Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Dear Sweet, Wonderful Hubby

I have to admit that my hormones definitely showed up this weekend. I mentioned that I wouldn't mind going to 'town' to run some errands on Sunday and Will was fine with it, but come Dothan. I had it in my head that we should go early with things closing early on a Sunday, but he had planned to organize the garage first {for me, I should add} and when the day got away from us and we ended up spending zero time together my hormones came out to play. Luckily, I just got weepy and mainly got in my own way while Will was being so sweet and accommodating, but there was no denying what was going on.

Cue to this morning and on a surprise Tuesday off, he asked me on a day date to go to Dothan for lunch and baby shopping! It was a gorgeous day, he participated in the decision making but didn't complain when I got lost in the clearance racks, and I ended up with the afternoon off, so it even turned into watching movies, napping, putting together baby furniture, and to close out the day I even got to watch him play softball with the gang. I had had a to-do list a mile long, but I'm glad I just let spontaneity take over while we still have the chance. 

Dear Will,
Some people wish they had someone to cook and clean for, take care of, do laundry for, someone to laugh at their jokes that aren't always funny{I'm referring to my jokes because yours are always funny}, and I hope to never take that for granted. Thank you for being on a healthy kick which is helping me make the right choices, for wanting to be healthy to live longer for her, not noticing the big belly in between us when you 'check me out', and simply the patience you have with me including spending hours baby shopping. You have helped more with the nursery than you know, and this creative side I've seen coming out in your ideas for her has been truly sexy inspiring. You keep holding me when I'm emotional, and I'll do my best to be mindful of anymore hormone swings so I don't take it out on you. We haven't had much of a learning curve, but I think we are doing good. About a month left, and WE'VE GOT THIS.


  1. Gosh, he's a good one and I love how he gets you! Love your relationship :)! One month, oh my goodness <3

  2. Aren't men just amazing for putting up with mood swings. I occasionally find myself being ridiculous over something stupid and then am so grateful that my boyfriend still sticks around after I'm a crazy person haha

  3. Time is certainly flying by, little one will be here before you know it!

  4. You definitely do have this! You guys are going to be great parents! :) Love how patient and kind he is to you even during emotional times!

  5. So sweet! I act emotional like that too when my plans don't go the way I want them to--unfortunately, I have nothing to blame it on other than my Type A personality. hahaha.

    I cannot wait to follow along in your journey of parenthood! You guys are so great together, I know you will be amazing parents!

  6. I agree with Pamela - I just adore the two of you!

  7. I'm glad you made it to the game too! I need to get as much Janna time as I can before life gets hectic and chaotic again. It comes in rapid succession during flight school.


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