Monday, September 29, 2014

Mustard and Plum

I know everyone has been all "Pumpkin spice this, and apple cider that...", but somehow Fall still snuck up on me. Other than a 10 degree difference during the twilight hours, it's a far cry from the beautiful Colorado change of season that I'll always miss.

However...I am not complaining that I got to kick off the first day of fall in a sleeveless top, while some states have already gotten snow. I think it will be some time before I actually miss the snow. Maybe by the time a sweltering Southern Christmas shows up, I'll be retracting that.

It's funny, I found that top in an antique market and my dad looked at me like I was crazy when I just had to have it. Little did he know, I would get compliments on it all day! I think Mustard really is an amazing, versatile color, and I have a feeling you will be seeing a lot of it from me.

What are your go-to colors for fall? Would you rock mustard?

Happy Fall!


  1. I absolutely love those colors paired together on you!! Good call on buying the top!

  2. I agree that mustard is an amazing color, it just takes a special person to be able to pull it off. I love the top and the pants together, great combo!

  3. i wish we had fall season over here

  4. Great outfit! I adore mustard and am always hunting for the perfect mustard sweater.

  5. Cute outfit girl, and pretty pictures! It is that weird transition time of fall right now... I'm anxiously awaiting cooler temps so that I can wear my boots, but I'm also enjoying the jeans and the tank top phase still! :)

  6. I love your outfit! It's really cute!

  7. Oh gosh, this will def be a different kind of Fall for you this year! Ya look cute!

  8. I agree with the mustard color love. The weather is crazy- it was in the 80s this weekend but chilly again today.

  9. Cute outfit! Navy blue is my go to.

  10. I know what you mean, I've hardly noticed that it's been fall around here! It's been nice, but I do miss seeing the leaves turn colors and the cooler weather.

    Love & Aloha (formerly Honor, Courage, Commitment)

  11. Just catching up on your last several posts! Congrats on the volunteer of the month- that is wonderful! It is also so nice that you have been able to make it home for so many events since you moved back south. I am sure your family loves it too. And as for the cars? I'm with you! My husband and I bought a used Truck and a yukon when we were first married (8 years ago) and have zero intentions of buying anything new until one of them becomes undrivable. I'd rather say the car payment for fun things!

  12. I can't decide if Im ready and excited abut fall or not. Either way the cooler temps have been nice for my runs and walks with the pups so that's been nice.
    Love the top it looks great on you!!!!

  13. I love this color combo!! I feel the same way, I am still trying to hold on to summer!

  14. I like that color combo! I totally have a mustard shirt that I rock this time of year! :)

  15. Cute top!!!! I don't think I have fall colors. Living in Florida I think I can get away with wearing my spring/summer colors until it gets cold here. :)

  16. I LOVE that color combination! I don't think I would have thought of it, but I might have to try it!

  17. That top looks amazing on you! Unfortunately yellows/mustards wash me out really bad.


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