Monday, October 20, 2014

Just Like Riding A Bike

It is true that you can never forget how to ride a bike, however, it isn't near as easy as when you were young, energetic, and fearless. If anyone tells you different...they're liars.

I've been wanting a bike for awhile now, so when my dad offered me one I jumped at the chance. Since I had a bike, that meant we needed one for Will too, and two weeks later we had two bikes for a total cost of $25 bucks. You know how we roll. We are ready to hit the trails, bike around town, and more importantly...we can now go hang out with our friends and I won't have to DD! Just kidding, I still probably won't drink, but it's nice to have the option.

But just so you know, the first day on that bike KILLED my ass...literally. We went about ten miles, and it was aaaaall hills. I expected a lovely afternoon ride, indicated by my casual outfit, and instead I was huffin' and puffin' trying to keep my hat on. In spite of that, we laughed as we walked up a few of the steep ones, edited our route when we needed to, and really enjoyed the smoothies we picked up along the way.

I now think everyone should have a bike!


  1. Haha. When my mom gave me her bike I made sure to get one for my boyfriend too! Sadly, we haven't ridden them as often as I'd like.

  2. Ugh, the first time out bike riding after a hiatus is killer on the hiney! Glad y'all had fun!

  3. That sounds like so much fun! Maybe we should buy bikes.

  4. I bike when I am in FL visiting my father. I love it!

  5. bikes are seriously my fave mode of transportation! you're a natural!

  6. We've been wanting bikes to bad! I haven't ridden one since I was younger though, so I would prob be wobbling all over the place!! ha!

  7. Ahhhh! You guys are too cute.

  8. I got on a bike again for the first time a few months ago and loved it!! It made me want my own too. MJ has two I think I should have at least one!!

  9. I went bike riding for the first time in a LONG time over the summer. I felt the same as you. Loved it!

  10. Aw jealous but $25 is a steal! Looks like it was a gorgeous day to go riding!

  11. I miss having a bike but there is no where to store it in NYC!

    xx Kelly
    Sparkles and Shoes

  12. I TOTALLY want a bike now! How fun! And girl, you're gonna feel bruised for a few days! But it's worth it to break that baby in (or break your hiney in, whatever it takes!)

  13. I love biking! But I had the same problem the first time I picked up riding a bike after a long hiatus. I was SO sore, haha! But it's so much fun! :)

  14. Love it! I want a bike so badly.. maybe soon, so I can add something for the little missy.

  15. Ive been itching for one as well for a long time, it'd be a great alternative for working out as well. Just cant find one I can commit to lol.

  16. So jealous of that gorgeous weather! Bikes are such a killer ass workout!! Literally and figuratively ;) PS you look great my dear! Love that big 'ole smile :D

  17. Very cool We've been wanting to get bikes too.

  18. I need to buy a bike too! Been saying that for too long. :)

    PS- I nominated you for a blogger award. Check out my page to see it :)


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