Tuesday, February 12, 2013

In The South We Have Great Gun Control

And by "Gun Control", I mean that we have great aim ;)

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While we were home, we just had to go out to the country to get some shootin' in. This is another reason that my hubby gets along so well with my dad and brothers.

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I even have my OWN gun, and it's pretty bad@ss if I do say so myself:

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By the way, I was totally wearing my baby brother's flannel shirt. #stylin'

Speaking of my baby brother, he now works at our family's favorite restaurant as a busboy! You might have heard of MaGuire's Irish Pub since it is pretty well-known, but to us it is like home away from home. My big brother worked there for ten years, he met my SIL there, and they even had their rehearsal dinner there. Obviously, we have a ton of memories wrapped up in that place.

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Just like the old days we went to church and then out to brunch with the fam.

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Daddy, Momma, Will, me, Michael (bro), Paula (SIL), and Paula's sister & brother-in-law.

It's the little things that make home...home.

I'm sure you will all be happy to know that we only have one recap left and that is New Year's! I really wore pink like I promised I would, so I am happy to show proof ;)


  1. Love the pictures! Looked like such a great time! :)

  2. I went shooting at Thanksgiving at my brothers ranch house. It was fun, I felt relaxed afterwards, and less stressed! It was a blast! ;-)


  3. Love the pictures and I love shooting! It's so much fun and a great stress reliever.

  4. YOU IZ a bad@$$! Love your rifle!

    Your brunch place sounds amazing. We have a 'family' brunch spot too. It truly is the little things in life.


  5. I agree with above comment- you ARE a badass!! and that restaurant looks great!

  6. Love it! I shot a handgun for the first time this weekend, and while I wouldn't say I loved it, it was pretty cool. Then it was back to my parents' house for our own target practice. Glad to see I'm not the only one blogging about target practice with the family! :)

  7. It's definitely the little things that make home "home"...I feel like it's the little things that make everything more important. It distinguishes one person's experience from another's.
    Ok I'm done getting deep. :)

  8. Looks like you guys had fun shooting! :)

    Also, I know we've talked about this before, but I LOVE MaGuires! That place is SO good! Love all your family ties to it. :)

  9. Ha, gun control. Hear, hear!

    That's cute about the restaurant. Y'all must be so proud of him :).

  10. I LOVE going to the range with my husband. He even bought me my own gun over thanksgiving. :) That's great about your brother.

  11. Your rifle is gorgeous! I'm envious...I want to learn how to shoot so badly (but here in Seattle, I can't exactly stroll out my door and practice...although apparently I can get a gun quite easily). I've always wanted to live in an area where I can go hunting, or target-shooting, whenever I had the time.

    Also, your family looks adorable all together in that list pic! And congrats to your bro. :)

  12. you're so lucky you can get photos with your parents/family! I have the hardest time getting my mom in a photo and dad's are usually candid as well.

  13. I'm glad you and I have the same definition of gun control :) Love the firearm...but then again I love all firearms! I think you need a bigger one ;)

  14. this is my husband's dream. maybe someday!

  15. That pic of you and the gun is super bad ass. You look gorgeous as always!!

  16. Looks like so much fun!! You look good with a gun or a gun looks good with you - whichever one works better! Ha. "It's the little things that make home...home." Couldn't agree more!

  17. I'm kind of iffy about guns... but it's good to have protection, especially with all the tragedies going on lately. Glad you had a good outing with the family :)

  18. Nothing like a good day of shooting in the country with loved ones!

  19. Love your gun! I think more women should learn how to shoot - it's empowering :)

  20. we always shoot trap on thanksgiving and it's one of my favorite traditions of the year. i'm scared for what kind of gun control laws are coming into effect, bc we can barely buy ammo around here anymore. not good!

  21. My mom is a huge gun person and wants me to get my own. I honestly have no desire to get one. I do enjoy shooting my step fathers pellet gun in the back yard!

  22. We have two guns, but eventually I will probably get my own. It will probably be some type of small handgun, so I can keep it in my purse and/or car.


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