Friday, July 19, 2013

An OOTD And A Romantic Colorado Sunset

A little over a week ago, Will headed to Virginia for training :(
I was trying not to talk about it, because I do have a sort of stalker that is a little too interested in my life, but it's just toooooo hard to not tell all my besties, and by besties, I mean all of you.

** To anyone who thinks about trying anything, let me just warn you...I have a loaded Beretta within reach while at home, Will fashioned me a sweet waistband with a knife, and I'm not afraid to use either one. My husband does not play when it comes to ensuring my safety, so you should ensure yours and stay AWAY. Kthxbye**

We tried to have as much quality time as possible before he left, which is why we went out to dinner twice in one week. That means that I got to dress up twice for y'all for my lover ;)

I wasn't having the best hair day ever, but I was so excited about the shoes that I didn't care. Do you guys have a Rainbow or a Priceless near you? If so, check them out. I never dared to venture in until I ended up working right next to them, but now I LOVE getting accessories and finding random treasures. I think it made for the perfect outfit for a swanky Steakhouse Downtown with this hunk:

We had an amazing dinner, a wine tasting, and then there was a "surprise". Knowing Will, I knew that it could be absolutely anything, as he is always trying new things, so I left an open mind. Conversation in the car driving near Memorial Park:

Me: I think I heard there is a lake at this park, but I've yet to see it.
Will: There is a lake at this park, and that's where we are going.

Sneaky little thing...I was wondering why he made late dinner reservations, but it was so we would have time to witness this:

Le sigh...He's a keeper!

Oh, and yes, I did wear those heels aaaaall the way around the lake. Surprisingly, they were pretty comfortable, but new shoes = blisters. Owie.

At least we have already killed a week of our time apart. I miss you, lover.


  1. Pretty sunset! I love dressing up to go out to dinner but then I'm back in 'comfy clothes' the second we walk through the door. I'm impressed you kept your heels on!

  2. WOW, that is a gorgeous picture. And those shoes are insanely awesome! Go you, fashionista!! :)

    Hopefully Will won't be gone too long and soon enough he'll be back in your arms! :)

  3. So pretty as always! :)

    Ummmm dear creeper bothering my friend....back the EFFFF AWAY! I'll come kick your butt too!


  4. looks like the perfect way to spend a romantic night....great way to style an outfit!

  5. You looked gorgeous as always and that view was amazing. He's a keeper =].

  6. You look gorgeous!! And that view...amazing! Haha I always say the same thing- that anyone is crazy to try and mess with me..I have a gun on me at all times!

  7. Dang girl, I can not believe you left the shoes on but good for you and that is the kind surprise I love!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  8. ugh creepers, yay guns, boo for hubs going to va, yay for new shoes.

  9. Isn't it one of the greatest feelings to dress up for your hubby? I love doing that, and I especially wear outfits that I know he'll like.

    And freaking crazy stalkers!!! Glad you're armed :)

  10. GIRL! Those shoes are fab!!! And what a sweet, romantic dinner for the two of you! Hopefully he will be back before you know it!

    And as for creepy stalkers... I have known my fair share. What is it about being nice to people and they think it's an open invitation to latch on (because you are the only one nice to them?) Sometimes it doesn't pay to be nice all the time!

  11. He is a keeper for sure!! LOVE your outfit!

  12. I love your outfit, so cute!

  13. Love your outfit!! And when's our date dangit ;)

  14. I just found your blog! Always excited to meet a fellow military wife! Glad you had that time together before he left--and glad you have that Baretta, too!

  15. People are so creepy! I'm sorry to hear about that :( That sunset is gorgeous!!!

  16. Hoping the time flies that yall are apart. Beautiful sunset!!! PS: I don't think you could ever have a bad hair day, you are beautiful!!!!

  17. The sunset looks perfect! And for real? A creeper? What the heck!? If you come to virginia to visit your hubs let me know! :)

  18. Gorgeous sunset! Love the shout out to your creeper!

  19. The shoes are to die for!!!! very very cute. People are way too creepy for words now a days. Ew.

  20. Oh how sweet and such a beautiful sunset!

  21. You know we are all dying to hear about this stalker now :) ha ha! Does it live near you?! I freakin' hope not!
    You looked stunning (as always) in that outfit! And that picture of the sunset... I almost died when I saw it on insta. SO gorgeous!

  22. That picture of the sunset is unreal! Absolutely gorgeous! And yes, he's definitely a keeper. ha. Homeboy did good! :)

  23. Wow, what an amazing sunset!

  24. That's so sweet of your husband! Beautiful sunset! :)

  25. You two are the Will & Kate of Blogland! And that photo of the lake, gorgeous. I'm making it my desktop right now.

  26. aww, what a sweetheart. that is such an amazing sunset!

  27. Oh that sunset! Gorgeous! Glad you guys had fun! :)


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