Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Ultimate Wedding Weekend: We Eloped, Part 4

We have made it all the way to the "Reception"!                                Part 3

Hosted by Natasha @ Hello! Happiness.

I'm sure that you have realized at this point, that a typical reception, wasn't in the works.
Let's just call it the "after party", shall we?

Welcome to picture overload, which begins directly after the big smooch. 

Will and his new family!
(Whether he likes it or not ;)

(couldn't have pulled this day off without her!)

In case you were wondering, Will picked out what I was going to wear ;)

Now let the fun begin!

Throwing the bouquet!

The boys wanted in on the action too!

Katie caught the bouquet, but she better not be getting married anytime soon.
(I'm pretty sure I was stating this very same sentiment to her boyfriend in this picture)

We fight a lot, but I do love my lil' sis.

After that we adjourned to our pool, ate lots of yummy food that my mom prepared, toasted with champagne and savored the day with our lovely friends and family!

Who doesn't want to drink champagne in a fun floaty on their wedding day?

Wanna know the juiciest part?

The people that "witnessed" the wedding knew about it...the people that showed up for the "After Party", thought it was an "Engagement Pool Party". 
Can you imagine how hard it was to keep my mouth shut when all I wanted to do was shout from the rooftop-

I'm Married!!!!

This would be my sister...Don't ask.

Not gonna lie...I might have gotten a pretty darn good buzz goin' on...
But I was safe in his arms, without a care in the world.

I wouldn't have had it any other way ;)

Come back Friday for the final wrap up and more about the details of our day!
If you have any questions or anything you'd like me to address, comment or email them and I will give you a shout out! 

Attención, Attención!
I will be going HOME next week, so I would be happy to have few of you guest post!
I'm opening it up to see who would be interested...leave a comment or send me an email.

Let me tell you I have two posters so far, and I am SO ecstatic that my two idols agreed! I won't reveal who they are, but they rhyme with A Llama Admires & Satisfiers and Wacky Gladness...
If you guess, before you click- you get extra brownie points ;)


  1. GIRL you look SOO GORGIE! Love your outfit...smokin'!

    Glad your day was so specail and thanks for sharing!!!

    I'll guest post for you...what do you want me to write about?


  2. You're so pretty!!! Love love love your outfit!!! :) it looks like such a great time!


  3. It looks like you had such a fun wedding day!! And some amazing friends and family to share it with! So fun! I would volunteer to guest post for you - but I think I am too small of a blogger still! :) Happy Wednesday dear! xoxo

  4. You guys make a beautiful couple and your dress was awesome. Not many people could pull that sexy thing off (: Looks like a super fun day!

  5. You looked gorgeous!!
    I love the idea of all of this, now I have to go back and read the other 3 haha!

    xxx Jessica

  6. you are gorgeous!!!

  7. I love how original your day was! You look beautiful - glowing!

  8. I love reading these posts! Everything about your big day sounds amazing. I love big weddings and all but something simple yet so special is something I want one day.

  9. I love that your reception was day drinking, tanning, and pooling :) So perfect and relaxing! Thanks for sharing!

  10. Looks like it was so much fun! You don't always see "fun" come through in more traditional weddings and that's so important. I got married in Mexico and we had about 25 people come and it was a party all week! :-)

    Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

  11. So gorgeous! I love everything about your reception - perfect way to relax with your favorite people!

  12. Oh, how I know that feeling about wanting to shout it from the roof tops "i'm married" and not being able to tell anyone. Wink, wink. Our actual wedding day is still a deep dark secret. : )

  13. lloks like yall had a great time! what a fun wedding! especially since you did everything your way.

  14. You are stunning! All of these pictures are great!

  15. You were beautiful! Sounds like you guys had a great time! If you're still looking for a guest poster, I'd be more than happy to! Just email me:

  16. You looked so beautiful! I love how laid back everything seemed! And how funny that people thought they were going to an engagement party.

  17. I love that you eloped!! It looks like a great time!!

  18. stumbled onto your blog and just wanted to leave you a little blog luv! Def enjoyed this post!! LOVING these pics and your outfit was just way 2 CUTE!!!

  19. What a fun reception you had, you looked beautiful in your outfit that the hubbs picked out!!! Love it!!!
    Are you still looking for guest posts / bloggers??

  20. Oh my gosh, what an absolute blast!

  21. You looked amazing!! lol. Congrats!

  22. i super love your outfit and a pool party for a reception...perfection!

  23. I am IN LOVE with this. I love love love elopements. and thought about a suprise wedding / engagement party for about 3 weeks. I was too scurred to do it, props to you!!

  24. Wow, all these are superb photos! I am in love with these pictures. At domestic DC wedding venues I will also be having Pink wedding party. We have just hired a talented planner. She showed some breathtaking portfolios of weddings she has worked on.


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!