Friday, September 13, 2013

I Am A Sad Puppy

Will has just flown off to Miami for a Bachelor party, so I am all by my lonesome for the weekend. I'm sure some of you think I'm obsessed co-dependent on my husband, but I'm not sorry. I will even admit that I was a brat on Wednesday and cried to him, "I just got you back. I don't want to say good-bye again."

The Bachelor is just lucky that I love him, and his happiness is more important than mine this weekend. There is another reason that Will is going down there, but it is an important surprise. It's a super duper good surprise, so I will tell y'all more about it soon. Until then, I will tell you about a sappy-wonderful-little-night we had recently.


How often has your significant other surprised you or taken you on a special date?
Now, how often have you returned the favor?
Probably not many. We expect so much of the guys in our lives, that women can forget that men will appreciate being taken care of too. If we don't reciprocate and/or celebrate their time and effort, then they may even stop doing nice things, and NO one wants that. I decided it was time for me to plan a surprise for Will, so the following happened last week.

A Thursday seemed just as good as any other day, so I created an invitation:

I came up with a clues to build anticipation:

And then I set up a sunset picnic:

There were going to be candles, a table cloth, and place-mats, but said candles melted everywhere on this hot day to piss me off. Luckily, Will was none the wiser and still impressed. He showed up with a giddy grin on his face, and I could tell he was enjoying this as much as I was.

We enjoyed the beautiful park, had dinner, chatted away like a first date, and toasted with a new drink I created just for the picnic. It was just what we needed for a low key date night that meant more than going to any fancy restaurant.

If you notice the card on the table, it read "Good things come to those who wait." We are awaiting the results for a new position that Will is trying to get, and one of my motives was to get our minds off of the slowly passing time. We are both confident, but we are both worriers who over analyze EVERYTHING. I just wanted to remind Will that I am here for him every step of the way, and I'm proud of him no matter what.

Will also wanted to inform you all that he had no clue what I was wearing and dressed himself with no intention of matching. He just knew that I loved that shirt.


Have a good weekend in Miami, lover. Same rules apply as last time...NO drinking and driving and NO getting arrested. Please keep the wrastlin' in the streets to a minimum, because I'm not there to explain to people that you and Dyer just can't help it.

I miss you already...
</ End SAPPY post>


  1. What a cute date idea!!! And love your little note at the end :)

  2. Such a lovely idea for a date. I hope you don't have to wait too long to hear about the results for Wills new position.

  3. You guys are so romantic! I love this.
    I know you're sad but try to enjoy your weekend.
    (Fingers crossed about the new job position...)

  4. Awww! That looks like such a fun evening! And it never gets fun when your husband goes away--in our case, if anyone's traveling alone, it's usually me, but even though it me traveling and leaving him at home, I miss him like crazy!

  5. y'all really are the sweetest couple ever. i'm jealous and only hope to be half as creative.

  6. This is so romantic... You are just too cute! Prayers for the new position.

  7. i LOVE this idea. this is so freaking cute!

  8. Super cute idea! You guys are the cutest!

  9. You two are so adorable!! You are such a great wife. :)

  10. Cutest thing ever! Such a sweet evening for you two to share. Making me miss my military man over here! :)

  11. You are SO right about making sure that you reciprocate the lovey dovey stuff that we want our spouses to do. It's not about the "but what about me?" in a marriage, it's about the "what can I do for YOU." Love it :)

  12. Aww this is too sweet. Good luck to him on the position!

  13. Awe I love this. You are the cutest. I need to steal this idea and do it before this babe arrives. :) Hugs to you pretty lady.

  14. After 14 years I still do this with Nate. When your man does so much for you it's your "duty" to do the same :) I take my role of awesome wifey seriously! :) Love ya girl! Hope you guys hear the news sooner than later! Waiting is always the hardest part :) XO

  15. You guys are just the cutest!!

  16. what a cute idea! I think of cute ideas, but then life gets in my way and I forget to plan a babysitter and such. I will have to try harder.

  17. So sweet you are a great wife!

    I need to do a picnic for me and my husband! ;)

    I totally would have cried if I were in your shoes :)

  18. I always get sad when kyle leaves, no matter where he is going.

  19. I always get anxiety the day Brady travels for work or even going out w/ the boys. He's totally my other half and I'm a big cry baby. I'm always used to being around loved ones and it's hard when he's not around. Hard enough when my sisters can be a little far to drive to.......

    Before you know it, he'll be back! :)

    And yes, always good to do great things back for them! :) I love surprising Brady, but I get so ansy that I sometimes tell him, LOL!

  20. What a sweet date idea! That's cute that you guys unintentionally had matching outfits. Hope Will has a great time at the bachelor party!

  21. You two are soo darn cute! I totally understand missing him when you spend so much time apart. What a cute surprise! WHo took your pics? Tripod?

  22. It is so cute to see how in love the two of you are!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  23. What a great idea!! I recently did something similar for my guy but it was in our basement.

  24. That's so sweet! You two are so cute!

  25. It's not co dependence to really enjoy being with the person you are married to. Girl, you know I'm the same way. We seldom travel separately, but on the rare occasion that it happens, I am so not a fan. Anyway, enough on that... on to this date you planned...

    D'aaawww! So sweet! You are such a thoughtful wife! I'm actually in the process of planning a date day on Saturday for our 9 year dating anniversary! I asked him a couple of weeks ago if he minded if I planned it all myself and surprised him. He didn't mind at all, of course. Like you, I think it's important to both take time to do something special for the other. :) This sunset dinner is absolutely precious! I love that you sent him clues! What a great idea! And I think it is adorable that you two matched without planning it! :)

  26. You are just too freaking awesome! What a cute, fun surprise.

  27. I have no clue how I stumbled upon your blog, or how I landed upon this post either, but I can tell you that I love it! Your blog is adorable, this idea is adorable, and you are adorable! I look forward to more!


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!