Friday, April 17, 2015

A Little Of This And That

+ I tried Chick-fil-A's new Frosted Lemonade, and it was BANGIN'. It reminded me of Snow-To-Go, which I have been lusting over since we moved away from Virginia five years ago. {Brownie points if you've ever had Sno2Go} Don't worry, I didn't give sweet Scarlet any. I picked this uber adorable pup up from the vet for a friend, and I made sure she made it home safely.

+ I realized that I have 1.5 months until all of my commitments are finito! I'm so ready to be done with everything and just focus on CQB and Will. Hallelujah!

+ We had our first baby class, and the three hours flew by with more information than I could possibly process. Thank goodness we got to take home the book and there are two more classes. I think I was more disturbed than he was by the video of childbirth {hairy bush and all}, but it is my whooha that will be impacted by a basketball coming out of it. I'm scurred, y'all.

+ I'm finally starting to 'feel' this pregnancy. I'm now at 12 lbs. and starting to embrace the idea of her coming out. Up until this point I wanted her to stay in forever, but doesn't seem so bad to kick her out. I think Mother Nature knows that pregnancy has to get uncomfortable to mentally prepare us for the separation.

+ I've been putting off and putting off starting the crib set because I have been intimidated and I am no pro when it comes to sewing, but now that I've started I never want to stop! The crib skirt is now getting it's final touches and I feel so much more confident about taking on this project. Whoop Whoop, 1/3rd of the way through.

+ Last, but not least, here are the Maui Nachos I posted on Instagram! I stumbled upon them by accident because I had extra Pina Colada sauce from making Coconut shrimp, but boy was I ecstatic when I found the recipe. I adore anything coconut and Will adores all things nacho, so this was a match made in coconut heaven.

1 pork butt (2 lbs)
1 cup Coconut Water
Coconut Oil
Salt and Crushed Red Pepper
1 can pinto beans, drained and rinsed
1/2 lb colby jack cheese
3 Bell peppers (tri-color)
1/2 red onion, diced
Cilantro || Green Onions || Red Onion
Tortilla chips

Pina Colada Sauce
1 small can crushed pineapple
2/3 cup cream of coconut (found by the margarita mixes and alcohol, usually in a can)
1/3 cup sour cream

- Rub a boneless pork with Coconut Oil, Kosher Salt, crushed red pepper, and cook in a slow cooker for 8 hours on low, shredding the meat at the end.
- In a small bowl, mix together the cream of coconut, pineapple, and sour cream. set aside.
- Heat a large skillet to medium heat with a swirl of coconut oil, and add the peppers, onions and saute 3 minutes, then add the pinto beans to heat through.
- Line the chips up on a parchment or foil lined baking sheet.
- Place a little of the cooked pork in each chip, topped by beans, pina colada sauce, cheese and peppers. place in a preheated oven (400) for 8-10 minutes or until the cheese is gooey. Drizzle with the decadent Pina Colada sauce and try not to eat the whole pan at once ;)

We used big ol' pork chops because we were on sale that day and we only had 4 hours to cook, but Will threw them in the crockpot with some Coconut water and they turned out really well, too. Feel free to play with the recipe and make it your own.


  1. Love the fabric you're using for the crib set! My mom has told me about when they went to their childbirth class and the eye opening info they got. The info she shared has stuck with me for a LONG time lol (they gave them all circular nametags and said "see those nametags? Thats how big the opening for the baby will be." Insert a ton of open mouths haha)
    That frozen lemonade sounds delicious! Have a great weekend friend!

  2. Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm, I'm skipping to the end because oh my goodness those nachos. I've been eating SOOO well since finishing Whole30 [minus my bday, because duh smores cake] but for whatever reason NACHOS sound amazing. I'm sure I'll get super sick if I eat them, so I've tried to stay away. Yours look worth it though ;)!

    A basketball...outofthehoohah...yeah not ready for that yet. You will rock it out, though!

    Can't wait to see the crib stuff, you are oh so talented! I know she still needs more time to cook, but I can't wait to meet lil CQB. Maybe a Bama trip will be in the works ;)! <3 you dear friend!

  3. I might have to try that frosted lemonade.

    I can't wait to see the crib skirt. You go girl! Sewing and all. That's great!

  4. the frosted lemonade is SO good!
    Can't believe you're sewing- so so impressed!

  5. Those childbirthing classes are the worst in my opinion, haha. If y'all are choosing to have a medicated labor and delivery, I promise you will be 100% kosher!!!! I know it's hard to imagine when they are telling you things like "think about sucking a watermelon through a straw" but tis true our bodies are amazing and the way they move, squish and open for a child to be delivered is none other than miraculous.

  6. Oh holy cow that frosted lemonade looks amazing! I must try it.

  7. I am going to need to go to chick fil a immediately now. That looks delicious. And that sauce for your nachos sounds amazing. I'll have to try it out.

  8. I seriously cannot wait to see what you do with her nursery! Also - I'm counting down to the end of my commitments too. Or I was until yesterday, when the incoming spouse club president talked me into being the community expo chair. An event that happens one day before Rob finishes his WOBC and we PCS. Insanity.

  9. Your nachos look awesome! I love cooking with that coconut oil. Makes everything taste better.

  10. I wasn't scared of labor / having a baby until the childbirth classes... HELLO information overload! I seriously got into the car after my class and cried.
    By the time I went into labor though, I was just SO ready to get that baby out of me that I was in full labor mode. Ha, ha. No fear, all business! (Then, after 10 hours, I ended up having to get an emergency C-section, so freaked out about pushing for nothing. Ha, ha). AT the end of the day, every labor story is so different, but we women were built tough! You'll do great!!! :) Seriously, you've got this!

  11. So cool that you are making the crib sheets yourself. Of course you are you crafty lady! I don't even know how to use a sewing machine. Basketball out the hoo-ha. That imagery is just no but apparently women do it every day so you will be just fine!!

  12. Those nachos look great! And I love the fabric you chose for the crib set! Can't wait to see it all finished up!

  13. Holy mackeral (do people still say that?) those nachos look AMAZING! I need them ASAP! Thanks for sharing the recipe :) Man, I miss Chik-Fil-A! Of course, none of that goodness in Hawaii :(

  14. I am for sure getting one of those the next time I go to Chick Fil A!!

  15. Dude, it IS scary to think about a baby comin' out... it's no wonder we are pregnant for basically 10 months (I was, thanks to Mia who didn't come out until we kicked her out!) because at that point? You're willing to do whatever it takes to get that baby in your arms, ha ha! I just didn't watch when they offered to pull up a mirror, I did NOT want to see that!
    Those nachos... I can't even handle how amazing they sound. Definitely have to try them asap!

  16. They did away with birthing classes here. They said you had to go on-line to do them. I never did so I didn't know what was coming when it actually did. Not going to lie, probably best for me, I might have freaked out otherwise...haha :) And come 39 weeks, you'll be miserable (anyway I was as are most people) and you're okay with her coming out :) You'll do great!


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!