Friday, October 24, 2014

It's A Spider...It's A Dog...It's A Spider Dog!

Oh hey! Missed y'all on Wednesday. We are in full planning mode for our group birthday party Saturday, and I've been working from morning until the wee hours of the night for a week. Nothing new I guess, but it doesn't feel like work at all because the haunted house is turning out sick!! 250 feet of pure awesomeness, and we haven't even started the decorating process.

One of my favorite projects was creating Weiser's costume, and I just can't wait to share it! It turned out awesome, and it only took to tries to get it on him:

Not the best iPhone video quality, but you get the picture.

I get to pick Buck {Colorado Springs BFF} up from the airport tomorrow, and he's staying until we head to Jacksonville next weekend where my BFF Dani is meeting us. I can't believe they are both flying across the country for me, but it makes me feel super special! To be honest, I usually milk the whole month because Will always misses my birthday, but with us being so busy I haven't gotten any special treatment. Hhhhrrrrmmmppphhhhh, haha. He's lucky that having him here is the best gift I could ever get.

But for's party time!!!


  1. That video on facebook was amazing and love it here!

    Have so much fun with your friends! Wish I could join you! I'll be cheersing you, love you!

  2. I died at the video on facebook. How cute! I just want to cuddle him, what a good sport.

  3. oh my gosh! That totally reminds me of some video that I saw on FB. This guy sends his 'spider dog' into random places like an elevator or a parking garage and people freak out because the dog looks like an alien invasion. People were running and screaming. It was hilarious. Anyway. Good costume!!

  4. I love his costume! Too cute!

  5. Have fun this weekend! Loving the dogs costume. :)

  6. Have a fabulous Haunted Celebration, cant wait to hear all about it!!


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