold setting :)

  16. You win for best weekend! Now I need some crab legs... ;)

    Thanks for linking up!

  17. looks like a wonderful weekend hubby would have loved the crab legs as would little man

  18. Yay five years! Those crab legs look awesome and your entire celebration is wonderful.

    Sign me up for the fold setting.

  19. Your 5 year official date is the same as my 3 year blingaversary date :). Congrats on 5 years!! we celebrated on Saturday too because, yeah celebrating on a weekday isn't a lot of fun when work is involved too.

  20. OMG, all the shellfish looks yummmmmy!!
    Happy 5 yrs!

  21. i want that food! and what a cute picture of you two!

  22. Happy five years! And seafood by a fire sounds amazing...yum.

  23. Cutest Couple Ever! Happy Five Years! Ya'll truly have a fairy tale love!

  24. I know most of the time we only see your "side of things" but you two appear to have a very healthy, happy relationship and it's beautiful!

  25. Those cups are awesome. Happy anniversary!!


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