Thursday, June 6, 2013

I'm in the dog house.

Apparently, Will is not only upset that I haven't gotten back to my regularly scheduled posting, but feels like I should have sent more attention his way in Tuesday's post.
 Glory hound.

Well, baby...this post is for YOU.

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As with any job, people work towards promotions, and the Army is no different. Yes, some Joe's are happy just getting a paycheck, but soldiers like my husband don't settle for that. Just three short years ago he joined the Military, and now he has already worked his way up to becoming an NCO.

Non-Commissioned Officer
The non-commissioned officer corps is often referred to as "the backbone" of the armed services, as they are the primary and most visible leaders for most military personnel. Additionally, they are the leaders primarily responsible for executing a military organization's mission and for training military personnel so they are prepared to execute their missions. 

I was one proud little wife when I got to witness the ceremony and even take part in it. My heart swelled with pride as I enjoyed the ritual that was focused in on my husband. 
My soldier...

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In case you are intrigued by what might go on during these events, I captured the First SGT's speech in the first video and the second video is a bit of the shenanigans that go on. Let's just say, the more punches a soldier gets, the more respect they have. {Do beware of the language that is used and the bad quality of my old camera}

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Now that I'm an NCO's wife, I need to go back and read The Army Wife Handbook and this PDF I found of The Spouse's Handbook. As silly as it sounds, it's kind of important to know the etiquette and nuances, and I love being able to hold a conversation about what Will does and the Army in general. Some wives don't know what there husband's job is {totally fine}, but I am happy to admit that my life revolves around my soldier and ultimately the Army.  Hooah!

I love you SGT Bogert!!


  1. How awesome! Congratulations!

  2. HOOAH!!!!

    Congrats Will!

    I'm sure you will be the perfect NCO's wife! xoxo

  3. That's wonderful! Congrats!

  4. Congrats to you and your hubs! That is really awesome :) The punching is to and their physical pain...don't get it lol.

  5. Congrats to him!

    This is so crazy because my husband has been in 3 years as well and yesterday he passed the board to become an NCO! We spent all week studying and even I know everything about the Army now lol

    Yay to being an NCO's wife! :)

  6. Yay for being an NCO's wife! I too have done my homework on being married to the Army and an NCO. Be prepared for some changes though as they get more responsibilities...good and bad. But seriously, congrats to your soldier :) xoxoxoxoxo

  7. Congrats to your hubby! That is awesome!

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  8. Huge congratulations to Will!! I can only imagine how proud you are of your soldier!

  9. bahahaha. I love that he is so involved in your blog! Congrats Will--and thank you for serving our country!

  10. I've said it once and I will say it again and again.. please thank your husband for protecting my freedom (and my loved ones)-- and for all that he does. But with that being said-- thank YOU for all the support you offer him. I think that ALL the military wives need appreciation too. They go through a lot and often get over looked. I'm proud that you are PROUD of your soldier! :)

  11. I've said it once and I will say it again and again.. please thank your husband for protecting my freedom (and my loved ones)-- and for all that he does. But with that being said-- thank YOU for all the support you offer him. I think that ALL the military wives need appreciation too. They go through a lot and often get over looked. I'm proud that you are PROUD of your soldier! :)

  12. Congratulations to Will! You look like you are just beaming with pride! :)

  13. I'm thankful for his service! Congrats to him on his promotion.

  14. Okay, can I just say your husband is good looking? Okay now that I got that nonsense out of the way, congrats to him & you too!

    & do thank him for me too! My dad is a police officer and stepdad did a tour in iraq, so I definitely am grateful for all our men and women in uniform!

  15. This post is amazing, thank you for all of the descriptions because I had NO idea what any of the acronyms meant but now I am just in even more awe of your husband, wow!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  16. so awesome! Congrats to Will! I told Mark and he was telling me more about it. Gotta love Army men both past and present!!

  17. Congrats love birds!!!!! Seriously thats amazing hes only been in three years!!! So awesome!! Thank you both for your sacrifice!!! Hugs and love sent your way!

    1. P.S. How tall is he? Cuz Im prob the same height as that lady!!

  18. You're such a good wifey :) Glad that you got to witness such a cool thing. I'm glad that he has the drive to move up in the ranks...he's helping set you guys up for the future! Go Will!

  19. congratulations!!!
    that's awesome Janna. and you're such a great wife. wow, i didn't even know that there's actually a written/printed handbook to be a wife. any kind.

  20. How awesome! Congrats to your soldier. I am sure you have no need for that handbook! Thank your husband for his service and thank you for the support you are to him. Soldiers need good people behind them!

  21. That's so awesome! Congrats to your husband! Love the videos. :)

  22. Congratulations Will!! That's amazing! And seriously, you are the most supportive wife EVER! I admire that so much! I have a lot to learn from you ;)

  23. GREAT post! Congrats to both of you - you both deserve it!


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