Monday, January 13, 2014

This move just got real...

Our rental company scheduled a showing last Friday, and we got swarmed! I guess it doesn't surprise me because our rent is hella cheap, but it definitely made me realize that this move is creepin' up on us. We did get some packing done this weekend, but the best part was brunch. In case I haven't told you, brunch is my favorite pastime in the world, and Broadmoor Brunch is my end-all-be-all. The fact that we will have to leave it behind makes me a very sad puppy.

Doesn't Buck look nice? You should have seen what he showed up to our house in...Camo from head to toe with a black tie. And a cowboy hat. Luckily, he was only semi-serous, so I dressed both boys appropriately. Obviously, I think Will turned out the best. 

You just can't beat sinfully delicious food and amazing friends. We may have spent two hours indulging ourselves, but we managed to have some laughs and make good memories in between bites. Seriously...I'm going to miss these people.

Sidenote: Weiser just farted, and it was loud. And now it smells.

Completely unrelated to brunch or Weiser, Courtney who blogs over at From Here To Eternity, sent me the cutest picture EVER! We have been a bloggy friend for quite some time now, so back when she was preggers I sent her a fun little package. I try to think outside of the box by sending gifts that kids can grow into, and Mia FINALLY grew into her pimptastic little shoes. Hey, it's not my fault she's extra tiny for her age. All that matters is that she's perfect, she looks awesome in her kicks, and I'm in love.

Let's just say, if I knew my kid would come out that cute...I'd get pregnant tomorrow.
Will, don't take that as a challenge ;)

Okay, time to get back to packing. Only three weeks left! Yikes...


  1. It's amazing how fast moves creep up!

  2. Oh heck, you should get pregnant now. What's the wait :)

  3. this post was slightly sad for me, because of the shoes - haha. my daughter and a pair exactly like they fit her dolls. haha. and good job dressing the boys - sometimes I wonder where guys would be without girls...

  4. Now THAT is a brunch spread! I'd be sad to leave that too!

  5. I love fancy brunch! We went to one for our 1 year anniversary and I was hoping to hit up the Broadmoor for our 2nd but DLW will be on a "business trip." Maybe Valentine's Day?! Glad you had a great weekend!

  6. Time really flies! I can't believe it is getting so close to time for you guys to move. Looks like a delicious brunch! & Those little shoes are too cute!

  7. That brunch looks so good!! I love brunch buffets.

  8. You look amazing, as always!
    The food looks wonderful.
    I hope all goes well with the move.

  9. you look stunning. jealous.

    The food looks delicious. I'm actually hungry just looking at it. Lol

    Good luck with moving. I hate moving. lol

  10. YUM to all that food for brunch!

    good luck with the move; moving is the worst. the packing and then the unpacking..ugh. i hate it!

    Vodka and Soda

  11. Adorable little shoes!! And all of those yummy treats look AMAZING.

  12. WOW! That brunch looks GOOD! I know it was kinda sad, since you'll be leaving one chapter of your life, but the next chapter has the potential to be THAT MUCH better :)

  13. Moves can be so stressful, you seem like you're handling it wonderfully Janna! Best of luck with it all and love love love brunch too xo

  14. EEEEEEEEEEEEK! exciting! Can't wait till you're closer to meeeeeeeee! ;)!

    That brunch looks amazing and Courtney and Mia are just the cutest things ever! xoxo

  15. ooh it's so close!! that food looks so good - and so do you!

  16. That looks like an amazing brunch! I love having meals with friends like that.
    Those are seriously the cutest shoes ever!!!!

  17. Have you seen you and Will?! Your baby WILL come out that cute! No doubt!

    Good luck with all the packing!

  18. Thos baby shoes are the BOMB!! And you and your man look great in that first photo!! (Of course, you guys always do... )

  19. Good luck with the move and do they make those shoes in my size?!

  20. Okay , here's the deal….in April when I come back to Colo for my transfer… WE NEED TO MEET UP. Brunch at the Broadmoor?

  21. Feel free to be my new blogging friend and send my 3 year old daughter some pimptastic shoes ;)

  22. We STILL love these shoes (can you believe she still fits in them?! Tiny baby) but Eric told me I can't call them pimp shoes anymore. "It just feels wrong when pimping involves my daughter" ha HA!
    I am planning on meeting you one day in Vegas since that's the closest we'll probably be ever again :(


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