Friday, May 22, 2015

Some Highs And Some LOWS

In ONE week, I will be handing over my FRCSC Continuity Books, thumb drives, flyers, keys crap. Don't get me wrong, it's bitter sweet...but it's time for me to take a break. It may only be a two week break until I start a short Fort Rucker contract job {same as I did before, which I hope I will be able to finish before she comes}, but it's a break nonetheless. I probably should have told them no, but it's such a fun job and keeps my clearance active. Not too mention, that will be money we can blow on Charlie, which I know we will want to do when we have our sweet little new toy to play with. Speaking of which...

I've actually sold $400 smackers worth of useless goods {sorry beloved wakeboard, you weren't useless} even though I planned on selling $200 or so and quitting. I just keep finding things that I know I can get something out of so why quit. I mean, I will have to wrap it up soon because I need to get this house cleaned out before she comes, but I've offset almost half of what we've spent on her so far and most of that was second hand/thrifted. I seriously feel like I've been honing my thrifting skills for years to get me ready for this. Why buy new when you can find BRAND NEW stuff with tags still on for a quarter of the price? Winning!

However, it's not all peachy keen this week. There are swarms of termites hitting Pensacola, so we realized we needed to set up termite protection ASAP. I had no clue how to do that, so I called my sweet daddy and he broke the news that it wouldn't just be a normal pest control call. As in, if you've never set up termite service, be prepared to shell out up to $1,000 bucks up front. It's kind of like insurance so you only have to pay a couple hundred bucks a year after that, but dang I wasn't expecting that. At this point our rental savings fund is going into the house instead of the bank, but that's home ownership for ya. Will just keeps reminding me that this is a long term investment and we are still coming out on top.

I know that picture has nothing to do with this post, but a) Photobucket is acting up and b) it reminds me that life is too short to sweat the small stuff. Seriously, everyday is an adventure or at the very least can be a learning experience. I look at managing this property as a huge learning experience, so realistically all these little problems are just opportunities for me to find solutions. Now get out there and go have fun this weekend!

**Update: Our microwave also bit the dust this morning while almost catching fire, so I'm waiting for one more thing to go wrong now with the rule of three's. Wish us luck!


  1. I hate when surprise expenses like that pop up and there's really nothing you can do about that. At least you're protecting your house! XO

  2. I love thrift shopping but I never feel like I'm good at it. Probably just being lazy and not actually looking hard enough. I'm actually headed to visit my boyfriend in Pensacola next week are there any thrift shops you would recommend?

  3. How bitter sweet to turn in your book! You rocked that job, lady! And will rock the next one!

    Great job selling, you are amazing! Sorry about the termites, yucko!

    That picture is divine, <3 you!

  4. I've actually sold some of our stuff over the past few weeks & made a couple hundred dollars--I won't lie, it was pretty fun!
    Unexpected expenses like that really suck, but like Will said it's an investment.
    I hope you guys have a great weekend!

  5. I need your selling skills!

    Welcome to homeownership. Sometimes it sucks you dry but it's totally worth it!

  6. I have to say that the unexpected expenses is one thing I don't miss about owning a house. Makes me thankful that we sold our before we left El Paso.

  7. That's awesome that you made so much money on your stuff!! Mo money. Craigslist? E bay? just curious.

  8. Will is right - long term investment! It's good!

    Hopefully your third thing that goes wrong isn't a big one!

  9. Ugh, yeah! I remember when we got termite protection on our house. It definitely wasn't cheap. But it's worth it! My sister had a termite infestation at her house once and if she hadn't had coverage it would've cost her a fortune to fix the damage. Long term investment for sure!

    Also, you two. Adorbs. Always. :)


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