Monday, November 17, 2014

My Three Favorite Words

If you've ever been or ever will be around Will and I, you will probably hear us say 'I love you' ten-fifteen an hour. Well maybe not that many, but we do say it quite often and in spite of people claiming that it cheapens the meaning by overusing it.


The trick is that each time you say it, you have to truly love the intended more than the last time you said it. For me that's easy, because every day I wake up and am surprised to find my heart harboring more love than it did they day before. I know it sounds like a fairy tale, but after four and a half years of  marriage I'm starting to believe that fairy tales are real. With love, compassion, and humility anything is possible.

We also use it as a sort of love language. Sometimes we say I love you at the end of a conversation, with a question mark at the end to ask if everything's okay, definitely before we go to bed, and most importantly...when we are in a fight. Those three little words really are the most powerful in any language and can reduce a fight to nothing in the blink of an eye. I guess you could say it is an implement for peace in a world full of sticks and stones.

"Be a best friend, tell the truth, and overuse I love you." Tell your family, your friends, tell a stranger by simply sharing a smile. Just believe that it is impossible to overuse I love you as long as you mean it, and in case no one tells you today...I love YOU! Mean it ;)


  1. "I LOVE YOU" is my favorite phrase! Great post, as usual friend! xoxo

  2. Love this post and everything it's about! Yes! :)

  3. People tell me all the time if I don't get tired of saying I LOVE YOU all the time. I tell my husband, my family and my bff everyday at all times. I feel as if anything happens to one of them or me they know how much I loved them. Love your post.

  4. definitely the best three words out there! such a great reminder!!

  5. Awww, aren't you two the cutest?!?!

    You really cannot overuse those words & I wish that I said them more than I do...actually, I think that I'm gonna send a text right now to some folks. :)

    Mandie ~

  6. I LOVE this post! I'm glad to know i'm not the only one who has convinced myself that I am living a fairytale. With a few glitches of course (thanks Corps), but it's still all fairy tale-y nonetheless! You guys remind me so much of Brendon and I, I just love it! Happy for you sweet lady! LOVE you!

  7. That's one of my favorites - be a best friend, tell the truth, & overuse I love you.

  8. Great post! I don't think saying it often cheapens it at all!

  9. Oh I just love the song you quoted at the end of your post! This is so sweet :) John and I say I love you a lot too.

  10. You can never tell the one you love. that you love them to many times. The hubbs and I area always expressing our love and I love him for how he is and always tells me!!!!

  11. YES. I love telling people I love them. Makes people feel special. And my husband hears it a lot too.

  12. It's something I need to start saying more.

  13. I'm with you. I think as long as you mean it, you can't overuse it.

  14. i don't think you can overuse those words either. i think it's important to say it even when you're upset. it's important to know that something is wrong, yet you still love that person. just because you may have gotten into a fight or disagreement, it doesn't mean that you no longer love them... :)

  15. Love this... and you! I can't believe that people think that it cheapens the phrase the more you use it.... at least when it's with your spouse?! Craziness! Eric and I say it alllllll the time to each other and I love that Mia will think that's the norm! We also tell her a billion times each day how much we love her. It's the best little reminder and keeps us fighting for each other!

  16. I have to agree with you that you cannot overuse that phrase. My husband unfortunately does not agree. :( But I think it's important to let those you love know you love them, not only with actions but with words too. Too often we can hurt each other with words, but hearing someone say I love you and mean it can heal almost any wound.

  17. I love that song! I have those lyrics printed out in our house. :) I definitely agree!

  18. You can never tell someone I love you too much!


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