Thursday, May 9, 2013

Sometimes A Hair Tie Holds My Britches Up

Last Friday we went to a BBQ, and blogger fail- I didn't take many pictures. Luckily, I snapped a few before we hit the sack. Just excuse the "stool in the bathroom pic". You know I do not claim to be a fashionista, but I'm getting better at posting fashion-y type things. I think.

This particular outfit was inspired by my love of all things mint and wanting to wear my new boots a little longer. I guess that's one good reason that we still have this cuckoo weather.

 photo Mint_zpsfc77afa2.jpg

Now what you don't see, is that these jeans that don't fit anymore ride REALLY low when they are buttoned, so I found a new trick that allows me to get them up a bit higher over my bootay. Don't judge me.

 photo Wiggleroom_zps69f7eb74.jpg

I believe I have seen button extenders on infomercials, but who needs 'em when you have hair ties lying around? It worked great, was convenient, and best of all, it was cheap. In my defense, I have been looking for new skinny jeans in this color, but have yet to find any that fit the way I like. At least now I can take my time.


Did you know that Friday is Military Spouse Appreciation Day?

In case you know one, visit the following blog to find 101 ways to thank a MilSpouse ;)

Just so you know, "Thank you for your service, too." means more than you can ever possibly imagine from the outside. It's the little things that keep the men and women on the home front going, so focus on the ones with the deployed soldiers this Friday. I have my soldier home, so I already have the best gift anyone could give me ;)


  1. That lil trick allowed me to stay in my pre pregnancy clothes quite a while longer than most. ... and after baby as well..... love the boots

  2. Love this outfit. I love the tops color. I did this when pregnant also. It helped me not have to get pregnancy clothes until it became a bit umcomfortable.

  3. LOVE your outfit and I didn't even know military spouse day existed! Yay for us!

  4. Does it count if I appreciate you a day early? :) Thanks for your service, Janna. For spending so much time away from your love so he could defend this place we call home. I am SO happy that the two of you are together again. :)

  5. Neat trick! A lot of my skinny pregnant friends do this trick because they refuse to buy maternity jeans (or anything). Also, I appreciate my freedom and being that I'm from a major military town (as are you), I always always always say "Thank you for protecting my freedom!" In fact, my fiance thought I was crazy when I would randomly say it to people in uniform. He's used to it now, especially since I schooled him on my reason for doing so! Thank your hubby for me :)

  6. Love that you are using a hair tie to hold them up! Thats awesome! Not to mention the fact that you are standing on a stool! PERFECT! Your awesome!

  7. that's just a plain awesome idea!! and my only full length mirror is on the side of our bedroom and I have to stand VERY awkwardly to take a picture in front of it.

  8. I LOVE that you did that hahah, and I love the quote :)
    I'm wearing mint capri's today!!! :)
    Super cute outfit, girly!

  9. You are a GENIUS! Loved how you made it work, and without buying anything.

    love your outfit and I LOVE YOU!

    Thank you to will and TO YOu!!!


  10. hahaha. Epic! I would be lying if I said I hadn't used that trick a time or two...

  11. A friend of mine used to use that trick with her dress work pants. If I tried, everyone would know/see :(

  12. I love this trick! A friend taught it to me many years ago and I've used it often!

  13. Hah! Janna, that's very creative. I know my hips don't lie. They can't handle low-rise too well, so I'm all about that.

  14. Good thing we have a dinner date planned tomorrow so I'm all set to appreciate my military man. Love the mint green. And way to go on keeping your pants together!! You get an A for creativity and function. LOL

  15. Um I do that pants trick every day...but because I am pregnant, and my pants don't stay closed lol

  16. I used that trick with my pants when I got pregnant and shortly after I had my babies. It works wonders!!!!

  17. Zip ties work as well! Haha!

  18. Yes! That top is so pretty and I used to do this trick all the time when I was pregnant. It's the best! Way better than investing in anything else :)

    xoxo Jamie

  19. You look flawless. Cute outfit girl. And my pants are open with a hair tie today too!! Gotta love it! :)

  20. You are to cute, and best part is with your shirt down you can't even tell :)

  21. That's a genius jean trick! I totally need to try it. I have this pair of jeans that make me feel like I have a muffin top thanks to their ridiculously low waist. Hopefully your trick fixes that!

    And I love your sweater! So cute.

  22. yes i too did this lil trick in my early months of pregnancy! :)

  23. I hate when low-waist jeans are like that..and hey, no one needs to know! I do that sometimes after I've eaten a big meal, lol.

  24. What a cool trick!!
    Oh, and love this mint color on you!

  25. I love your trick. I used to use it to stay in my skinny jeans longer when I was pregnant! I just couldn't give them up. And your outfit is super cute!

  26. I think the colors here are so cute. Would be great for those colder days!

    7% Solution​

  27. Mint is one of my favorite colors to wear, and we've recently had such a cold snap here that I was wearing my snow boots again yesterday, because it was so wet and cold out!

  28. LOL!!!! I must have admit, I have definitely done this a time or two!!! Gotta love that extra wiggle room!! ;)

  29. This is probably the most handy thing I've learned in longer than I care to admit. Brilliant. I think my friend did this when she was prego.

  30. you crack me up! i was all looking for something related to your hair! LOL!

  31. LOL For sure! Great little trck. Love that color on you, btw.


    Jules of Canines & Couture

  32. What a fantastic trick...I could use it on some of my jeans, woo hooooo!!!!!

    xo Dinah @ Sunshine super glam

  33. I'm obsessed with that color lately. Love the boots too! :)

  34. That's a handy trick, I'm going to have to remember that.

  35. I am still wearing pre-preggo jeans with a hair tie around them (although my gap is considerably bigger!). Such a great little trick.

  36. I do the same thing with my hair ties! I also have a pair of my favorite pants that the zipper refuses to stay up so I use it to keep my zipper up :D Such a great trick!


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