Friday, January 10, 2014

My Paradise

Ten days into the New Year, and I already know that I have started this year off right! I spent NYE with the sexiest man I've ever seen, our move is pretty much planned, and this trip to Florida was one for the books.

This recap is picture heavy, so I'll try to let the pictures speak for themselves ;)
For your sanity and mine...

We spent the afternoon shopping {had to hit the VS Semi-Annual sale, fo sho'}, but the real fun kicked off with dinner at this new place called S3. It is located directly on the beach, so S3 stands for Sun, Surf, and Sand. It was delish, but they did NOT know how to make a good mojito. Just sayin'.

Jessica was too tired to go out after that, but my girlfriends Rachel and Dani showed up at just the right time. We reminisced over the ol' College days, and then it was downtown for some action. We ran in to old friends, made some new friends, and danced to an awesome Blues band. Just like old times.

I've only known Rachel for about five years, but she's one of those friends I will always have. We just click, ya know? Not to mention...we know far too many secrets about each other.

Before we go any further, I just need to bask in the yumminess that was the food we ate. We consumed more goodness than I even thought possible, and I'm still salivating. Even the room service was Especially cheeseburgers at 7AM after gambling all night.

It was rainy on Saturday, but that didn't stop us. I hit the gym, we went to the spa, and then I attempted to get my hair cut. I had a good time at the salon, but the actual hair story will have to be saved for another time. It's a doozie.

Rested and happy, we headed to Hard Rock Hotel and Casino only to realize that Jessica left her ID back at the hotel. That was kind of important, so we just ended up with less time to grub at Cafe Martorano. This made me sad, but George Lopez was at 8PM! In hindsight, George Lopez sucked, and I would have rather stuffed my face with more Chicken Marsala and meatballs, but you live and you learn. Anyone seen Lopez live? More importantly, has anyone actually enjoyed George Lopez live?

Whatev...we were just happy it was over so we could hit the Blackjack tables! Hence, why we didn't leave the casino until 7AM. YOLO.

Obviously, we slept half of our last day away, but we still managed to hit up the pool and beach before it was too late! You know...there is something about Florida beaches that can make me pop out of bed against my own will...

Having one of my signature drinks helped a bit too ;) You should try it. It seriously tastes JUST like a Pina Colada, without the extra 500 calories.

The last thing I ever expected out of this trip was to jump in the ocean in January, but when in Rome...We are the only three that did it, so that makes us the champions.

Where did the random guy come from you ask? Well, let me just explain that in SoFlo, we tend to make strangers into BFF's, and we just so happened to make friends with a nice group of people that afternoon. In turn, our plans to stay in on Sunday night, changed to limos, dinner at Casablanca {one of my favorite restaurants EVER}, and many shenanigans.

In the following picture, you will see the gang, the Canadian country singer Joan Kennedy top right, and my little brother bottom right.

I would tell you more but it's not blog appropriate ;) Tell me in the comments if you want me to send the rest of the details to your inbox! Let's just say...the trip ended COMPLETELY different than I expected. I think I may try to rest a bit this weekend...maybe.


  1. Sounds like an amazing trip!!! :) Love the photos.

  2. This looks like such a fun trip and I love your neon bikini bottom!

    xx Kelly
    Sparkles and Shoes

  3. Burgers at 2 am sounds AMAZING!!! You two are brave for jumping into that water. I know I couldn't do it.

  4. Sounds like an amazing trip!!!!! I don't think I could stay up til 7am anymore :/ but the beach pic is beautiful! Gotta love being (and living) in paradise :)

  5. I'm dying to know what else happened. Please send me the details.

  6. I'm tired from just reading this lol. Glad you had fun!!

  7. Glad you had fun in Florida. I live in North Florida and can't fathom jumping in the cold water.

    Details would be great...but only if you want to share!

  8. I am so completely jealous about all of this!

  9. Um yes I want all of the details of the rest of the trip! Can't just leave me hanging like that ha ha :D Looks like you had a freaking awesome time!!

  10. Cliff hanger! I want to know! :) Glad you guys had so much fun!

  11. Sounds like an amazing trip!

    And you're gorgeous. Just thought I'd state the obvious! xoxo

  12. What happened?? I must know!

    Looks like you had a blast and about as much sleep as I did on my vacay. I wish I would have been on the beach though.

    I will have to try your drink. Sounds good.

  13. I want to know what else happened!! I live a boring life over here so I need details. :)

  14. what! what! i gotta know more! ;)

  15. I am dying for the juicy ending!

    So glad y'all had a wonderful and safe trip! <3 xoxo

  16. Haha, I love the Janna Colada! Your trip/NYE looks ah-mazing!

  17. It looks like an awesome and WARM trip :)

  18. That is definitely a beautiful view! Eating amazing food is one of my favorite parts about vacations!

  19. Looks like a blast! The beach is always a must even in January! It is so peaceful. I so want to hear the hair story!

  20. Hell yeah I want to read the rest of the story!! Glad you had such a great time! Jumping in the Atlantic in winter is awesome and SO much fun :)

  21. This is awesome! We were in north Florida for Christmas, but it was cold. We flew through Miami and decided we wanted to stay but should keep on traveling. :( Looks like we should have stayed in the south!

  22. What a perfect trip!! I'm kind of jealous that you're moving to Florida :)
    I'm dying to hear your hair story now. I'm sure I'll be cringing the whole time?


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!