Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Sometimes You Feel Like A Nut...

Do you ever just not feel yourself? I'm pretty sure my problem has to do with new birth control I was on, but dang, I feel like I'm on a roller coaster. I'm feeling delusional, I've been on the verge of sickness for a week, and I have no appetite. Normally, I would be happy without any cravings, but instead, I'm eating crap food because it's all I feel I want to get down. I obviously stopped taking it now that I think it's the problem, but sheesh. Why can't they just make medicine without side effects? It's a racket, I tell ya. At least I think I've kept it together pretty well considering...I just remind myself that this is chemically induced and NOT the real me.

Allow me to vent, if you will...

+ I feel like crud after falling off the healthy wagon, but it's still pretty delish. At least my go to fast foods aren't really that bad...Chik-Fil-A is practically health food and the gyros I'm addicted to fall into the 'Mediterranean' diet category. If they are wrong, then I don't want to be right.

+ I love braiding my hair because it feels like cheating. I love the way they look, but they are so easy. I finally found a side braid that I like, so I'm pretty much going to wear it out of style.

+ We swore we wouldn't ever have Direct TV, USAA, buy the new Xbox One for full price, or cheat on Costco with Sam's Club, and yet now we have committed all of these indiscretions in a two month span. I feel dirty.

+ I spent $90 on Tupperware, and I don't even feel bad about it. In my defense, I got most of it B1G1, and I'm pretty excited about the Fridge Smart Containers. I can't stand throwing away produce, so hopefully these will help with that and save me a few trips to the store.

+ I don't have a conclusion today, I just hope that this medicine gets out of my system quickly, and I hope that it really is the issue. I just want to be normal again. I like normal.

You can't expect to be old & wise if you were never young & crazy. author unknown, probably crazy.

Linking up with Kathy!


  1. Sorry to hear that your birth control was making you wonky, mine did that to me and I was an emotional mess. Hope it's out of your system soon!
    Great buy on the tupperware!
    Maybe it'll cheer you up that I nominated your for the Liebster Award :)

  2. Love that braid! And super jealous of the tupperware. P.S. I am a fan of Directv. And USAA.. and we totally cheated on Costco with Sam's too.. except now we don't belong to either.

  3. Glad you figured out what was making you feel off!
    Love your side braid--suuuuper cute!! :)

  4. i was just talking to a friend about BC..and how awful it made me feel! for some reason, i felt greasy and hairy and i just couldn't shake it so i stopped taking them. hope it stabilizes for you soon!

    thanks for linking up.

    Vodka and Soda

  5. UGH BC hormones are ridiculously annoying! Glad you know what the issue is though.

    Your hair looks fabulous, as always!!! And that tupperware, love it!

  6. Ugh I hate birth control and hormones in general. I wish I could get my hair to stay braided like that.

  7. Direct TV, USAA, and Sam's Club are all awesome. We have a Costco membership but never go. We basically only go to Sam's Club.

    Man, now that you mentioned Chic-fil-a... I want some now!

  8. I was on an insane birth control about 15 years ago and it screwed with me badly. I feel you!

    I love Tupperware. And it truly lasts forever.

    That side braid looks awesome on you.

  9. Your side braid looks so great! Mine never are that thick so I'm pretty jealous. That's awful about the BC meds! Feel better soon!

  10. i adore your hair like this! you look beautiful! and yeah chik-fil-a is def health food!

  11. First of all, I love the 'do. So cute as are you.

    Secondly, I LOVE Tupperware so I don't blame you ONE bit for spending some dough on those goodies. :)

  12. I know it is easy for most, but I can not figure out how to do those braids without looking ridiculous. So awkward at doing hair.

  13. I love the braid! I can never figure out to execute them quite right but I would wear it all the time if I could get mine to look so good!

  14. I love your braid, I still don't know how to braid my hair I need to figure this out! lol

  15. The braid looks lovely in your hair! Also I love tupperware and I dont regret when I spend money on it!

  16. Your hair looks great like that!

  17. Those dang hormones get you every time! From going OFF birth control... to being preggo within the last year, I feel your pain. They can totally throw EVERYTHING off whack! Hopefully everything gets back in order soon!

  18. I married into Direct TV and why would you not want USAA? They are awesome. Lucky for me I married into that one too. Hope you start feeling like yourself again. I LOVE the braid. I should do that instead of my daily plain jane style.

  19. I hope you get to feeling better! I think that's why I steer clear of birth control... all the horror stories scare me.

  20. I am so jealous you can do that pretty braid to your hair! I can't do anything to mine!

  21. I haven't been able to do birth control because after 5 brands I gave up, it made me rage when i was on it and made cramps worse. Hate it. Love the braid, I need to learn to do them. I can French braid but not side braid.

  22. I can't lay off the desserts lately. It's rough. I get it. Cute braid by the way..

  23. Oh girl... I'm so sorry! It's definitely gotta be the BC. That stuff can do crazy things (it didn't affect me until I stopped using it, and yikes! That was a bad experience!)
    I've never had a gyro but now I realllllly want to try one thanks to you!

  24. It took so long for me to find a birth control that didn't mess with me.
    I was against Directv but my husband insisted :/ We don't have a Costco nearby but I definitely prefer it. Sadly we have Sam's just right down the road from our house so we have a membership there.
    We have USAA and LOVE LOVE LOVE them. They were AMAZING when it came to buying a home. Navy Fed and our civilian bank were a pain and not helpful. USAA sat on the phone with us for forever, plugging in various prices, etc to let us know all the various mortgage payments we might have (and homeowners insurance) so we knew what we wanted to spend. They've always been so helpful and never any hassle. Did you have a bad experience with them??

  25. Hope you are feeling more like yourself. That is never fun.

    That braid looks great on you! so cute

  26. Hahahaha... the Tupperware is the best! Did you ever think you'd spend so much on something like that when you were a kid?! haha

  27. I love that braid, tuperware is on the list for the next time I go to Costco, and I hope you feel better soon!

    xx Kelly
    Sparkles and Shoes

  28. I wear that same side braid for the same reason, girl!! :)

    Also, I hope you can find a BC that doesn't affect you too negatively! I was on two different ones that both made me crazy and then finally one that was wonderful and I thought had no side effects... until I went off it a few years ago (just wanting to get the chemicals out of my body - we were definitely not wanting babies, haha!). After a couple of months everything finally leveled out and just became normal. I honestly didn't notice it too much at the time, but looking back through my old journals and just reading my emotional state during that time vs. now... it's a huge difference. I'm not anti-BC in general because I know everyone's situation is diff, but it's definitely not for me, ha!

    So yeah, I really do hope you find something that works well for you!!

  29. Well if it's any consolation you still LOOK cute! I like the side braid. Mine would just get lost in my curls.

  30. I hope you're feeling better! Those birth control pills seem to make your hormones go crazy, at least they do mine.
    I love Tupperware! :)I wouldn't feel bad either :)


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