Monday, July 22, 2013


I can't believe that I'm about to get paid to head up to Denver {one of my favorite cities in the US} to teach! Yes, I am teaching Hooterific 101 and not school curriculum, but if you can learn to be truly Hooterific, you can go anywhere as a female. It really is a science and definitely full of Psychology, problem solving, acting skills, and hospitality administration. I'm so used to training the newbies that only absorb about half the info, but now we have the chance to build on a real foundation. As you can tell, I'm pretty excited about it, even if it is just Hooters ;)

Although, you may be surprised to find that this is very out of my comfort zone. My true Introvert colors are showing, and I had anxiety like whoa yesterday. The training part is great, but heading up there without Will, having to leave Weiser at a sitter, and being in a new environment full of a bunch of girls that I don't know...It made me almost say no to the promotion initially. Luckily, my desire to challenge myself and try new things outweighed my anxiety, so here we GO.

It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all- in which case, YOU FAIL BY DEFAULT." 
J.K. Rowling

Will {unintentionally} did his part in keeping my mind off of it this weekend, though.
He consumed my mind with his shenanigans, hanging out with his old BFF Thomas. Not that I don't trust them, but I kept receiving pictures of copious shots... I don't trust Mr. Jack Daniel's; he's a manipulative fellow, as you know.

Thankfully, I can report that Will is back to school today, and I have spoken to him sober for the first time in two days. I swear, it's like he transports back to College days in Virginia. Glad he's having fun, I guess. 

Now it's time for ME to have fun, but fear not, I am still blogging this week. Wednesday is the reveal of the One Year Anniversary for The Messy Project, so be READY. I can't even explain how excited I am to share it, because I had so much fun styling it and learning about my camera. Just wait until you see the pictures. Eeek!


  1. Good luck with your new gig! I'm sure you'll rock it!! :) Glad the hubby didn't end up in jail, too haha

  2. Have fun!!

    I'm sure the ladies you're teaching are going to just love your personality and how much info you have to share!!!

  3. Good luck, but I know you'll do great!!

  4. woah we are on the same anxiety page today!!! you are going to be great my friend! so exciting!

  5. You are going to do awesome!! Plus I'm sure you are going to have a blast :D
    What the heck is Will wearing? Ha ha! That is hilarious!

  6. Time to have fun with meeeeee. I can't wait! You're going to do great at the new job :)

  7. Great stuff lady! I know you will rock it out!!!

    oh husbands, being silly!

  8. I have to do a big training by myself for work tomorrow, and this will be the first time for me to do this too! We can do it!!

  9. That is going to be a blast, have so much fun!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  10. Hilarious texts!

    Good luck at your training! I know you'll be great.

  11. Oh I feel ya! Being outside of my comfort zone mixed with a bunch of girls I don't know? Yikes!! That would definitely stress me out. But I know you'll have the BEST time! Travel safe!

  12. Glad to hear the hubbs didn't cause to much trouble while you are away. Im sure you will do great teaching the class!!!! Sending Happy and Encouraging thoughts your way.

  13. Good luck!

    I hope I get to meet you when I come to Colorado in a couple of weeks!

  14. Sounds so fun! I'm sure you were GREAT!!

  15. Congrats on the promotion! I love that JK Rowling quote. One of my favorites :)

    -Allie @ LunaVida


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!