Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Some Type Of Way

Watching  'Everybody's Fine' and it just got to the part where Robert DeNiro calls home to hear his wife's voice on the voicemail. It made me realize that I don't have any voicemails from Will saved on my new phone, and  I turned into a blubbering baby.  When he returns, I'm going to need a sappy voicemail pronto. #milspouseprobs

Listening  to the little voices in my head. {Never a good thing}

Feeling  Some type of way. Definition - A phrase meaning one is unable to express the complexity of the emotion at the moment. Can be used seriously or in jest. I blame it on Will being gone. I can function just fine without him, but he's my best friend, confidante, coach, entertainment, and lover. It's a good thing that I've already made friends here.

Wanting  to go to the beach so bad. It being Thursday and all, here are a few pictures with my bestest doing what we do best. Which is not just playing with random island children...

Eating  a mostly Alkaline Eating Plan. Notice I say 'Eating Plan' and not 'Diet'. This is for the purpose of digestive health, not weight loss. I need more fruit and veggies in my life anyways.

Drinking  coffee with almond milk and honey. I'm trying to cut back or cut out fake sugar, and ditching it from my coffee will be huge. Tomorrow, I'll be trying to forgo sweetener altogether.

Needing  Answers. My face issue seems to be doing better, but that's because I've changed my skin regimen, stayed out of the sun, stopped working out, and completely changed my diet. Yep, it's as awful as it sounds, and now I have to figure out which of those things causes the reaction. I did blood work last Thursday to test for food allergies, and in the mean time, it's trial and error. You were all so kind saying that I looked good in the pictures the last time I talked about it, but that was a good day. If I showed you pictures of the full blown 'reaction', you would know I wasn't over exaggerating. At least I'm mentally handling it better the last two weeks. I even had a swollen chin from pms hormones, and I didn't bat an eye.

Trying  new products, while simplifying my skincare regimen. It would be nice to be able to wear make up, but at this point, I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to wear make up again. I've never liked wearing foundation, so now I feel like if I start, I'll never be able to go without it. It's a vicious cycle. Does anyone have a natural/organic/non-comedogenic/oil-less lotion that they use? I've loved Clinique's Moisturizing Gel for years, but I'm trying to get away from the chemicals. We eat chemicals, drink chemicals, put chemicals on our face, and then wonder why we have all these problems we've never had in the past. Great job, FDA.

Desiring  My delicious husband. D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S.

Thinking  about my to-do list of things I want to do while Will is gone that keeps growing...

Stain furniture                                                                                        Decide on a new coffee table
Backup pictures on my external hard drive                                  Patch Will's shorts
Take donations to the church                                                              List clothes to sell
Apply for Sub Ceritfication                                                             Plan Dustin coming in town

I may not have big plans for the fourth this year, but we plan to fully enjoy our time after SERE and show Dustin a good time. He's one of our very best friends and I haven't seen him in FOUR years. I'm going to squeeze the shit out of our hilarious, wonderfully handsome, and larger than life amigo. Only three weeks!

Everyone PLEASE be safe for the Fourth. My cousin was killed by a drunk driver walking home from the fireworks a few years ago. Don't drink and drive, don't be a passenger if someone is drinking, and watch out for other vehicles. Too many people have been affected by this in my life lately, so don't add to my list. Okay, off my mom box. It's not my fault, my 'child' is gone. Just have a good Independence Day, and don't forget the meaning!


  1. To do lists never end! And I am glad I am not the only one with little voices in my head! Lol

  2. oh i am so sorry your skin is still giving you trouble! that is so unfortunate. i am feeling some type of way myself!

  3. I'm hoping to cross a lot off my To Do list this weekend, between the rain and the low keyness of this year's Fourth for us, it seems like a good time!

    I'm sorry you're still having issues with your skin. I hope the trial and error is speedy and you get to the bottom of it.

    Some type of way...I like it.

    Have a great weekend!

  4. Hoping it gets easier for you (altho I know in reality it never does) with Will being gone. Good friends and activities are always a good distraction. And to-do lists. Mine seem never ending lately!
    Have a happy 4th lady!!

  5. I'm sorry your cousin was killed. That's so sad. I hope you have a fun, safe 4th!

    I'm sorry your skin keeps acting up, hopefully that blood tests you had done will be able to tell you SOMETHING! Sounds like you're doing everything you can to get it under control on your own.

    And hopefully you're able to tackle that growing to do list! Sounds like it will keep you busy while Will is gone.

  6. I hope you have a great 4th of July!! :)

  7. I couldnt imagine, I hope things get easier for you and times with friends and family brightens your day :)

  8. I am hoping to tackle my to-do list as well. With the Hurricane supposedly coming it will be a relaxed long weekend. Hope the skin issues get figured out soon.

  9. Preach, girl! No drinking and driving!! I am with you there!

    Your beach pics make me want to go to the beach too and I just got back this week, haha! It's just such a wonderful place to be. :)

    And hey, I hope the skin issues get worked out soon! I know it must be frustrating not to have answers!

  10. I could NEVER forget it's meaning - we are safe in the U.S. because brave men like your husband stand guard for us, risking their lives day in and day out. I am eternally grateful!

    I hope things with your skin/reactions improve asap! It is wonderful that you have altered your eating habits though. I wish I could be of more help.

    Have a wonderful 4th Janna xo

  11. Happy July 4th!! :)

  12. Hey, I hope you enjoyed the 4th. Being British we obviously don't celebrate but I can empathise with how you're feeling. I was a military wife, I say was as although he survived deployment he was terribly affected by PTSD and he is no longer with us. I understand the voicemail and things to do while they are away. I don't think you ever really get used to it. My partner now is always away aswell. Although very different reasons, he is an F1 racing engineer but we have limited time together - I must be a sucker for absence! Hang in there and I hope you find out soon what's affecting your skin. Love an hugs x

  13. Glad your skin is doing better; but it's complicated that all those changes happened at once so now you don't know what the culprit is!! The Honest Company has tons of natural stuff. That's what I hear anyway. It's Jessica Alba's company.

  14. Okay, I might have missed the original post about your skin...are you swelling or breaking out? if it's acne related, shoot me an email...I might be able to give you some tips!! Hoping things get better soon!

  15. The Hippy Homemaker on Etsy has all kinds of natural stuff!


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!