Monday, March 17, 2014

My Three Favorite Pizza Tricks

Well, Top'O The Mornin' To Ya.
I think that it is a crime for St. Patty's Day to fall on a Monday, but I'm sure we all made up for that ahead of time. Not only did we have that McGuire's 5K; I went to a festive luncheon, and it was my very first Military Spouse event, as a matter of fact. One might say I'm a slacker of a military spouse for waiting four years to do this, but if you new what I had to work with at our last unit, you would understand.

Anywhosit, I was just as nervous as one might assume an introvert walking into a room full of powerful women would be, so I started planning my outfit out a week in advance. Although, the only thing I knew I wanted to wear were these egg shell tights. Don't ask me why I wanted to wear them, just tell me they're pretty. Please.

Now, I'm happy to report that they welcomed me with open arms, and I had a blast. There were Commanders wives, Mayors wives {from the surrounding towns}, veteran Flight wives, and new to Flight wives like myself, and everyone chatted it up like we were all equals. Yes, technically wives don't wear rank like their soldiers, but I know I sure as heck wouldn't approach a Commander's wife out of turn.

I can't wait to go again for just the food, but the Bingo and door prizes were pretty fun too. Speaking of food, we made pizza this weekend, and I thought I'd share my favorite tips for at home pizza. Whether you make your own crust/sauce or buy it, these tips are sure fire.

1 | ALWAYS buy fresh pepperoni from the deli. It will have so much more flavor, and you can use it for the pizza or to jazz up your sandwich.

2 | Whether you make or buy sauce, include: Smoked Paprika, Garlic Powder, and Powdered Ranch. Adding these will always ensure the best flavors. Sugar isn't a bad idea either. I personally love sweet and spicy red sauces, so sugar and cocoa powder are staples.

3 | Broil the cheese for the last minute or two. If you take a look at the Papa John's we got recently, you will see the bronzed spots on the cheese. Those little spots change the entire flavor of the pizza, and look pretty fancy too. I actually did it by accident one time, but now I do it religiously. Just try it and thank me later.

I know you came for the yumminess, but a few healthy tips too:

4 | NEVER use White Wheat. You are already eating gobs of cheese, so make sure you start it off with a healthy wheat. Even if you don't make it from scratch, you can find pre-made whole wheat crusts these days or make the Cauliflower crust you see floating around Pinterest. It's actually good.

5 | Whether you load your pizza up with veggies {onion, bell peppers, artichokes, spinach, olives, basil, etc} or have a salad, always supplement so that you don't have to gorge yourself on pizza. Just make sure it's a yummy salad, or you will say screw it and have another slice. Pizza is good for the soul, so enjoy {in moderation}.

Today, I will be making Corned Beef and Cabbage in celebration since getting drunk until 4AM isn't an option. We actually love cabbage, so any excuse to eat it is good for us. Whether y'all party it up tonight or enjoy it low key, Happy St. Patty's day to you all!


  1. Homemade pizza is such an easy thing, I don't know why I never make it. I meal plan a lot, so I'll have to keep it on the menu for next week!

  2. You look lovely lady, glad it went well :)!

  3. Oh that pizza looks amazing!

  4. i LOVE home made pizza. the first time i tried it, we fell in love and have been making it since :)

    -kathy | Vodka and Soda

  5. hmmm... i might have to try that pizza trick of yours especially for my husband who loves to dip his pizza in ranch dressing, maybe i will be less disgusted by him doing it with this mix. love your homemade pizza tips!

  6. Papa John's pizza has always been my favorite! Your looks almost identical! Yummy!

  7. I would love for you to come make me some pizza :)

  8. Love your outfit for the military spouse event. Thanks for all the tips for making pizza at home. I always forget to make my own but the ranch seasoning sounds so good.

  9. Glad you had fun with all the military wives! The food they served you was adorable - especially those loaded mashed potatoes!

  10. umm these pizza tips are really really good!! i can't wait to try this out, now I'm hungry!

  11. The eggshell tights look adorable! And I didn't know there was such a thing as cauliflower crust! We haven't made our own pizzas, but I would love to. I think that powdered ranch should be a staple in every house!
    Eva Marie Taylor

  12. The tights are cute! Glad you had a fun time at the luncheon. Great Pizza tips. I love me some pizza. We had it yesterday in fact!!

  13. I'm glad that all the wives welcomed you with open arms, that's fab! Good for you!

    & the outfit was way cute, you rocked it, girl! :)

  14. homemade pizza is so good! i love eating mine with ranch dressing as well!

    i love cabbage, too.

  15. I tried making homemade pizza once and it didn't turn out quite right.. It tasted fine, but I was so bloated that I hurt all night. I think maybe I overdid the cheese.. who knows ha ha. Next time I will have to try a few of your tips!

  16. I love the outfit on you!
    It looks super cute & adorable..
    Glad you had so much fun & enjoyed yourself!

  17. Pizza is one of my top 3 favorite foods. I think I could eat it every single day.

  18. I made corned beef and cabbage as well. ya for my crockpot!

  19. I joined the Community Spouses Club at Benning (with my mother in law, who was a Colonel's wife at the time... and made me sit with her and General's wives... ahhhhhhhh) and I loved it. The luncheons were always fun and had a good theme, and I got to meet some great ladies and see that we're all pretty much in the same boat of Army bullshit, no matter what our spouses jobs were.

    Secondly, I'm digging the idea of ranch seasoning. It's probably way healthier than dipping it in ranch itself, and I don't know why I never thought about getting fresh pepperoni from the deli. Good call. It's 10am and I want pizza.

  20. Oooo love the pizza tricks - the ranch is a great idea!

  21. I've never made pizza at home before but I really should learn how so we can eat it in a semi healthy way. It was so weird for us to not go out drinking last night! But come on... it was Monday and we're too old for that, and I've found that people seem to frown upon a pregnant woman in a bar, even when I'm not drinking. Happy St. Paddy's Day!

  22. As usual.. you look great! I love a homemade pizza and have so many fun recipes but I have a heavy hand with cheese and MUST be monitored! But no homemade pizza for me-- Yesterday I started clean eating and I'm taking it so seriously. This morning I got up with high hopes of hitting my Condo's gym and they had to replace their equipment so I was pretty upset but I didn't let that stop me. I headed out for a two mile fast walk Downtown and LOVED IT!! I felt so good about myself and still feel great.

  23. ooh that looks tasty! and what a great time y'all had!

  24. I love cauliflower crust. Great tip on the ranch.

    Loved your outfit for the wives' event!

  25. You don't seem like the introvert type to me. I think I'd put you to shame... lol. You looked really cute! I'm jealous!! I never thought of adding those things on top of pizza. I actually bought a pizza for tonight, definitely have to try!

  26. i often made homemade crust - so good! but i've never even thought about buying pepperoni from the deli. i always get the packaged stuff. what a better idea!

  27. Yes, your tights are cute! And that pizza looks delish.

  28. Your pizza looks MUCH better than Papa John's! I want to start making my own whole wheat dough for pizza. I always load it up with veggies but inherently reach for the second slice. I pretty much allow myself 2, but anything more and I'm being a glutton.


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