Monday, April 21, 2014

Let The Graduation Festivities Begin!

Today, we start the process of graduation. I actually realized that I haven't really explained much of what is going on, so long story short- the next twenty months are filled with many schools, training, and lots of  {worthy} stress. Basically, it's as if Will is going to Helicopter Pilot school, and the first step in that journey is becoming a Warrant Officer, which happens to be pretty prestigious. He wasn't interested in being a Warrant Officer just to be one, but when you add "Flight" in front of "Warrant", he knew that was the career choice he wanted to make. In case I haven't mentioned, his parents both put in twenty-two years on helicopters and whatnot for the Air Force, so again, it's a pretty logical choice.

Warrant Officer Candidate School, or WOCS for short, is pretty much Basic Training all over again, but it's a much bigger deal after the fact. We have family coming in town, there are classes we attend, ceremonies, and mucho excitement. It's going to be some early mornings and long days, but totally worth it. Don't worry, I'll take pictures.

Technically, the festivities kinda started yesterday when I got to take him HOME instead of going to church. Okay, so we are bad and missed Easter Sunday, but c'mon, he hasn't been home in a month and we only had eight hours together! I know this sounds like a strange arrangement, but it is the Army's way of giving the soldiers a 'day pass' to decompress before all the hullabaloo of graduation. I don't think I need to go into detail about how we 'decompressed', I'll just say...I'm not frustrated anymore, and I'm not as upset about having a house full of family when he officially comes home.

Happy Monday, and live a little!


  1. YAY! I'm so glad you got some 'coupletime' wink wink before the festivities! And I'm so happy you got your husband back! weee!

  2. Yay for some time with the husband! I know you all have along journey ahead, so glad you enjoyed that time together. Can't wait to see all the festivity pics!

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  5. YAY Congrats! I remember that first bit of couple time when my ex finished his first training. I'm surprised we made it off base!

    And go Will for WO school! I've known a few and he will be joining the ranks of some serious awesomeness.

    My brother is a pilot and he says all the time he couldn't do his job with out his awesome WOs with him.

  6. You are so stinkin' cute, girl! I love the picture of you & your boy holding hands. I feel the love just coming off that picture. :)

  7. HURRAH for 8 hours spent together.

    What an exciting time coming up for you guys.

  8. Yay for time with your love! :)

  9. So glad you two got some time together!!!! Can't wait to hear how everything goes with graduating!!!!!

  10. How exciting for you guys! Good luck with all the graduation festivities!!

  11. Super exciting stuff! Enjoy the festivities.

  12. oh so good that you got to spend some time with him before all the craziness ensues :)

  13. Congrats to your hubby! I'm glad y'all got to "decompress"!

  14. Congrats to your husband and I'm glad you got to see him if just for 8 hours.

  15. Glad you both got to "decompress" ;D

  16. That's awesome that you got that "day pass" though. they could have said no and just went on... lol.

  17. Glad you guys had some time together! Also, I LOVE that graphic of the ship!

  18. Glad you guys had some time together! Enjoy graduation

  19. awesome that you guys are able to spend some quality time together before the craziness begins. enjoy every second of it :)

    Vodka and Soda

  20. Bahahaha! I'm sure we would have come to the same conclusion without you saying so.... we know how you two are ;) Because you have an AMAZING, dedicated and loving marriage :) What a huge, exciting week for you and Will!!


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