Tuesday, March 18, 2014

I Can't Wait For Summer Because...

Helene In Between

...We will definitely be exploring this new post and taking advantage of the mini water parks and Lake Tholocco. This is going to be amazing in the hot, humid, South.

...Perhaps I will be able to break out my wakeboard on the lake.
...We can hop down to Pensacola and Panama beaches whenever we like.
...And my baby brother's graduation happens in June!
How in the H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks did he grow up so fast???

I mean seriously, is there ANYTHING better than summer? Okay, okay, I think Spring is better too, but we all know there isn't going to be a Spring this year. Damn you Mother Nature! Summer just has to be good this year...


So now let me tell you about some awesome friends of mine.
Out of the kindness of their hearts they donated to care packages for the soldiers while Will was deployed, and now they have gone and created their own non-profit for supporting the homeless. Get this...they make PB&J's and pass them out around South Florida!!  In less than a week, 500 people have 'Liked' their news Facebook page, and Laura told Micah that if they make it to 1,000 likes by April they can have another baby. We NEED people like this procreating, so go 'like' the PB&J Facebook page.


We help the homeless of, Fort Lauderdale! We provide, Food, Clothing, Toiletries, and other basic needs, through Love and Compassion.
To show people they are not alone. To show the less fortunate, people do care. Help them, any way we can. Fight for, peoples right to exist. To be a voice, when no one will listen! To feed hungry, People!

Last but not least, I want to personally apologize because I overlooked a terrible mistake in my editing process of my last post: "was these egg shell tights" obviously should have read "were these egg shell tights". Doh! I used the correct form of 'they're', so I'm sure no one's too mad, but as this is one of my pet peeves, I must admit my fault. Normally I would simply correct my error and move on, but I just talked with Samantha about the misuse of advice/advise, which reminded me about when Jenn taught me how to use affect/effect, and my overall annoyance with seen vs. saw, and I realized that it's okay when we make mistakes. I never judge anyone because I know that some things are writers choice and that we ALL make mistakes, but that doesn't mean we can't be mindful of our errors.

In an era of shorthand/internet speak, we should be proud of our language skills and try to better our abilities! 
What are your pet peeves?

PS. If there are any mistakes in this post, I edited while tipsy. Hey, it's Will's last night! Do you really think editing or being sober was my priority? I'm soaking up every moment I can. One more lunch date to look forward to today, so I'm a happy girl.


  1. at this point, i'll take ANY warm weather whether that's spring, summer or fall. just please give me any temperature 10C or higher and NO MORE SNOW!!!

    -kathy | Vodka and Soda

  2. omg your baby bro is so cute! yay for him!!that water park looks fun, anywhere there's water you can find me!

  3. That water park looks great! Memphis used to have a water park, but it is no more. :( Oh well, at least we aren't far from the beach! :)

  4. I cannot wait for summer! I just wanna be able to go outside without having to bundle up first! I can't come soon enough. :)

  5. We have an awesome water park about an hour away that we try to go to a couple times in the summer. At least once a week we will hit up one of the many free sprinkler parks around here and there's a really clean man made beach that we love! ...and you are so funny about the grammatical errors. My pet peeve is definitely the incorrect use of your and you're, there, their and they're and when people say "where are you at?" instead of "where are you?" I often feel like correcting myself when I fail to proofread a comment I'm leaving from my phone and accidentally have typos or my phone autocorrects to the wrong word! haha! Heading over to your friends' fb page! :)
    Eva Marie Taylor

  6. The water park looks fun! That is definitely another thing I am looking forward to when summer comes :D I can't wait to go to the beach too. I went and liked the PB&J Project Facebook page!

  7. Sounds like you have an amazing summer planned! :)

  8. Im with you, I really think Spring is never gonna get here but summer I can handle that.

  9. So happy you were able to enjoy your time with Will so much (you both deserve it!!!!) Everyone makes spelling/grammatical mistakes therefore no one should be too quick to point it out xo

  10. Yes for summer! Personally, I can't wait to hit the outdoor pools here in Germany :).

  11. we've been enjoying really great weather here in san francisco! so rare. so good for the soul.

  12. i am SOOO excited for warm weather!!

  13. Summer is me and I am summer. I'm just overall happier, in a better mood, and feel better. I plan to spend as much time as I can on my roof or laying in the sand.


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!