Saturday, November 30, 2013

A Perfect Thanksgiving

Last year, I spent Thanksgiving alone eating Cheez-Its, and Will spent it in Afghanistan. Obviously, you can put that in the "worst" Thanksgiving category.

This year? We made up for lost time. We didn't travel, we didn't go out for a fancy dinner, and we didn't celebrate with the masses. Instead, we spent the whole day together, gathered wood to get us through until we move, had a movie marathon, and filled our kitchen with more yummy food than we knew what to do with.

*Side note: Mix Apple Cider with your red wine for the holidays. Hello.

Would we have loved to spend the day with our families? Yes, but we have our own {albeit little} family now, and it is more than enough. It's funny how this man who used to be a stranger, is now the most precious member of my family, and after five years... that still has me in awe. The simple fact that I get to share Thanksgiving with him, is all that this girl truly needs to make it perfect. I hope you all had a great and meaningful Day of Thanks. We need to be thankful everyday, of course, but I'm happy that we have a reminder every year, and that we get to kick off the holiday season with thanks and blessings. 

Now, you are probably getting your Black Friday/Cyber Monday shopping on, while I will be slangin' wangs. I asked off for the long weekend, but duty calls and I can't say no. At least I'll be making money instead of spending it. I say bring on the holiday tips, and I wish you amazing deals without any physical altercations. 

If you want a chance to WIN stuff from the safety of your own home, then you should go visit Chantal @ Scattered Seashells. You will find yours truly helping to give away some swag, so get'on'it.


  1. What a wonderful Thanksgiving! :)

  2. Looks like some yummy food! I'm gonna have to try mixing apple cider with some wine-- I've got a bottle just staring me down in the kitchen. Happy Thanksgiving! Oh yeah, and we've had some fire weather down here.. it was 27 last night. Woot!

  3. I just popped over from Keith's Optimistic Existentialist blog.
    Love your blog.
    Rick, your latest follower.

  4. Sounds like you guys had a wonderful and intimate Thanksgiving ♥

  5. We had a small family gathering-only 7 of us, but it was PERFECT! Smaller is better in my opinion :)

  6. This sounds like the BEST Thanksgiving! So perfect for you two! You'll be so close to family before you know it!

  7. What a great way to spend the day and the food looks amazing! Cider in wine?! Mind Blown!

  8. YAY!!! For such a significantly better Thanksgiving! Sounds peaceful and fun!

  9. Yay for spending the day together! What a blessing that he could be home this year! And I will definitely have to try the apple cider/red wine mix!!

  10. So great you got to spend thanksgiving together this year! That meal looks delicious and it's always a great to get some QT with your man :-)

  11. I'm glad you had a perfect Thanksgiving! I think next year I want to do Thanksgiving just my husband and I.

  12. B had to work his first Thanksgiving last week, so Wednesday night I cooked us our own little Thanksgiving meal! Might have to try & do it every year, if it's possible! Apple cider & red wine??? Hmmmm, going to have to try that!!

  13. Sounds like a GREAT holiday to me!! So glad you weren't by yourself eating Cheezits this year. Had you been closer to here last year I'd have invited you to eat Bacon wrapped turkey :)

  14. Aww what a wonderful Thanksgiving! I'm so glad you guys got to spend it together. :)


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