Tuesday, August 6, 2013

I Could Kick Myself Right Now

There I was last night trying to be productive, and I completely deleted an entire published blog post. Comments, pageviews, and ALL. Boy do I feel dumb.

Ain't nothin' I could do about it, so I continued with going through my HUNDREDS of drafts. How do I have hundreds, you ask? I create a draft for any idea I have, and they range from key phrases to ready to publish. Some I plan to share soon, some are rough drafts, and some were written cathartic-ally and will probably never be blog appropriate.

Obviously, I will never make it through all the drafts since more ideas come to me daily, so I decided to combine ideas that don't have to stand on their own. Tid bits, if you will.


Have you seen Mike & Molly?
It's a cute show, great cast, and I went to school with Katy Mixon's sister! Between watching her and dude from Major Dad, I'm hooked.

I couldn't believe that she was in it, and I had no clue!

I was going to blog about how I stay happy, but here is the abbreviated version.
+ I seldom drink. Yes drinking can be fun, but if you've ever been depressed after drinking, then you know how badly it effects your body and mind.
+ I try to live simply.
+ I try to make my hubby happy.
Happy wife = happy life? Yes, and happy hubs = lots of love.
+ I take Fish Oil and B Complex.

Read some great tips about your credit:
Four Moves That Can Lower Your Credit Score
Top Five Credit Myths

The Best App EVER!
It's called Heads Up, and it's a great game to play with friends anywhere. We played it on our downtime in Denver and I am now obsessed. It was inspired by Ellen Degeneres, so you know it's got to be awesome.

Find out how to Pin from Pinterest!
The Vintage Apple has a great tutorial. Thanks to all who shared this with me.


Welp, that's enough for today.
But I do need to say thanks for all the sweet words yesterday ;)
Y'all made me feel like a superstar!


  1. I hate when deletes happen and i'm 100% like you, tons of drafts just chillin.


  2. These are some of my fav posts from you... random, fun, totally you unplugged! Happy Tuesday friend.

  3. ugh! that is the worst! I'm so sorry!
    i have about 80 drafts. i should go through them, but I always think maybe I'll use them one day!

  4. Just downloaded Heads Up - can't wait to play!

  5. I'm the same way with drafts. Hate that you accidentally deleted a post!

  6. I went to high school with Katy Mixon. We graduated together.. she is awesome and so totally talented, not to mention the sweetest person ever. We went to the SMALLEST high school ever-- our graduating class was 11. Her family is super sweet, aren't they?

  7. She's also dating Paula Deen's son Bobby, last I heard.

  8. Bummer that you accidentally deleted it!

  9. I have tones of drafts too! It's ridiculous really.

  10. I have a bunch of drafts like that too, with just ideas ready to go...I need to actually get around to finishing them and posting them! Then maybe I wouldn't complain about having nothing to post about :) hahaha

  11. I have done that before too, it is AWFUL!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  12. Happy hubs = lots of love! That's new to me but I like it! I take fish oil too... B complex huh?

  13. Totally going to Download that game now. You should also try phrase party!

  14. Oh no! I would be so upset if I had done that! I definitely understand! Sorry you lost it all! :( And I hear ya on the drafts! I don't have that many by any means, but I do the same thing where I jot down ideas as they come to me. I have some from like a year ago that I still haven't posted, haha!

  15. i hate when sometimes i cannot comment then push the back button and didn't copy what i had written. ugh. especially when it's all witty.

    i really have noticed when drinking a lot comes the weight then the wrinkles... thank goodness i didn't drink at an early age!

  16. I don't have any were near a 100 but when I have a idea or something I want to blog / write about but I dont have the time right then, I'll do the same and go ahead and create a draft. At least this way you don't loose your initial thoughts.


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!