Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Or at least I got to eat them in Maryland ;)

Today, you should find me over at Messy Dirty Hair, and there are some pictures that will NEVER be seen on my blog, so you might want to check them out. Not to mention, I love Kelly.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, I.Love.Her.
And you will too.

I was going to recap my trip to Baltimore, but I just COULDN'T narrow down the photos. 
Instead, I have uploaded them all to Facebook, including ALL of the shenanigans.
{Even the ones that aren't "blog appropriate"}
Here is a Priceless video to give you an idea:

And yes, Pat is VERY tall.

Feel free to "Like" my page while you are at it, and I would LOVE if you left a few comments, so that I don't feel like a loser. 
Please and thank you!

I will tell you that I got to meet up with P!nky in Baltimore, and we had a blast!
She fit in really well with my friends, so we played by the pool, giggled over Youtube videos, and she taught me how to eat crab! Let me tell's a process. Haha.

Please excuse my tired eyes, by the way.
I told you there were a LOT of shenanigans, and they definitely kicked my butt!

Go tell Kelly I said hi, por favor, and wish me luck on my first day back at work.
Hope your Wednesday is better than mine will be!


  1. Checking out Kelly's blog for sure & your pictures on FB. Good Luck going back to work, I know thats always a tuff one after a long vacay off.


    The video is super cute and can't wait to check out your pictures!

    SO HAPPY we got to meet up! You are a crabtastic gal now ;)!


  3. So jealous of your blogger meet up!

  4. hahahha, the title of this post had me cracking up! you are just too cute, girl! and you an never go wrong with karaoke nights :)
    xo TJ

  5. I have no idea how to eat crab and could definitely use a lesson myself! It looks like you had a good time, though. Good luck at your first day back to work! :)

    xoxo, me

  6. First time stopping by, love your blog!! :)
    <3 Melissa

  7. Love Crabs!! Great pictures on FB. Looks like you had a damn good time!! I'm off to check out your guest post!!

  8. Hi! I followed you over from Messy Dirty Hair and now i'm a follower! I'm about to go add you on fb too :)

  9. Ahhh looks like so much fun! I'm off to Facebook to check out all of the good and inappropriate photos!

  10. Found you from Dirty.Messy.Hair! Love your blog. You are so adorable!


  11. I am dying to Kareoke! looks like you had so much fun. And what a perfect song..

    So cool that you got to meet Pinky. Meeting up with bloggers is becoming very popular. I fee like so many of the bloggers I follow are meeting up. So fun!

    So glad that you had a great time. I want to see your FB photos, but I have been facebookless for a month now!


  12. Going back to work after being on vacay is definitely tough! Good luck!

  13. just found your blog! you're so adorable and I love hearing and reading about your successful and sweet marriage!

  14. Haha you are hilarious! Your friend is super tall! :)

  15. So super jelly about this blate! You guys look adorable!!! And I def just signed up to follow your blog via my twitter by mistake...haha I guess my obsession took over! Hope ur having a fabulous night!! Loveeeeyouuuu

  16. And I meant now I'm following u twice! Haha

  17. I saw hubby eat crabs once and I was more then a little grossed out but not surprising since I don't eat seafood. First day back to work after a vacay is always the pits-especially one filled with shenanigans. Hope it wasn't too awful.

  18. I don't really like crab, but still looks like a fun blate!


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