Thursday, March 29, 2012

Fried Pickles and Paul Mitchell

Not that I haven't enjoyed working extra with my lovelies and keeping busy, 
but think I am starting to get burnt out.
Two days off in three weeks just ain't cuttin' it.

So what's been occupying my time?
Well, obviously BLOGGING...

Walking the dog each morning and finding inspiration along the way.

 Making Fried Green Tomatoes FROM SCRATCH!
{The secret's in the sauce-marinade actually- I'll share soon}

And I finally went to Paul Mitchell to see my friend Chrisitn!

Don't worry-It was just a trim! 
I'll have to tell you all about the school- it was super fun!

At the moment, I don't have a voice.  I REALLY hope this is just allergies, and will be remedied for next week. Crossin' my fingers!


  1. My voice has been going away and coming back a lot lately. I've been thinking I'm getting a cold, but I'm not. Must be something in the air. I hope your not getting sick! Sounds like your keeping yourself busy. The fried green tomatoes look yummy!

  2. that fried green tomatoes look yum!

    i lost my voice too few months ago. as i hate chemical medicine then my friend gave me traditional remedy for the sore throat and voice-loss. turmeric and lemon. rasp the turmeric, crush the lemon and then mix them together. add a little water. it worked for me :)

    i hope you get your voice back soon

  3. Oh my gosh, I need a vacation NOW too! BAD. :( Hope you feel better soon!

  4. Those fried green tomatoes look amazing! I feel ya on the vacation - I feel the same way! :)

  5. i LOVE fried green tomatoes!!!

  6. Oh, how I adore fried green tomatoes.

  7. omg i have always wanted to try fried green tomatos!!! i bet they're dank!

    hope you voice starts feeling betta..i know that's no fun!

  8. I've never been a can of Fried Green Tomatoes, maybe one day. Hope your vacay comes soon!!!!

  9. hurry vacation hurry!! love that picture of the flag!


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