Thursday, June 7, 2012

I'm Leaving On A Jet Plane...

Today is the day I leave for Baltimore!
(Remember creepers- I have a house sitter AND an attack dog- Beware)
I decided that this trip would be a good time to feature some lovely new faces on my side bar, so first up is the amazingly awesome and beautiful Kelly from Messy Dirty Hair!
I happen to have fallen in love with her and you will too.

But don't forget that tomorrow is our first Link Up!
Come share what you are saving for and how much is in your Virtual Piggy Bank if you have begun saving! I just hope that Zara and I aren't the only ones ;)

Hi guys! I'm Kelly & I blog over at Messy.Dirty.Hair., a Fashion & Lifestyle Blog.

When I saw Janna was looking for guest bloggers I had to join in because well, Janna is amazing. Since Janna lives in CO. & I am all the way over here in California I thought I would bring a little bit of Southern California to her blog today!
I was born & raised in California & I have never lived anywhere else, and honestly I don’t want too. I’ve lived throughout northern & southern California so I’m a true California Girl.  Since summer is basically here I thought I'd let you in on a typical day (when I'm not working) during the summer in Orange County!

First off welcome to Southern California.

i took this is right by my house <3
i also took this right by my house
one of my favorite things about SOCAL is the array of palm trees just adds such a tropical feel!

Its true what they say, it really is the best place to live. I always feel like I'm on vacation. The beach is where we spend most if not all of the summer. Working on our tans or surfing the waves is our main priority during the summer…oh & picking up some hot surfer boys too, hehe.

i always have to buy new suits each summer because since we basically live in them during the summer they get so worn out & old....these are my 3 new suits for this summer...fringe is HUGE this year!
we're always outdoors during the summer here, whether it be going to the beach, cruising the Pacific Coast Highway or PCH as we call it, riding bikes on the boardwalk, driving to LA, or grabbing a bite to eat we are always outside...but since its summer I'm sure a lot of you are as well.

so when the sun starts to go down it doesn't mean we get ready to pack up & go home, just means its time for some ponchos & a bonfire!

after a late night at the beach there is always time for some late night snacks....

Pretty tough life right? obviously there are millions of things to do in orange county during the summer, but us locals that's what we'll be doing. However, i know that a lot of people seem to think Orange County is filled with people like the Real Housewives of Orange County & yes you're right there are a lot of those people but there are also a lot of down to earth, chill, natural people & i feel because of the show & other things the OC gets a bad name.

 I have always been down to earth. Sure I love expensive things but it doesn't change who I am as a person. The main theme of my blog is that you can still be trendy & chic but natural at the same time. Its okay if your hair isn't sitting perfectly on your head today, or if there's a small stain on your jeans, or a button is out of place. Its okay. Embrace the imperfections because let me tell you, no matter how hard you try you will never ever be perfect. So instead of driving yourself crazy trying to make everything look perfect, embrace the mess.

Since I am one to always embrace the mess I thought I'd show you some of my messiness. Every single one of these photos is my hair after 5-7 days of not washing or brushing it. No joke. And yes, I actually go out of the house with my messy hair. It's actually really rewarding to not care about what i look like & still feel secure & comfortable with myself to go out in public. Try it one day...i dare you.

so there you have it...a little glimpse into my OC lifestyle & a little messiness. Next time you're going to take a shower, stop & cover your hair & just try at least 1 day of not washing it....embrace it & join the mess!


Isn't she just fantastic?
I'm guest posting on her blog this month too, and you will find some pictures that have never been featured on my blog before. That means you will just have to check her out if you want to see them!

Now please wish me luck for my traveling endeavors.
I'm crossing my fingers that all my flights are on time.
Can't wait for tomorrow!


  1. I'm jealous! That you are on vacay and for Kelly's life! Have a great time in B'more this weekend!!

  2. Have fun in Baltimore!! I'm still upset we can't meet up....but I know we will just have to make it up with a kickass trip :)

    And I love Kelly!! I've never been to Cali before but it's on my 30 before 30 list so it's got to happen soon :)

  3. Have an awesome trip! And her pictures make me want to go to California!

    I live in Canada and its actually not as cold as the Us beleives haha (it was 104 degrees yesterday for example). But our lack of beach kills me!

  4. Have a safe trip!

    Kelly makes my California life look sad! :) haha!! I need to hit the beach more often I guess.

  5. I'm a cali girl too. I love it here and never want to live anywhere else. It's pretty much perfect here.

  6. okay, kind of obsessing over this guest post. i think we are meant to be best friends, because "embrace messy hair" is my motto! seriously! and the fact that she referenced real housewives of orange county? adore!!
    checking out her site now!
    xo TJ

  7. Haha! I love what you wrote about having a house sitter and attack dog! I totally say that too when we are going out of town. Hehe... good stuff. :)

    Also, I love Kelly's post here! I'm going to check her blog out now!

  8. Love the guest post!!!! Def. gonna check out her blog!!! I hope you have safe travels!!

  9. Messy hair is awesome! Will check out her site!

  10. ahhh thank you everyone! come & join the mess!

  11. I so need to
    Visit Cali!! Beautiful


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!