Monday, October 14, 2013

If I Don't Blog Wednesday, Send A Search Party

Saturday morning, as I peacefully sipped my coffee... Will barged in, told me he was leaving, instructed me to pack, and said to be ready at noon. He disappeared as quickly as he came, and left me without an inkling of what we were doing or what to pack. In true guy fashion, he only told me to pack for "medium warmth" and to bring a bathing suit. Um...what?

Obviously, I don't have time to reveal the fun today, because I only have one day left with my soldier, but like I said...If I don't post on Wednesday, you may need to send a search party because I really have been wifenapped! Although, I wouldn't complain about that. WinkWink!


  1. Ahhhh cutest thing ever! Can't wait to read about the "medium warmth" adventure & the awesome memory you're making! Hope it's wonderful!! :)

  2. Hope you are having a blast although I am sure you are!

  3. I hope you're having the time of your life :)

  4. hmmmm...sounds like an adventure!!

  5. Haha! Medium warmth! Sounds like fun, hope you have a great time!

  6. Wow, if my guy did that, I'd be so excited. Must be something!

  7. Hope you're having a blast, can't wait to hear all about it!

  8. Can't wait to hear about it! bet you are having a blast

  9. I hope you are having an amazing time!

  10. That's crazy romantic/cool/fun and so many other things-- I cannot WAIT to see what Will had up his sleeve!!

  11. Haha a wifenapping doesn't sound so bad.... but I think I've seen some of your posts on Instagram! Can't wait to hear where he took you!

  12. That's so sweet! Hope you're having an amazing time!

  13. I'm sure you guys are having an amazing time! That is seriously the sweetest thing ever :D Can't wait to hear about what you guys did!

  14. I already know you're having so much fun, so just enjoy :)

  15. So exciting, I can not wait to hear what it is!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  16. That's so exciting!!!! Cant wait to read about were you two love birds went.


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