Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Dear Weiser...

You better still be on your best behavior.
This is the first time that we have left you this long, so don't pout or whine. I KNOW that Aunt Marissa will take amazing care of you, but I also know that you can be a spiteful teenager at times.

You will finally get to play with daddy again when we pick you up, so just hang tight a few more days. I promise we will take you to the dog park soon, and dad will wrestle with you every day. We miss you nugget, so don't ruin that by being a butthead. 
Please and thank you ;)

Dear Everyone Else,

We are in Chicago and loving it!
Love you all <3


  1. It's so hard to leave our babies! And fur babies are definitely our babies!!

  2. When I went on vacation last month I had to leave my cat Ruby for over a week and it broke my heart because she was giving this super sad meow when I had to drop her off at pet boarding.

  3. aww!! it's sp hard to leave your pooch!

  4. Awe so cute! I tell my girls when I am leaving them that they better behave!

  5. I always hate leaving out furbabies behind.

  6. Have SO much fun!!! I am sure Weiser is having a good vacay too!

  7. Aw! He will be fine! Have a good time!

  8. So happy you are having such a wonderful time!!! XO

  9. I can't wait to hear about that pizza.. hopefully you took pics!

  10. Isn't is crazy how much we can miss our pets when we're gone?! I miss my pets every day when I'm at work!

  11. I can not wait to see your Chicago recap posts, have a blast!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  12. Aww such a sweet face! I hate leaving my pup too.

  13. We were gone for 16 days for our Italy trip and it was the longest we have ever been away from our pup. He was SO happy when we got home! I bet your pup was super happy when you guys came home!


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