Friday, February 21, 2014

NOLA For The Weekend? Why Not!

I hope staying up past midnight isn't a recurring theme, but tomorrow {Friday night} I know it's going to be a late night. You see, we have up and decided to hit the road for a quick trip to New Orleans! Long story short, I brought my truck and we trailered our '71 Monte Carlo, so now Will needs a daily driver. Unlike a normal person, he has decided to search every state around us, and has come up with a car in Covington, LA. I could care less about Covington, but any time I can slip in some time in The Big Easy, I'm all for it.

I've probably never mentioned it, but Will lived in Louisiana as an Air Force Brat. Mind you, he was very young at the time, and not ready to party it up on Bourbon Street, so this will be his first time in NOLA. Oooh doggie am I ready to pop his cherry. Bring on the Cajun food, Mardi Gras shenanigans, and Beignets! We only have about 24 hours {Why the heck didn't we plan to stay longer?}, but I'm positive we can have a rip roarin' good time. My goal is to be able to drive my truck home sans hangover. Maybe.

Here we are at the last parade we went to...

I swear I'm not a priss, however I will never say no to someone carrying me. C'mon, who wouldn't want to avoid crazy crowds, city blocks, and blisters on your feet? Ya know?

I have a feeling we will have just as much fun this weekend! Did I mention I love having time off...indefinitely? It is great being able to pick up and go whenever we want. A girl can definitely get used to this ;)

Have you ever been to Mardi Gras or New Orleans?


  1. Ah NOLA is the best and Mardi Gras?? Even better! So jealous!

  2. Jealous! Nola is definitely on my bucket list. Have fun girl!

  3. I looooove NOLA! I am more than confident that you will definitely end up at Cafe du Monde because it's right there close the action and it has the BEST beignets! But if you have time, you should definitely go to Parkway Tavern and Bakery - they have the best po'boys!! :) Anyway, have fun!

  4. Im sure you'll have a BLAST! Eat and drink for me!!

  5. Sounds like a blast! I hope you guys have an awesome time :D I've never been to either place.. but I will go one day!

  6. I have never been to New Orleans but want to go at some point. I think it would be a lot of fun!

  7. I've never been to either. MFD has been, and he performed in a few Mardis Gras parades.

  8. I've never been!!! Have so much fun. :)

  9. Time off indefinitely sounds damn perfect!!! I have never been to NOLA. I hear that it's dirty but also that it's a place worth visiting. It's on my list! Have a blast.

  10. welcome to my home! i actually live in NOLA and work in Covington!

  11. I have never been to New Orleans! I hope you have a great time.

  12. I love NO! Can't wait to see the recap!

  13. I'm obviously reading backwards but I'm so glad you guys had a great time!


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!