Monday, February 24, 2014


I'm going to give you two truths and a lie as to why I almost forgot to post today.

#1 I'm still tired from NOLA
#2 I forgot was day it was
#3 I was distracted by ridiculously good sex with my husband last night
#4 Too many margaritas

Okay okay, so maybe this is a trick...there's no lie ;)
All I can say is that this was an amazing weekend. Great times, scrumdiddlyumtious food, good friends, a new toy, and we even had time to create the most amazing margarita mix that no one has ever seen or tasted. You just wait until I get the pictures loaded.

Uploading and blogging is going on my to do list with the rest of this:
+ Get the closet room set up.
+ Pick up some of the items we need to set up the new house.
Bathmats, rugs, shower caddies, storage drawers, etc.
+ Run, run, RUN, to get ready for a 5K on March 8th!
+Finish editing pictures from my last two photo shoots.
Only one a few pictures left, and I love how they are turning out!
+Still make time to relax together and soak in the new place.

You know how we are all waiting for the 'other shoe to drop' or the next disaster? I  think we should all be waiting for the next WONDERFUL thing, and I saw a  quote this morning that reinforced it. I'm going to actually try to begin wondering "What amazing thing is going to happen next" instead of imagining the worst, because things don't have to be 'too good to be true'. Yes, our lives are peppered with sadness, trials, and unavoidable problems, but that doesn't mean we should be in a constant state of worry. I'm going to amend the following quote by adding the latter, and I'm going to adopt it as my new mantra. Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow. It empties today of its strength...


Now  I must bid you adieu. I suggest you now go read this article about love and marriage from the New York Times. Boy, is it on the money! We have the capacity to have better marriages than ever {if you are with the right person}, but you have to put EFFORT into it. For those of you that always ask how Will and I have such a great marriage, here is some insight.
You can thank me later.


  1. LOVE this! and all yours truths, good sex just makes it all better, right?

  2. Love this! Happy Monday sweet friend!

  3. Love thiiissss! Thank you SO MUCH! I needed it. 5k! You go, girl! :)

  4. That is hilarious. I'm glad you were distracted by other wonderful things ;)

  5. Sounds like someone had quite the eventful and fun weekend! In more ways than one ;)
    Hope youre fully recovered soon!!

  6. Glad you are settling into the new place!

  7. Glad you had a great weekend! I can't wait to hear all about it!

  8. LOVE this! i'm the worst at picturing the worst! good motivation for Monday, thanks girl!

  9. i knew the sex one definitely wasn't a lie. i bet you guys have never had bad sex since you've been together!
    thanks for the article. marriage isn't always easy and i have to admit that i'm a selfish person and can be in the marriage, too. i totally needed to read this because it helped to explain a lot of what i have been thinking lately. thanks again, friend (:

  10. Great article! Marriage is work. It's worth it, but it is always work. I'm a selfish person and need to watch myself there.

    I'm glad you had a fabulous weekend together!

  11. Haha! Love your truths. I was going to say #2 was the lie. ;) Glad you had a fun weekend!

  12. I just love you. You are great. And I love that you sometimes throw in a subtle (or not so subtle) "we have amazing sex" hint.

  13. haha you are awesome. and that article- love it!

  14. hahaah awesome. a good roll between the sheets always puts an extra pep in my step ;)

    -kathy | Vodka and Soda

  15. Such a good outlook on life! I wish I had that! I need to turn my thinking around!

  16. Ha I love this!! And you!! Amen sister. Sounds like the best weekend!

  17. So jealous of your NOLA trip! I have friends going next week but we'll be staying behind with our little one. Maybe next year????

  18. Loved this! Thanks for sharing. It is so true though, all we need is a great attitude and some effort :)

  19. I love it - all of them were truths! I feel you on being distracted by amazing sex, it's nice ha ha! Margaritas are nice too.
    Good luck on getting everything done!!

  20. #3 (insert the following emoticons: clapping hands, thumbs up, face with heart eyes, praise hands, and more clapping hands) haha!
    Love that quote, and I hope you have made progress on your list this week! :)
    Eva Marie Taylor

  21. I needed to read that, thank you!


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!