Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Happy Birthday Month To Me!

I typically hate my birthday, and before you go there- it's not because I don't like getting older. Simply put...the extra attention makes me feel super-dee-duper awkward. I'm not saying I don't like the attention, I just feel so awkward that I don't know how to have fun. Well, that was until my amazing husband came in to my life. Ever since, birthdays have been soooo much more special, and that's saying something considering he's usually off playing soldier when it rolls around. Not this year, though! He is stuck with me ;)

There is one more element that will make this year extra special, and that's the fact that two of our best friends will be celebrating their birthdays in the same week. That means I get to happily share the limelight, and plan 'OUR' birthdays. I HATE planning my own, but I have no qualms about planning a party {or lets be real...part-IES} for all three of us.

As such, I am informing everyone {including Will} that I don't want presents for my birthday...just scary Halloween decor, booze, gift cards, and/or other forms of dinero, because I have a party to plan! I just have to keep reminding myself not to go too crazy...this needs to be F-U-N and not give me an aneurysm. Oh, who am I kidding? We all know I'll go crazy. Twenty-eight years on this Earth has at least taught me that.

Sidenote: Cookie cakes, Carrot cakes, Chocolate covered strawberries, and other delectables do not count as gifts, and will be accepted. Please and thank you.


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MONTH!!!! So glad you get to share it with friends, that makes is so fun and special! Can't wait to see your costume :)!

  2. Happy Birthday month! I'm not a huge fan of birthdays, neither is Kyle lol. I guess it works out for both of us.

  3. Happy birthday month to you! All of the attention can definitely be awkward but hey, at least some presents and cake comes with it. LOL!

  4. I don't like getting older- never have, never will! lol! but i do like celebrating!! happy b-day month!

  5. Christopher is like that! He doesn't mind getting older, but he hates all the attention. So usually we just plan a party at our house and other than the fact that there's cake - it's just like every other party at our house. ;) No singing happy birthday, no candles, no gifts, etc. However, when it's family time - there's no escaping all of that. Both our families like to celebrate and make a HUGE deal out of the birthday person. He handles it much better with family than with friends, though. :) Aaaanyway, I'm glad you have friends to plan birthdays with this year! That will definitely be fun! :)

  6. Happy Birthday Month, pretty lady! :)

    Mandie ~

  7. I pass the birthday month torch to you! ;) Last Friday was my birthday! Glad you get to have your hubby with you!!

  8. I can't wait! Happy Birthday lady :)

  9. Yay for birthdays! And I totally agree, food does not count as gifts!

    xx Kelly
    Sparkles and Shoes

  10. Yay for birthday months! I am glad that you have such amazing people who make it special for you.


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