Monday, June 30, 2014

Marauder Run

Sunday, we packed the last of Will's gear, watched the last bit of the World Cup that he will be able to see, and took him for a seemingly needless haircut. I tried not to stare awkwardly, but I didn't want to take my eyes off of him before I left him to be 'taken'. I just did what any normal person would do, I took a picture 'cause it lasts longer. I'll most certainly miss that face for the next three weeks, and I won't even be able to text him to tell him.

Army Law, much like Murphy's Law, dictates that the dog is never going to get better, I'll get sick, the truck will break down, and anything else that can go wrong, will. I am simply going to have to live in a bubble, because I CAN'T chance getting into an accident or something where they call him out of training. It's a really good thing that this is only three weeks.

But let's not end things on a negative note. Will did a Tough Mudder on Saturday, and I got the pictures at just the right time to lift my spirits. Allow me to introduce you to Team Purple Rain, the team that in spite of their shenanigans, beat the competition time. Oh, and they did the run in 10 miles of running, mud, and obstacles in a three hour period. Whodoesthat? Someone should have told them that training hadn't started yet.

If those pictures don't spice up your Monday, then I don't know what will.
You are welcome, blog are welcome.


  1. Its sounds like it will be 3 weeks of torture for both of you... Hang in there girlie! PS Love their little name choice ha what made them choose that? & it looks like the boys had fun!

  2. wow,,
    3 weeks of that? hang in there, we're here for you :)
    and yes! thank you for the photos of purple gank. i smell that they're up to no good

  3. i can't even imaging doing that for a day let alone for 3 weeks! i will be thinking of you guys!

  4. A friend of ours just went through SERE and said it was great but challenging.

  5. Three weeks - eeek! I hope that it goes quick for the both of you! However, I would like to thank you for the pics, what a bunch of hotties (don't tell my hubby - ha!). Have a good one! Hugs!

  6. Prayers for both of you and nice pics! I needed those this Monday.

  7. that sounds terrible! i hope the three weeks go back quickly somehow. and that race sounds crazy!

  8. as if you didn't already know, your husband is awesome, nuts but awesome :) heres to a very quick three weeks!

  9. Wow how intense! Find a few good shows to marathon and the time will fly? Love the Purple Rain pictures!

  10. Ugh, SERE! My poor husband went...and was sent home with a day and a half left...because of the government shut down. Now, he will be returning in about a month to do it allllll over again :( Poor guys. I know I couldn't do that training

  11. OMG those pictures are priceless. What a bunch of goofballs, and i mean that in the best way possible. Bubble it up girl, you can make it for three weeks. You are a tough one.

  12. My nephew did SERE training. He's a navy fighter pilot and because he's a high risk if his plane goes down he had to complete it! He couldn't talk much about it but said it messes with your head!

  13. haha thanks for those spicy photos, shh don't tell my husband

  14. Holy crud.. schools, schools, schools in your neck of the woods. I hope the 3 weeks flies by un-Murphied. Until then, those pictures are hilarious!

  15. they did it twice??? dang! wishing the best of luck to him and hope the three weeks fly for you both! hugs.

  16. Great photos!
    The three weeks will fly by! Just shoot me an e-mail we can "pass the time" chatting.

  17. I was wondering what that water pic of Will was when I saw it on Facebook. Hilarious! He has such a good sense of humor!

  18. Awww, three weeks is a long time to be away from your guy. I hope that time goes by really quickly for you!!

  19. Hahah you are hilarious, and these are definitely "spice up your Monday" worthy pictures.


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