Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Top Secret Dates

I can't tell you where we were, I can't tell you what we were doing, but I can tell you that Friday was one of the coolest date nights of all time. I guess you could say it was a bring your wife to work type thing that we were allowed to do, but we aren't always allowed to post pictures when it involves sensitive training equipment and we'd rather be safe than sorry. I promised Will I wouldn't share the other pictures, but I had to share this one because he looks so dreamy.

Not that the rest of the weekend could top it, but it did shape up to be fun-filled. I went to my first Maternity and Baby Expo where we got tons of free stuff, asked a lot of questions, and even booked our Maternity/Newborn photographer. I had no idea that events like this go on, but boy am I glad they do. Although, let's not get into Group B Strep.

After that, I tried to rest for a bit because we were hitting the town for Loni's Birthday, and by town I mean that we drove all the way to Dothan. Loni and I have been friends since we moved to Fort Rucker and we started out as the only two girls in the group. We will forever be Mama Loni and Mama Janna, so I was super stoked to plan birthday festivities for her. Who doesn't want to get all dressed up, eat fine dining Italian {let me tell ya...Bella's was worth every penny}, and play with baby Quincy the newest member of our clan.

I don't know if I've mentioned this, but I basically go through my closet and wear whatever I can manage to fit in to get one more wear out of it before it gets packed away. I was a little apprehensive to wear the little blue number, but I must was pretty fun to wear. Will seemed to approve and when we got to the brewery it was funny to notice the comments as I walked by. Normally I would feel super uncomfortable about people being so vocal, but hey...when you've got a baby bump you flaunt it, and at least they were all along the lines of "I wish I looked like that pregnant." Music to a pregnant girl's ears.

Of course, everyone was hungover on Sunday {not I}, so we whipped up family breakfast and watched Disney movies all day. I may or may not have eaten four pieces of Red Velvet cake between Saturday and Sunday, but in my defense I cut small pieces and those just didn't cut it, which meant two more small pieces. Yep. I'm gonna round down to two pieces.

Now I need to save all my energy for this coming weekend. We've got an anniversary to celebrate and Will surprised me with tickets to Toadlick! I already know I'm going to need a break after two weeks of nonstop activities, but I guess I wanted to do as much as we could pre-baby and I got what I asked for. I think "Be careful what you wish for" applies here.


  1. Sounds like an awesome super secret date :)!

    You look great pregnant, lady! It looks so good one you. And Will looks so good holding a li one, le swoon ;)!

    Breakfast and Disney movies, sounds like perfection to me! <3 you!

  2. Oooh a top secret date sounds super fun! Glad you were able to experience it and had a good time!
    Loved seeing the pics of you guys over the weekend--you definitely look great, and I can only hope I look like you when I'm pregnant too! :)
    Eat the cake. It's ok :)

  3. aww oh so sweet! You look great in that dress!!

  4. how cute are you in that blue dress! so fun that you went on a secret date- how fun!! what an excellent weekend!

  5. You look so good! Did you test positive for group B? I did unfortunately when I was pregnant...just another thing to worry about.

  6. Your boy looks pretty comfy with that baby in his arms. I cannot wait to see what he's like when it's his. :)

    Mandie ~

  7. Hot momma!! And what an amazing weekend! I had no idea that a maternity expo existed... but I bet they do one in Phoenix! Totally googling it now because I love me some free crap, HA! Plus, I have no idea who to book for newborn photos so maybe that will help me find someone!

  8. Glad you took yourself and your baby bump + will out and had fun. I totally understand being self conscious when your stomach is larger than normal, but you really do look great! You flaunted it well. One of my closest friends who got pretty large wore a 2 piece bikini in her 8th month when we went to Vegas. She got some looks but she didn't care!!

  9. Lookin' good, mama! It sounds like you had a great weekend. A secret date? How cool!

  10. The idea of a secret date is awesome! :)

  11. Yay! Sounds like the date was so much fun!!! Secret dates are where it's at. ;-) Don't worry too much about the Group B Strep. I tested positive and all I had to have was some antibiotics during delivery and everything was fine.

  12. Glad you guys had fun on your super secret date! I bet it was super neat!

    Also, you look amazing in that blue dress!


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