Monday, June 9, 2014

Kind Of A Big Weekend For Us...

Friday was your typical date night in with home cookin' and a movie, but Saturday was the day we officially decided to buy a house. We've been talking about buying property or a house to rent out in Pensacola for years, and we've finally decided that it's time. Well, technically Will has been all for it since the beginning, so I guess you could say I finally came around to the idea after crunching the numbers and weighing out the pros and cons. I won't go to in depth about it yet, but I am pretty excited about the idea now and can't wait to get the ball rolling. Thanks for the input on the subject on Friday, and keep it coming!


The normal Friday night gang switched it up this week, so Saturday we had a fancy Italian dinner, and everyone knows that means 'wine night'. They just go hand in hand.

However, it only stayed classy through the meal, and then it was party time. It actually turned into one of those nights where everyone got to a whole 'notha level, so I was quite surprised when we were getting texts to go hang out in the pool the next morning. I'm not one to turn down a Sunday Funday in the pool, so off we went.

I'm pretty happy with this little group we've got and the awesomness that this summer is puttin' out. We are definitely going to make the most of our time before the boys {+Megan} go off to SERE school. It'a time to fully embrace summer!


  1. The food looks delicious! Poolside is the best side. Glad you are having fun this summer.

  2. Super exciting that you guys are going to start looking into buying a house! It's a lot of work, but it's SO worth it! Can't wait to hear all about it!

    Looks like you had a great--and yummy--weekend!

  3. WOOOHOO buying a House!!! I'm so happy and excited for y'all, that's such wonderful news!

    The pool day looked fun, woop!

  4. Yay house hunting! So fun yet so stressful!

  5. That food looks amazing! We just started to talk about buying a house, so I understand what you're going through. Yikes!

  6. It sounds like a great weekend!

    Real estate is an excellent investment. Safest place for your money is often in the ground!

  7. Buying a house is so exciting! We are going to be selling our first soon and it's bittersweet.

  8. whoo hoo!! this is so exciting!! I'm so pumped for y'all! what a fun day at the pool!

  9. Looks like a fun time at the pool! :)

  10. Eeek! Congratulations on taking such a huge step :)

  11. ooooh that is SO exciting!!!

  12. Woo, so excited for y'all! I can't wait until I'm buying my own house :) your weekend sounds absolutely amazing! ...Especially the pool part. I can't remember the last time I was in a pool!

  13. Sounds like a great weekend! Yea for deciding to buy a house! It's a big step, but I think worth it :)

  14. Pool party! Fun! :)

    Italian dinner - girl you know I'm all over that!

    And congrats on the house decision! You will love being a home owner! :) Excited to hear more about this as it falls into place!

  15. That's awesome on the house!!! Can't wait to hear more abt it!!! I love that you have such a tight group of friends already, I can only hope I built a good group of solid friends here. That's always so hard with moving!!!

  16. Looks like you're taking full advantage of this summer.

  17. Oh my gosh, what a great weekend! I'm dying for some pool time!!
    Good luck with the land, house hunting! It's such a process! I hope you find the perfect place, asap! Such a smart investment!

  18. Oh my gosh, what a great weekend! I'm dying for some pool time!!
    Good luck with the land, house hunting! It's such a process! I hope you find the perfect place, asap! Such a smart investment!

  19. We have the same mindset. My husband completed all but a day and a half of SERE and was sent home (government shutdown) so he has to go back and repeat it all this August! Poor guy. So we're living it up and just enjoying this summer before he leaves, gets back, and begins workups for an upcoming deployment :(

  20. And WOOHOO on buying a house! We made that leap back in October and we couldn't be happier with our decision. Best of luck house hunting!

  21. Any time in a pool is a good time! And congrats on deciding to buy, that's awesome!


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!