Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Reunited And It Feels So Good...

I can't even explain how excited I am for this trip.
A) I need to get out of Colorado for a hot minute.
B) No work. Hello!
C) It's Dani's Birthday.
D) I get to be reunited with THREE of my College Bests!

Source: via Janna on Pinterest

I want to share a few gems with you, to illustrate why I am excited to be reunited with mi amigas.
I'm pretty sure that these will show you how this weekend is going to go.
Don't take us seriously, though. We obviously don't.

We've worked, lived, traveled, loved, lost, and grown together.
I'm excited because if we had this much fun in eight years, imagine how many shenanigans we will get in in the next fifty...

Don't worry, though. I'll be around even though I am away.
We still have our budget challenge going on, so no blogging break for me!


  1. Your pictures look so fun :) Love that ecard!

    I have a new giveaway on my blog if you're interested!

  2. I hope you have so so much fun girl!!! You deserve a much needed break from life!!!

  3. Awww, yay! I love visiting old friends! :) Hope you have SO much fun...and I think that's pretty likely to happen :)

  4. 1st that quote at the top is SO true!! and I adore all of your pictures! You guys look like you have a lot of fun together:)

  5. Have fun! It makes me miss all of my college girls!

  6. Have a great time!! I'm sure you will seeing all your pictures. :)

  7. I am so excited for you! My bff came home last night, so I can't wait to see her :) It's great to know that she's only a short ride away now!

  8. I am so thrilled for you. This will be so great for you! Have so much fun ad fill us in on all the excitement. Love all the photos. Looking back is so fun.

  9. You ladies look like you have a ton of fun together. Love the pictures!
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  10. Are you going to be SOBER?? Or take another stab at 'it'? :)

  11. That is so exciting! Reunions are amazing!! I know that you are going to have a blast and cannot wait to see pictures of your fabulous trip!

    I was telling Kenny that I was afraid you wouldn't like hanging out with me because I don't drink much and then I remembered that you dont either!! I swear I am not boring. This Mama does not need booze to have a good time!

    Have fun boo!! xoxo

  12. you seem like such a kick-ass friend. be mine? also, please tell me you will be imbibing in the good stuff this weekend?? please?

  13. Hope you have the best time and that you come back with some great photos to share. :-)

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!