Thursday, June 14, 2012

From Blog Life To REAL Life

I wanted to post my Healthy Eating/Living tips for reaching 100 Facebook followers, but I want to put more time into it first! Plus I was inspired by Jessica and Britt, to join this fun little link up!
The deal is, you answer the questions and we can all share how much our fellow bloggers mean to us! I try to tell y'all that I love you all the time, but this was definitely fun to take part in.         

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1. Do you have any real life blog friends? 
I consider all the ladies I have had "Blates" with real life friends, but Ashley from Wanderlustme was my first blate-mate AND we worked together before her travels! I am sad that she has gone off, but love following her adventures on her blog. She has the life that most of us can only dream of, so we live vicariously through her!
2. Which blogger are you just dying to meet?
Desiree. Hands down. We may not have the most in common (she has kiddos and I am far from it), but we connect on a whole 'nother level!  Seriously... it's like we are sisters separated at birth.
Speaking of sisters- I must add my TWIN, Sarah.
When I was in Baltimore- we looked up at the stars and pretended we were together, since we were both under the East Coast sky! That's love.
3. Which blogger's closet do you want to raid? 
Sami's closet for SURE. I got to meet her and she is definitely a fashionista!
Ask her about her leopard pants.  I am in LOVE with them.
4. You are stuck on an island. Which blogger would you want with you to help you survive?
Who better than a soldier?
Erin is in the Air Force, so I think she would be the perfect candidate!
5. The first blogger you remember "meeting" and connecting with ?
I think this might be Zara. I might have connected with a few others before, but we have MAINTAINED our connection for the longest.
6. Any blogger that you admire and look up to?
I have looked up to Meg from Mackey Madness since the VERY beginning!
I learned so much from her, and continue to remain in awe of her attitude and strength.
7. Who is the craziest/funniest blogger?
It is no secret that Raven is my favorite. Ever.
The blog world would be lost without her antics.
8. There's a reality television show for bloggers, who would you want to be cast with you?
Definitely BethanyDesireeRavenKelly and P!nky!
I mean, I would want you ALL to be a part of the show, but I think these girls would bring the "wow" factor... As in JWOW. Hehe.
9. Some bloggers have really cool jobs, anybody you'd like to swap careers with?
Since I have an obsession with photography, I am super jealous that Zara and Whitney are doing so well with their photography right now! So proud of them, though.
My other fantasy career is to be a Beauty Queen like Miss Anna. Duh.
10. Favorite blog design?
Um...that is WAY too hard to narrow down, so these are some fun ones:
Hillary | Bethany | Kelly | Ashley | Jamie

A few other faves and loyal amigas:
 (just for good measure)
CeCe | Amanda | Courtney | Alana | L | Tabitha | Pamela | Alison | Tea | Lesley

I must admit, I almost didn't participate in this, because I felt weird not being able to include EVERYONE I love in blogging.  I didn't want anyone to feel left out if they weren't included, so I was torn. I'm probably crazy for thinking that way, but nonetheless- I want you ALL to know that I cherish each and every one of your blogs!

Don't forget about the link up tomorrow!
We'd love for you to join us ;)
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  1. Oh I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN! I'm always afraid to do Blog Shout Outs because I don't want to "forget" anyone or hurt someone's feelings... tee hee! And I love your "Blates" theory... so true!!!

  2. I think this is such a cute link up. Will have to check in with some of your faves that Im not familiar with!

  3. Ummm a real house with all those bloggers would be amazing!

    I <3 it!

    and you! yay blate!


  4. I love this link up!! And you are such a sweet heart! You have a way of making us all feel so loved, so don't even worry about hurting feelings! Love ya!
    (Can't wait to play catch up on your blog asap!)

  5. Yay, thanks for linking up with us!! So haopy you did, I just love your answers! I think Raven is just the funniest ever as well! And I adore Mackey too :) ALL of them are great!! Thanks again girl !

  6. Ah this is so fun! I love meeting new bloggers so this is fun. :) And thanks for the shout out you are too flippin sweet. I want a froyo blate with ya!!

  7. I am loving reading all these posts today - I love finding new fun ladies to follow!!! :)

  8. I'm jealous you have been on so many Blates! And thanks for the links to some fun new blogs:) This was a smart link-up!

  9. I love this link up... I hope to be able to create these kinds of connections the more that I blog!!

    <3 Melissa

  10. Awww you are so sweet!! Love you twin! :) I really wish we could've gotten together last weekend but I know we will come up with a fun trip soon!! xo

  11. Love it! Totally meant to be friends! Cannot wait to actually meet you in real life. woot woot! A blog house would definitely be interesting! haha! I think that you names some of the strongest, most independent ladies and I can see it making for so crazy TV. Like Real World, but Blog world. Paten that idea! (did I spell paten right? I don't think so) lol


  12. so lets get this reality show going?!? haha! thank you for the shoutout you seriously are the sweetest person ever!!!! ill go & check out some of these other girls i havent met yet! & i wanna go on a blate with you! come to cali!!!!


  13. What a cute link up! I love it! I am excited to check out some of these other bloggers you mentioned!

  14. Super excited about the link up today because it led my to your blog! And look at all your blates!! I felt the same about writing my post, I just didn't want anyone to feel left out or not think that I love them! There are so many blogs that I adore. It was tough!!

  15. So glad I stumbled across your darling little blog from this link-up! Love the "Blates" idea, have to admit that's a new term for me!

    xo Shane

  16. I love you sooooooooooo much!!!! Seriously, you always say the sweetest things about me and I feel so unworthy!!!! You are DEFINITELY one of my faves also and maybe day we can have a blate of our own!!! :)

  17. The blate/Froyo comment was funny! Loved it :)

  18. Love you!! I was telling Bryant about you last night, while viewing your FB page. He was like, 'where does she live? Can we meet her?' ha! Ever since I met Bethany, he is loving this little blog world! Not as much as I do though :)

  19. I can't wait til we can have our blate one day! Love you, girl.

  20. WHOOP WHOOP :)
    Thanks for linking up sweet girl!
    And I totally agree...I love ALL the blogs!

    Hope you're having a wonderful Thursday!

  21. I know what you mean. I wanted to do this post, but I was so afraid that I would leave someone out, so I didn't do the post :( If I had, you definitely would have been included on the list!

    You are soooo sweet girl :) I haven't quite made it a career one day, but I really hope that I can one day soon :)

  22. This is a great link up. I wouldn't mind meeting a blogger in real life.

  23. You are SO SO precious!! Thank you for those sweet words! I want to meet yesterday!!!!!!! When can that happen?! Any plans to visit Louisiana? Haha!!

  24. I love this post. I am so jealous of your blates. Oh, and you're so cool. ;)

  25. Yay! Deserted island, here we come! :)


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!