Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Did You Know I Was A Sorority Girl?

Carolina Fireflies

Most people decide to go Greek at the beginning of their college career, but I was a self proclaimed GDI {Gosh Darn Independent} for the first two years. I hung out with everyone and went to all the parties, but I didn't like the idea of being tied down and having to play by anyone's rules. And yet, by hanging out with everyone, I eventually got sucked in. As a Junior, I sucked it up and took the plunge to pledge! It was either DPhiE or nothing, so I only participated in their bid week. Thank goodness they let me in or else it would have been awkward going through bid week to end up sorority-less.

Reasons why being in a sorority rocks:

+ It's your family away from family.

+ They make your Birthdays special.

No Janna's were harmed during this Birthday kidnapping.

+ You get to hang out with all the cool kids.

+ You can take on different jobs within the sorority that are pretty cool.
I was elected Social Chair aka The Party Planner!

My favorite party?
I rented out a boat and we hit the Intracoastal high seas for a Pirate party!

+ You learn that Unicorns are REAL!!
At least to DPhiE's...

+ But most importantly...
You create relationships with the gals that will not only be your sisters, they will be your best friends for life. Meet the Wifey's Originales Club:

Thanks for joining me on a trip down memory lane.
It's been five years since I graduated, but it feels just like yesterday!


  1. I'm so happy to have to linking up with us today and to have read about your sorority experiences! Greek life gets such a bad reputation in the media bur hardly anyone ever talks about the fact that it's a monumentally life-changing activity- in a good way! It really is a lifelong bond! xx

  2. i had no idea you were in a sorority!!! love this link up can't wait to read the others!

  3. Had no idea you were in a sorority! Ms. Social Bug!!

  4. Wow had no idea, looks like you had fun though.

  5. my "sisters" were my best friends in college - although I don't feel like I'm a sorority girl, per say, I was indeed in one and loved it!

  6. something about you being the social chair just fits.

  7. Like you, I didn't want the committment and didn't join until my junior year either! I finally just decided to take the plunge cause I felt left out of the "super secret sorority stuff" that all of the other girls got to do! You're right-my best friends to this day were from my sorority, and I would not have changed any memory from those days for the world!

    Oh, and the parties!! we had a camo party too!

  8. I graduated 5 years ago too and have WONDERFUL memories of college. I pledged my freshman year, but then we were disbanded my sophomore year for hazing/breaking rules/etc so all my wonderful memories are more COLLEGE memories than they were of my sorority/club. ;) Good times, though!

  9. I was in a sorority too, something I never thought I would do, but ended up totally loving it and meeting friends for life!

  10. I didnt realize you were in a sorority. I was in a sorority too and loved it!! Some of my sisters are my best friends!!!!

  11. We have the same colors :) Purple and gold looks good on us! I like seeing photos of all the different sororities and photo poses.

  12. I was a sorority girl, too! I didn't pledge until my sophomore year (because I was worried about grades!), but I would do it all over again in a minute!

  13. Party on a boat that is pirate themed?! Best.idea.ever. Such a great post!

  14. Its always fun to go back and reminies through old pictures!! I do it all the time.

  15. This might be a stupid question you have to be wealthy to be in a sorority? Every girl I know who was in one was wealthy.

  16. i definitely missed out on the college experiences because I got married so young! I wouldn't trade it but do wish i had those experiences!

  17. We don't have the Greek system in England and sometimes I wonder what it would have been like if we did. Having seen it in the movies, I think it's something I would have loved to participate in but hey, shoulda woulda coulda!

  18. So I totally got obsessed with the TV show Greek and I wish I could go back and time and join a sorority, or go to an actual 4 year college for that matter. It looks like so much fun!!!


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