Tuesday, June 4, 2013

A Good Week And FUN News!

It is truly amazing how many things you can accomplish when blogging doesn't take over every thought in your mind. Don't get me wrong, I kinda miss blogging, but I have been enjoying living life more. Does this mean I'm quitting? Hell NO. It just means that I am enjoying getting my sanity back.

I'm sure some of you are nodding your head "yes", as you understand the incredible pressure that one can have from juggling work, life, family, followers, and content, but I'm sure that some of you are all like, "You shouldn't complain. You decided to blog and gain followers, so now you should suck it up and do what you gotta do." I know, I know. I've said it myself. But guess what? IDGA-Flip. I do what I want ;)

First, I'd like to lighten the mood.
This is what happens when I don't like how people park:

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A few other gems from the last week...

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+ My picha' was featured on westword.com, not once but TWICE!
+ Will came to visit me at work! Totally made my day.
+ I tried Foam Rolling {as suggested by lovely bloggers} and love it so far.
+ I have had time for the kitchen, and totally had to make Cheeseburger pizza again. YUM.

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Yep, made this Strawberry Pie too! I combined two recipes on my Pinterest to make it super easy and oh-so-flavorful. Seriously, my mouth is watering just looking at it.

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* For Pre-made Crust, I recommend Immaculate Pie Crusts.

But the best news...

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My manager walked up to us with Orange envelopes the other day and we KNEW that it meant we get to shoot for the 2014 International Hooters Calendar! It doesn't mean we are in, but just to shoot is an honor. I'm going to put my best bikini forward on July 1st and we shall see what happens!

For now, I'm taking this one day at a time until I can get back into the groove of blogging, or perhaps I will create a new groove. Someone once told me that I would get to a point where I couldn't reply to every comment or return every email, and I guess I am now realizing that as much as I'd like to...it's just not realistic. I vow to do what I can and continue to create new relationships, but not because I have to. Because I want to.

I hope you all have a fabulous week!


  1. Gettin' your cooking on girl! The pizza looks so good!

  2. Damn that strawberry pie looks freaking amazing!!

  3. Congrats on the photoshoot! And don't you worry about getting back to every email or comment. I don't either. I definitely take some days off and just record what I need to, appreciate all the comments but don't get around to commenting back for a while. We all know you love us :)

  4. You keep doing what you want.

    Love that note, soo funny!

    CONGRATS MISSY!!!! I will buy a hooters calendar if you are in it, promise!

  5. That is sooo exciting!! And that pie looks fabulous little miss Betty Crocker!!

  6. Awesome sauce! Go you :) I would totally leave a note like that for someone but with my luck they would come out and catch me leaving it, with Rob.. say something ugly to me and he would knock them out. The pizza looks delish. I have mastered making homemade pizzas but haven't done anything as yummy as that! We have attempted clean eating lately so I doubt pizza is part of our plan. I'm excited for your shoot! I'm sure you'll be in the calendar! xoxo


  7. The pizza, the pie, AH! Yummm!! Good luck with the calendar!! Hope yall get it! :)

  8. Okay, that car sign was EFFING amazing...totes!!! I love it!!! That car really wasn't that nice...stupid jerkface! And, that pizza...I wanted to eat my computer screen just staring!!

    AND CONGRATS to you girl, you are gorgeous and I know nothing but great things are going to come your way!!

    xo Dinah @ sunshine super glam

  9. OMG congrats!! amazing, so gorgeous Janna!

  10. Your wings turned out great, girl! Well done! :)

    Also, very sweet that Will came to visit you at work! Love that!

  11. Congratulations!

    I love busting ahole parkers. Good work.

    Cheeseburger pizza looks amazing.

  12. Janna! That pie! Holy delicious! I hate to turn on the oven in the summer but that just looks too damn good.

  13. Shooting for the calendar will be a blast! I hope you get in. You are only one person and can only do so many things! We don't want you to quit blogging so just pace yourself. That's the best you can do.

  14. I agree, its constantly a juggle to keep everything in life going. No matter what you put on your plate it all requires some give and take. Seriously congrats on the opportunity to shoot that's like the holy grail.

  15. You pie is beautiful!! Pro! I love that Will visited you at work and just look at you - stunning!!! PS. Now I want pie and pizza!

  16. Congrats on the shoot girl! That's so exciting! I had a friend from college who made it in a few years ago and I remember how excited she was for it!

    Also, LOVE that you left that guy that note - his car is not nice enough to deserve two spaces and really he's only making people WANT to mess it up!

  17. Congratulations!! I can't believe you get to shoot for Hooters, that would be aMAZINGG

  18. Woot Woot! Hooters shoot is amazing! ROCK IT! Enjoy life!

  19. That is amazing! Good for you! :)

  20. So exciting! You're going to rock it!

  21. I love that pie! Looks so yummy!

    Good luck on the shoot girl! :-)

  22. I love blogging, but I also get to the point where taking a complete break from it is really nice. Your strawberry pie looks beautiful!! I've never once in my life been brave enough to make a pie...

  23. I love that little note for the jerk who took up two parking spots, if you don't want your car to get hit park in the back of the parking lot. That car isn't that nice, if it were brand new then hell yeah it would be.. but its not.
    That pizza and pie looks delicious! Yum!
    You are totally going to rock those pictures, and if you aren't in the 2014 Hooter's Calender then.. they are idiots ;D If you do get in, I will totally buy one just so I can tell all of my friends I "know" you ha ha!!

  24. Your PIE looks fabulous!!! And your note on the car, TOTALLY Awesome!!! People like that annoy the crap out of me.

  25. I was ready to email and check on you if you didn't post this week, ha! So happy for you chicka! You look sooooo good!! Keep up the hard work and keep filling your days with all that truly makes YOU happy! :)

  26. That's awesome you get to do the shoot! Oh and my mom takes up 2 parking spots, but she does it at the back of parking lots :)

  27. That pizza looks so good, and that note is awesome. I hate rude drivers!

  28. Congrats! I have no doubt that you'll make the calendar. If you do, I might even buy one! I've been in a blogging funk too, it happens to all of us. I don't have near the number of comments that you do though, so it's a little easier for me to respond to them. I have just felt that what I would write isn't anything spectacular, so people wouldn't want to read it. I'm sure it'll come back to me though. In the mean time, we'll enjoy our time away from blogging!

  29. Congrats on all the awesomeness love!!!! And that pie! Betty Crocker aint got nothing on you ;)

  30. Love the note that you left on that car, so awesome. Also congrats on getting to shoot for the calendar! Can't wait to hear if you make it, good luck!

  31. That pie looks so great! Congrats on the shoot! :)

  32. That note is everything I've ever wantd to say to people who can't park!

    Congrats on the calendar shoot :)



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