Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Get It Right, Get It Tight!

I am feeling more at peace today.

+I made it through yesterday without any major issues for the first time in awhile.
+I got some training out of the way, so that I made it home at a reasonable time.
+I gave my body a rest, and didn't hit the gym for the first time in weeks
"recovery time" makes me sad and antsy
Who am I?
+Hubs and I agreed to eat out minimally for the next three weeks, and maybe even throw in some extra gym time. That equals possible two-a-days...I think we are going crazy.

Why the insanity, you ask? It's Pageant time.
One more pageant, and possibly the last one, because I'm getting to old tired of the pomp and circumstance. I know that I'm not going to win this one, and probably won't even place because this one is all for show. Political, one might say, but I'm okay with the politics because there is a GOOD chance that one of my girlies is going to take home the crown.

Mark my words, this girl is going to win:

 photo 564993_998245386415_128175862_n.jpg

I still have to put my best foot forward, though, which means it's crunch time!

The plan is to continue the workouts, and High Intensity Interval Training like the one below.

I am seriously OBSESSED with the interval workouts, and highly recommend them. It is like they are a magic combination, and you see/feel almost instant results.

However, as great as the workouts are, it all starts in the kitchen. Or in our case, the grill. We plan on grilling meat and veggies for most of our dinners or even just snacking for dinner instead of having large meals. We both eat a good bit during the day to sustain energy and keep the food monsters at bay, so at night we really don't need as much food.

And since I haven't shared any "Secret Ingredients" for awhile:

Salsa...It just may be one of the most fabulous condiments in the world.
It obviously goes hand in hand with any Mexican dish.
It is not just for chips. I've been known to dip zucchini, carrot medallions, or red bell pepper in it. I love dipping veggies into my veggies. WinWin.
And my new fave... using it in lieu of dressing on a salad.

Something like this:

You can customize it however you want, but I like mixed greens, pico de gallo, black beans, corn, cheese, hot sauce, and of course SALSA! It's a party in your mouth, filling, and yet low calorie. Just try it, and you will be hooked. I also recommend keeping it mind when you go out to eat. Sub the salsa for calorie laden restaurant dressing, and you will honestly shave off 500-600 calories from those seemingly "healthy" salads. You. Are. Welcome.

Now wish us luck on the next few weeks ;)


  1. Good luck over the next couple weeks and preparing for your upcoming pageant. I'm sure you'll do great!!! And I agree Salsa goes good with EVERYTHING!!!!

  2. Girlfriend you GOT this! Keep up the amazing work! You know what you need to do and you will do it I know you will. You are a rock star!

  3. I am amazed at your incredible dedication! This is awesome!

  4. You're gonna do great! And I won't be surprised at all when you bring home that crown! ; )

  5. you're going to do amazing!!!!!! and i agree hiit workouts always give me the best results!

  6. I know you're going to ROCK IT OUT sistah! You are a hottie bo bottie and you'll kick arse!


  7. You are a machine sister! Keep it up because it only helps to inspire me too! I started Insanity yesterday, so I am exicted to see what the next 60 days holds!

  8. Yay!! You will do great pretty girl (:

  9. Janna, you're awesome. but we've known that. good luck for contest. you'll do great because you're fab. in and out!

  10. Agreed! Looooove me some salsa!! And I made fresh pico last night-it's one of my favorite summer snacks!

  11. I am so doing that HIIT work out. I've been doing my own version but without defined numbers and times for each segment I feel lost and it's harder. Can you believe I did not used to eat salsa? It's only been in the last few years that I started liking it. I do not know what was wrong with me.

  12. Good luck! You're totally going to rock it :) I also am obsessed with interval training! I am currently out of town and already stressed/annoyed that I will likely miss workouts. I know we all need a break, but I hate not exercising!

  13. Best of luck with everything you are working towards! If you want to come back to Pcola and be my trainer, feel free! I lost over 230lbs and do all the healthy cooking I can (the fiance still tries to sneak in all the fatty stuff all the time though) but I need someone to drag me to a gym and tell me what I need to work on! Love the salsa idea! I'd like to try and make my own. I've never looked at hummus but I have a great hummus recipe and I've seen people dipping their veggies in that...

  14. Ok.. so I looked it up (got un-lazy) and I wanted to share this recipe if you wanted something fun! Fresh broccoli, steamed, and garlic hummus with a squeeze of lemon and melted margarine. Mix the hummus and the other goods together then poor over the warm broccoli. TOO yummy!

  15. I love having salsa chicken with rice!

  16. I also love HIIT workouts. It's the only thing that really works for me.

  17. What kind of pageant are you doing? I always though you had to be unmarried to compete. Actually I know nothing about local pageants or if we even have any around here. We have a Whatcom county dairy princess, I think they do some sort of pageant for that!? haha

  18. good luck with your pageant! that is good motivation! i love interval workouts - makes it go much faster! i miss working out!!!

  19. That interval training looks really hard but I am sure the results come quickly!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  20. Go girl!! And salsa is my favorite condiment which is all too unfortunate in Germany.

  21. You are going to rock this girl!

  22. Good luck for the next couple of weeks and your pageant!:)I'm sure you'll do great! I'm also stealing this HIIT plan because I get so bored at the gym! Hopefully this will revamp my whole workout! :)

  23. Awesome plan of attack! Youve got this. I like interval workouts too, for some reason I don't get so bored that way

  24. So I definitely misread this at first as "...It's pregnant time." LOL! I was like, "well she sure changed her mind fast." Then I saw it correctly and it all made sense. ;) I hope workouts go well for you and that you have fun with this last pageant!

  25. You'll do amazing... just give yourself credit girlie!

  26. Good luck with your training Janna! I swear by HLI workouts too - they definitely give you the best results the fastest xo

  27. Good luck. You're going to do great! P.S. I put salsa on everything! I love home made pico de gallo too. :)

  28. First of all that salad looks amazing! But I was going to comment on your HIIT chart...I haven't gotten quite up to that speed yet, but have been training for my first 5K runs this summer so I'm trying to get there. I was curious if you've tried any other quick and intense workouts like any MMA bodyweight workouts or anything like that?


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!