Friday, October 11, 2013

The Army Can't Take Away My Birthday

Every now and then I'm off on a Friday if we are on vacation, but I usually HATE missing Fridays at work. My best regulars come in, I make the most money, and's about the money. However, when Will told me that he would have a four day weekend, I didn't hesitate to scam and get today off. That's how much I love him, haha. I think he will make it worth my while, though. He ordered my birthday presents early and has more surprise plans for this weekend! I guess you could say that my birthday is already happening.

Take THAT Army.
You can take him away for a month, but you can't take away our spirit!

In other news:
+We got our orders! We will be heading to Alabama in February, and we will now be counting down. We are both so ready for this move for many reasons.
+I booked a flight home to see my newborn niece! I knew I couldn't wait until February to see her, so Will leaving was the perfect excuse to head home for a long weekend.
+I get my 5S next week. I already have my new lifeproof case, so it's time to put it to good use. Now, if only my sweet-wonderful-devastatingly-handsome-hubby can help me get everything updated/saved before I have to switch phones. *hinthint

And a few random questions. Feel free to answer whatever pertains to you:
1. I hate mopping, so what is the best mopping device to make it easy?
2. Have any of you lived near Fort Rucker? We need to start looking for a house {to rent}!
3. Can anyone help me find my lost boot? I have no clue where it went, but somehow I lost one boot. Who does that?

Alrighty, now it's time for me to get spoiled by the hubby. In case this is the last time we have together for a month, it's all about us. Peace out!


  1. Have a great weekend being spoiled--you deserve it :)

    Alabama...that's closer to DC right?? :)

  2. Have a great birthday and weekend!

    I'm sorry I can't help you with your questions...

  3. If the floors aren't super dirty, I clean them in-between moppings with a plain swiffer with one of the wet pads attached to it. It shines them up and cleans them a bit, but not as good as mopping, or even better, getting down on your hands and knees and scrubbing the floor does! But I try to make the floors go as long as possible before I really have to clean them!
    That's awesome that you guys now have a timeline for when you'll be moving!

  4. For mopping I use the Shark Steam Mop, it's amazing!!!

  5. Yay for a long weekend together and birthday celebrations!

    What type of floor are you mopping? I use the Swiffer wet jet and the Shark Steam Mop.

  6. I was a huge fan of the shark steamer, however I've only had mine for a year and a half and it just broke, which I'm not very happy about. :-( Enjoy your weekend! And yay for Alabama, what a beautiful state!

  7. Happy Birthday beautiful lady!
    And thanks to the others for the mopping comments because our new apt has wood floors and I'm tired of the hands-and-knees approach. I think I'll get a Swiffer today too and save the Cinderella routine for real dirt.

  8. Have a super birthday weekend! Yay for october babies!

  9. Awwww yea for getting a whole weekend together! I love when you can make plans work, even with the Army being a pain :)
    One lost boot??? Sounds like my kids socks. I always lose just one and I have no idea where they go.
    I love my swiffer wet jet. I cannot stand to mop either and this makes it less tedious. We have laminate floors as well and it works good. I've also heard great things about the Shark. I just haven't personally used one. Have a great weekend!!!!

  10. Congrats for getting a long 4 day weekend to celebrate your Birthday! Take that Army!! I have the Bissell Steam and Sweep. You can get it at Target for like $90.00 it vacuums and steams. I hate mopping and this is what I use. The Boot? You are on your own sister! ;)

  11. Happy Happy Birthday!!! I'm sure this year will be TEN TIMES as blessed as your last!! And are you coming home to Pensacola?? I would love to set up a blate with one of my fave bloggers!!
    I'm so glad that the Army didn't get in the way of you and Will spending time together!!

  12. I use a Swiffer Wet Jet, it's quick and easy.
    Your boot will be in the last place you look ;D
    I hope you guys have an amazing weekend together!

  13. I'm glad you'll still get to spend your birthday together. It's crazy how many birthdays, holidays, and special occasions we miss out on because the hubbys work so hard for our country. They're good guys ;].
    I also hate mopping, but I like the Swiffer wet mopping cloths [not the wet jet]. I have to use a few of the pads, but I think it works better than the wet jet and I don't have to worry about water or anything like that.
    As for your boot, I can't help you there. =P
    Have a great weekend and a happy birthday!

  14. If you aren't going to live on base I would suggest renting in Enterprise. Daleville is too small and a little scary and Dothan is too far. He will be spending a lot a time on base and honestly living on base is easiest on them, they can come home on lunch, breaks, etc... But if it isn't an option definitely rent in Enterprise. There are a few town home communities right out side the gate.

  15. Hope you're having a great weekend! So excited you got orders! Yay!

  16. YAY for orders!!! We are awaiting to see if we are going to PCS next summer or be here for another few years. Enjoy your weekend adventures with your hubby!!!!

  17. Sometimes I see a single shoe on the road when I'm walking around and I wonder "how does someone lose a single shoe" ... the question is valid.

  18. I love the swiffer. It's not too expensive. I haven't mopped in years!!

  19. Hope you enjoy your birthday with your hubby! Have a super happy one!

  20. I also hate mopping...I use a steamer for our wood floors-it's easier, less messy, and doesn't leave big streaks like a mop does. I've tried both and like the steamer better.

    Hope your long weekend away was great!

  21. Hope you had a fab bday! (I'm behind on blog reading so I am sure the details are further up in my feed. haha)
    My bday was yesterday and I spent it working from home and hanging with my baby boy. :) (Dinner tomorrow night with my man, though! yay!)

  22. 40 years ago my 1SG took away my birthday.

    I am still 22 years old and am presently married to a 62 YO woman.

    When we first got together she offered to celebrate 2 birthdays a year so I could have one but I refused and I'm glad I did because if I hadn't refused O would now be 22 years old and married to a 102 year old woman and that would just be plain wrong.

    I have submitted paperwork to the army to get my birthday back and we'll see what happens.

    I suppose I'll be like Dick Clark and just wake up an old man if the Army returns it.


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!