Monday, October 7, 2013

Kicking Off Fall With A Bang

Sami's Shenanigans

Member how I said that I was going to clean the house this weekend?
Totally didn't happen. Instead I was wifenapped by the hubby and forced to visit Harvest Festivals, eat amazing food, get lost in corn mazes, and even took the bike all the way down to Canyon City, knocking three items off the 27 In 27 List! I guess he got all those hints that I've been dropping ;)

Friday, albeit cold, was a beautiful start to the weekend, and then I got to come home to the first fire of the year, wine, and watching the movie Crash. I probably cried half of the movie... Mostly because of all the times that Lauren made me watch it before she had cancer, but you can't help but cry a mixture of happy and sad tears from the heart wrenching scenarios. "Los Angeles citizens with vastly separate lives collide in interweaving stories of race, loss and redemption."- IMDB

Saturday, we headed up to Rock Ledge Ranch where Will participated in his first Silent Auction, explored Garden Of The Gods, and then ate at the famous Sunbird for dinner and relaxation.Sorry about the random picture of my hair, but I'm really proud that I rocked a messy braid. I have never liked my hair 'up', so this is huge for me. Just don't tell anyone that I only did it because the curls were not working with me that day.

As if Saturday was not enough, Sunday was going to be another day of Fall celebration visiting Diana's Pumpkin Patch in Canyon City! We hopped on the bike and made the hourish trip down to enjoy Hot Apple Cider and one of the best Corn Mazes I've ever done.

After that, we took a walk along the Arkansas River, so we can now say we have been there, and we worked up enough of an appetite to visit the Gooseberry Patch. It was like being transported back in time, and yet the place is current enough to get an 85% on Urban Spoon. We assumed it was a little diner, but it ended up having a down home buffet that you wouldn't believe. I almost felt like I was back home in the South.

Hi, My Name Is Janna, And I Am Addicted To Buffets.
Bet you didn't know that about me. It's not that I want to gorge myself even if that sometimes happens, it's that I love getting to eat a little bit of everything. I like variety, and I'm not ashamed to admit my desire to stop at every buffet I see. Don't judge.

As I sit here going through the memories of this weekend, I am so incredibly thankful for such a wonderful husband. I can't believe he planned all of this, and that he goes above and beyond to make me feel special. How did I get so lucky?


  1. Oh my gosh I loved the movie Crash. One of my favorites of all-time. And I really wanna go on a cornfield maze.

  2. awwww how sweet! What a great weekend!

  3. That is so sweet! I am glad you have a wonderful weekend lady!

  4. love this weekend--sounds like so much fun (and I love the necklace you're wearing!)

  5. wifenapped?! i love it. sounds like a perfect, memorable weekend

  6. You got so lucky because you deserve it!! What a fun weekend. I did not clean the house either! It can always wait.

  7. Corn mazes are SO my place . I feel bad that I haven't been around farms like ages!! Love this necklace.

  8. Corn mazes are SO my place . I feel bad that I haven't been around farms like ages!! Love this necklace.

  9. SO SWEET! Glad yall had a great weekend together!

  10. You two are the absolute cutest ever! What a super fun fall weekend!! Also, I love the movie Crash, so when you visit me, we will watch it.

  11. Sounds like a perfect weekend! I think those are the best kind of weekends. Your pictures are beautiful!!!!

  12. Not to mention he's not bad to look at either ;) What a fun and random trip for the weekend! Those usually end up being my favorite.

  13. Wow, looks like an awesome weekend! What a thoughtful hubby!

  14. Your photos are gorgeous! I love seeing the fall season in different parts of the country. I am incredibly jealous of all your fall activities.

  15. so sweet. and love that you two hopped on the bike. :) i love fall!!!! buffets are nice for people like me that can't seem to make up their mind and like a bit of everything. i'm kind of a visual, too! ;)

  16. How thoughtful of him! I bet it's so much fun to travel around on the bike!

  17. I am so jealous! Looks like you had a blast!!

  18. It sounds like a perfect weekend. I went horse riding in Garden of the Gods when I visited Colorado a number of years ago, I loved it, it's such a beautiful place.

  19. Oh wow, you had an awesome weekend!
    I plan to clean the house every weekend it seldom happens. I'd rather be in a corn maze too!

  20. Awww.. what a fun weekend! I'm so sad that we don't have corn mazes here. I was able to find some pumpkin patches in Milton, so we plan on checking those out in a week or two. I'm sure there may be some corn mazes out in Alabama but you never know if they are worth traveling for. Glad you had a fun weekend-- you rocked the hair!

  21. I love reading everyones Fall festivity posts, Kyle needs to get home now so we can do stuff haha.

  22. Such a fun weekend!! I already went to one apple orchard with a corn maze but I feel the need to visit another.

  23. What an AMAZING weekend! Will did good :) Seriously, sounds like so much fun! Weren't you guys freezing your buns off on the bike? Yikes, it was SO cold here! It even snowed on Friday.
    I've never even heard of Crash. I need to see if I can find that on redbox!

  24. I love love love buffets so I can have a little bit of everything.

    I'm glad you guys had a stellar weekend!

  25. Love that he surprised you with such a fun weekend! Looks like you guys had a great time! I'm with you on loving how you get to try a little bit of everything at buffets - so yummy! :)

  26. Definitely lucky and blessed. Maybe I need to come up with ideas and leave notes on my husband's dresser, maybe then he would take me somewhere... haha probably not, I guess it would help if he didn't work 70 hours a week. Oh well I am sure he will be home more this winter.


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