Friday, November 14, 2014

Holiday Bucket List

+ Put up a REAL tree. We don't need it to be all Rockefeller Center up in here, but we've never had a real, honest to goodness tree. 

+ Decorate the exterior with lights, which would be another first for us. It may happen this weekend, but it's pretty frigid these days. I'll just have to ply Will with lots of spirits.

+ Make it through our Annual FRCSC Hollyday Bazaar. I mean, it's going to be Ah-Mazing, but considering I'm in charge of publicity, I'll be happy when it's over and I know I didn't fail. Hope, hope I didn't fail. I'm doing the best I can, but a month is not enough time to promote one of the biggest Bazaars in this area.

+ Visit the local Holiday Spectacular Park.

+ Christmas movies until my eyeballs fall out. My faves:
Miracle On 34th Street
Love Actually
One Magic Christmas
The family Stone
It's a Wonderful Life
...And every other sappy, lovey dovey, holiday movie there is.

Most Importantly...We want to soak in every joyous moment with friends and family. Our time here is going to be over before we know it, and we most definitely won't be here for the holidays next year, so it's time to party like it's our last holiday season ever.


  1. What a great holiday bucket list! We have a fake tree that John wants to put up, but I think I want to go out and get a real tree this year. Now he is trying to figure out why we even bought the fake tree ha ha! You are going to do a great job promoting the holiday bazaar!!

  2. Looks like a wonderful and amazing holiday season list! Can't wait to see your tree and I know you are going to rock out the publicity for the Bazaar!


  3. I love a good to-do list...and when it's in the form of a Bucket List, that's much more fun! I hope you guys check off each and every item on your list :)

  4. Great list! I, too, have never had a real tree. The idea sounds fun, but the mess afterwards sounds the opposite ;).

    You are going to do amazing at your bazaar- no questions asked!!! :) Have a great weekend!

  5. I'm sure the bazaar is going to turn out amazing!

  6. We always do a real tree but I'm leaning towards getting a fake one on clearance this year for next year. I feel like we always procrastinate on the tree and if it were just sitting in our closet instead of us having to pick it up then we might not. The tree smell is so nice though!! You will love it.

  7. Excellent bucket list, lady. You did, however, forget one important Christmas movie to watch: National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. My favorite. :)

    Mandie ~

  8. Just reading your list made me extra excited for the holidays!!! :)
    For me, Christmas will be a little different this year, as our first baby is due in two weeks. So I'll be stuck home a whole lot more. That being said, I'm still determined to enjoy my holiday season! And now, I just realized that I should create my own Christmas to-do list so that I have a good list of things that I can STILL enjoy, even with a new baby!! :)
    Thank you for the inspiration!

  9. You already made a christmas bucket list?? We are moving Dec 5, so I think I'm going to have a hard time getting in the christmas spirit until we are settled down, but I'm so excited! I'm sure your going to do great at promoting the bazaar!

  10. So bummed that bazaar is happening before we get there for a few days. There is nothing great here local. Great list though!!

  11. Great Holiday Bucket list!!! I still can't believe the holidays are like so close!!!

  12. I'm listening to Christmas music and am getting excited for all the upcoming festivities :)

  13. Real trees can be a passion in the ass, but they're so worth it! I went back to fake this year. I get to put it up earlier :)

  14. We've never put up a real tree either. You'll have to let us know how that goes!


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