Saturday, April 19, 2014

So....I'm On My Way To The Hospital

I woke up this morning to bumps and inflammation on my eyelid, which freaked the heck out of me. Obviously I'm not dying, but after having weird inflammation on my skin that has spread to my eye area, I'm a little alarmed. I chalked up the inflammation to a reaction with the new lotion I was using, but I stopped using it a week ago and the problem is spreading. Normally, I wouldn't freak out, but when it's so close to my eyes...that does not seem right.

I immediately called my doctors office {crying}, and luckily they can get me in today. They told me to take Benadryl and Motrin, so I've done that, made a list of new things I've used in the last couple of weeks, and now I'm just anxiously awaiting my appointment.What sucks, is that I just want a hug from Will. I have to walk into the hospital with what looks like acne all over my face, a little more scared than I'd like to admit, and I just wish I didn't have to go alone. These are the times that I can't be as strong as I'd like to be.

The doctor confirmed that it is, in fact, an allergic reaction, and she thinks that it's from the lotion since it is only on my face. She prescribed me Zyrtec, Zantac, and Prednisone, and I'm not aloud to use anything on my face but a mild soap. I don't really like not being able to use my regular skin care regimen, but I'll do whatever will make this better! I did question using the Prednisone, but after everyone weighing in on Facebook, I decided to take it. I can type really, really fast on steroids...let me tell ya. Let's just pray that my face doesn't look crazy for Will tomorrow! He doesn't care, but I do.


  1. Hm bets on what it is? Allergy to new local pollen is a safe one, strep on your skin is a less likely one.

    I hope they can figure it out and it heals quickly!

  2. Hm bets on what it is? Allergy to new local pollen is a safe one, strep on your skin is a less likely one.

    I hope they can figure it out and it heals quickly!

  3. I'd think possible new allergy to some tree/grass in the area?

    sending you love!

  4. That is scary. I've got some things going on with my body right now and it sucks when you have to go through it alone. I hope that everything is okay. Hopefully, it's just some sort of allergic reaction that will go away but it is better safe then sorry.

  5. Yikes, that is pretty scary! I would assume allergies to something - I know I've woken up with some pretty freaky things because of my allergies going crazy. I hope it's nothing serious!

  6. Crazy and kinda scary. Praying for you sweet lady.

  7. Rob has been having SERIOUS allergies.. as in pulling strings of puss out of his eyes. I've heard of people having reactions like this to pollen before and it's extremely bad this year. I hope you get this figured out and fixed ASAP! hugs

  8. Oh no! I'll be praying it's very minor!

  9. Oh girl, I hope the docs gave you some meds that will clear it up quickly!

  10. Oh no love! Allergic to something maybe. Hope they get it figured out.

  11. I just had the weirdest thing like this happen to me this last week too. My eye was completely shut and now I am on antibiotics and benadryl. Turns out I was bit three times by a bug or insect and they got really infected. Not cool

  12. Yikes! I'm glad it was quickly diagnosed. Good luck with your skincare routine :( That sucks that you have to find something new

  13. I hope it clears soon! Heads up, even steriods from the doctor can make you mean. My son was on them for for 5 days and he was like a little hulk! lol

  14. Aww so sorry to hear this love, hope you are back to normal soon! sending love your way!! xo

  15. i react to spf in lotions too; same with spf with lipbalms. you know the brand Sugar? the pretty balms at sephora that have SPF? they gave my lips a chemical burn because i reacted to the spf in the product. it took WEEKS for my lips to get back to normal. i'm glad they figured out what was wrong/what happened.

    this is why i go all-natural all the way!

    Vodka and Soda

  16. Scary when you don't know what it is. Glad they found it to be an allergic reaction and you could get some medicine for it.

  17. Oh gosh scary! Glad your okay though!

  18. I hate feeling like I need a hug and there's no one there to give it. I'm proud of you for going alone and glad it's just an allergic reaction. Godspeed to quick healing!

    Prednisone makes me pee a gallon every time I go but it boosts my housekeeping. hahaha

  19. I'm glad they were able to get you in so quickly and that it was something that could be easily treated. I'd be a little scared too! Glad you're OK!

  20. Skin allergies are the worst! At least it's possibly just from the cream and you can quit that easily. Hope everything is better now!


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