Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Seven Minutes In Heaven

Hello Tuesday,
I haven't blogged on you in quite some time. Don't worry, it's not you, it's me...

We randomly decided to go to Breckenridge this weekend, and didn't get back until yesterday. I didn't feel like blogging have time to blog, but of course, Will chastised me for not posting yesterday. I told him that I would make up for it today if I had time, so now that I have a spare seven minutes before I leave for work, I'll say wasssssuuuuuupppp? How was everyone's weekend?

Why yes, I did put two number four's...That's what happens at 6AM.

1. We had our first real snow of the season!
We are going on four days of no sun, so hopefully the sun will come out and play today. We boast over 300 days of sun/year, so folks around here can't take more than 2-4 days of gloom. Like seriously...people get angry.
2.  Hubby made Crockpot Beeftips and it was AWESOME.
Super easy too. Just beef, veggies, low sodium gravy packet, and water.
4. I may have added to one of my tattoos this weekend ;)
Nothing major, but MAJOR meaning. I was going to share pictures today, but that would take more than seven minutes. If y'all even want to see...
4. One of the rare occasions you find us in a 'club'.
When in Rome Breckenridge...

Aight...Seven minutes is up, so hope you enjoyed. I must say it's quite invigorating to not spend an hour on a post. I am all about quality over quantity, but sometimes you just gotta run with it.


  1. I can't wait to see pics of your new tattoo! I want one there too, if I could ever hit my goal weight.

  2. I want to see pictures of your new tattoo!!

  3. Can't wait to see the tat!
    Glad you were able to blog today!!

  4. now i'm really curious about the new tattoo

  5. Spur of the moment trips are the best!
    I definitely want to see your tattoo :)
    Hope you have an amazing day ♥

  6. Totally get where you're coming from with the 7 minutes thing! Those are the posts that I need to be doing right now, just cause I haven't had the time!

  7. Totally impressed on the 7 minute post. The photo alone takes me 30 minutes. Hope you had fun in Breckenridge. Can't wait to see the new tat.

  8. Very Impressive! I love that you got a thoughtful post out in 7mins. I tend to spend WAY too much time on mine. Maybe I should try and do just short ones that are to the point. Sounds like you had a great weekend!

  9. Yes. Tattoo pic next time when you have more then 7 minutes. I seriously need to work on not laboring over every single post so much. I might be able to post a little more often if I didn't.

  10. It is great to just roll with it sometimes!

  11. The beef stew looks awesome! Looks like a fun trip!

  12. Yay for a new tattoo! I am itching for another one.

  13. I can't wait to see your new work! I'm dying to set some work on my arm at some point soon but I'm really in no rush. I don't know what's up with me lately but it literally took me two days to put out one post and I've been sleeping like a hibernating bear. Who knows! As you know, we won't be getting snow here but the weather is supposed to get down to the 30's tomorrow night so I'm excited that it might feel like a real Thanksgiving Holiday! Enjoy your Thanksgiving!!

  14. I want that stew and to see your tattoo!

  15. Im itching to get a new Tat. two to be correct, I know what I want its just placement I have to figure out. :) I can't wait to live some were, were it snows so beautifully. Of course once I do, I'm sure I'll be eating my words. lol


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!