Sunday, August 25, 2013

Miscellany Monday

From here on out, I'm ALWAYS going to plan two recovery days after a vacation. Especially after a ten day vacation. Can you believe that I just spent every moment for the last twelve days with Will and I still don't want to leave him to go to work tomorrow? I almost can't believe it either. Aren't married people supposed to want their "independence"? I guess not in our case, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

We spent the weekend doing laundry, restocking the fridge, working off all the crap we ate, and I spent no less than six hours in the kitchen whipping up some new recipes to give us healthy options for the week. sounds like a lot of work, but it was a labor of love you might say. Totaaaaally worth it.

I've also been going through what seems like thousands of pictures we took, so hopefully I can start recapping soon. It is going to be sooo hard to narrow them down, but I can't wait to relive the trip!

Hope everyone has a great week and ciao for now ;)


  1. I always need more than one day to recover. :) have a great week!

  2. welcome back from vacation! Can't wait to see your photos.

  3. I always need a vacation from my vacation ha ha! Can't wait to see pictures :D

  4. I am with you, I always need a little vacation from being on vacation!

  5. Usually I need a vacation to recover from vacation LOL

  6. The transition from vacation back to 'real life' is always a tough one! And I'm with you, I never want more 'independence' or more 'time away' from my husband--I already think that life and schedules take away a good chunk of time I'd love to spend with him!

  7. Laundry is the worst part of vacation!! Well, it's the worse part of any week, ha! Good luck trying to recover from a great vacation! :)

  8. Recovery days are a must!! And you can never miss your man too much or have too much time with them :))

  9. I try to always do at least one recovery day after vacation!

    I'm glad you had a great one.

  10. I need like a full on week to recover!! it's just necessary!

  11. Welcome back, so glad you had such a wonderful time with your love! I miss you! that food looks amazing

  12. Welcome home. I always try to work 1 or 2 days post vacation to recover!

  13. I am glad you had such a good time on vacation and are still madly in love with your hubby!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  14. I always need an extra day to recover from a vacation!

  15. Isn't it funny how we always need a vacation after our vacations? Can't wait to hear more about the trip!

  16. Oooo what recipes are those? Looks fantastic!

  17. Oooo what recipes are those? Looks fantastic!

  18. I would also love to hear about the recipes :) I need some new healthy dishes to try!

  19. I never want Kev to go back to work!

    Glad your vacay was great!~

  20. if brady and i could, we'd want to spend every second together. i've always been known to separation anxiety. always.

    can't wait to see the recaps! :)

  21. Oh girl, I hear you! We spent every waking moment together for 16 days and when we came home and had to go to work the next day we were pretty bummed to be apart. Christopher came home and wrapped me up in a hug and said "I didn't get to see you all day and I was so sad." Haha! We just got so used to seeing each other all the time. I'm with you - we just like being together. :)


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