Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Show And Tell Vlog

I'm baaaack, and back in action!
What better way to kick off my first day home than a vlog linkup!
I mean, who doesn't love a good vlog linkup?
ESPECIALLY when it is hosted by Raven and Becky.

I guess I was super excited, because it ended up being quite long. 
I didn't want to go too overboard, so I trimmed it quite a bit for your viewing pleasure.

Have you done your video yet?
If not, answer these questions and link up.
I want to hear your answers too!


  1. you are so stinkin cute. Baby powder on the hair, yup I totally do that to! Why do your stylist friends say its not good? I have never heard that.

  2. OH EM GOSH you are soooo cute missy miss!

    Love your vlogs, makes me feel like you are here :)!


    miss you!

  3. I love that you support the farmer's market! We have a TINY TINY one in my small town...like there are 10-15 booths and most of them just have veggies, fruit and baked goods. But you hit on all of the highlights-local, sustainable, and inexpensive! I will be having my first booth at it this year with stuff from my garden-so excited!

  4. Ahhhh Janna!!! You were exactly how I pictured you! So freaking adorable! Your hair looks fabulous for not washing a few days! Loveee it! How fun is this Vlog?! Love u girl!

  5. I've heard of the baby powder in your hair before but was unsure of how it really works or what your suppose to do. I have super long hair and love it but frankly its a pain to wash every night. Any tips????

  6. Umm dets on the baby powder do you just put it on your roots? Why does your stylist say not to use it? I hate always washing my hair, its soo annoying.

    Happy Tue gorg

  7. Yay love this! I wish I would have done it!! I feel so special to know where you work and nobody else does ;) I'll be in the Springs not this weekend but the one after that so we should get together again :)

  8. Aww I love this!! You are the cutest & sweetest!!!

  9. so fun! i love the baby powder trick, too!

  10. You are so cute as always!! :) I love your vlog - great job girlie!

  11. I am obsessed with Zico! SO GOOD!
    And I love your wedges, too :)

    You're the cutest!


  12. Your vlog is fantastic!! I am addicted to baby powder in my hair too. It's SO cheap it's hard to stop!! What brand is that coconut PB?? You made it sound DELISH!!! xoxo

  13. You are gorgeous! Looove that baby powder idea!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. awww I love you!!!

    Holy shizzies, do those shoes give you like 10 extra inches? Love the color btw.

    I have heard a lot about The Testament, I may have to add that to my list. What?! No fifty shades? EVERYONE is reading that!!! Except me. I'm a little apprehensive about the porn aspect...

    BUT! READ THE HUNGER GAMES! Life changer.

    So you're telling me I'm spending all this money on dry shampoo when I could be using my kids' baby powder??

    There is coconut peanut butter?! I am learning so much today watching your vlog!!

    Earrings at Farmers Markets?! What is going on? I thought they only sold food??

    Oh Janna, I def def love you.

  16. I have been looking all over for the magical peanut better. WHERE IS IT!?!? Oh and I too cannot live without baby powder. I hate drying my hair and baby powder definitely saves me.

  17. You are so dang pretty! Love the wedges :) I only have one pair but I have been keeping my eye out for another pair that I have to have. John Grisham is an awesome writer, I read his book Black Order not too long ago! Great vlog :)

  18. shhhh don't tell but I went and sat in our filing closet so I could watch this. Our internet at home is just too slow! lol. I'm sure people thought I was talking to myself. But I have to say I think you sound just like I pictured. Ok one question, why was the book title backwards and it looked like your ring was on the wrong finger? Were you recording into a mirror?

  19. I haven't read Twilight, Hunger Games, Harry Potter, or 50 Shades either. I do have 50 Shades on my hubby's kindle lol. I haven't read it yet though.

  20. Your vlog is so cute! I was terrified to do it but I finally did as well!! Have a great week!

  21. You did such a great job!! You're a natural in front of the camera. ;) I just came across this link-up today & it's been so much fun watching some of our blog friends!! Keep the vlogs coming!

    Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  22. Ugh, I NEED to catch up on everyone's vlogs that I missed :( Wahhh!


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!