Thursday, March 14, 2013

Remember When I Didn't Know How To Use Instagram?

Well, I still don't.
Specifically, I don't know the etiquette.
Apparently, I was supposed to comment back when all of you fabulous people leave such sweet comments. #Instagramfail. For clarification, I didn't know HOW to comment back.

I hope that you give me a pass for the past two years, since it took me a year JUST to find out that Instagram was a social I had followers and didn't even know that was possible. I'm sure you are thinking, "Wow. What a blonde...", but seriously...I just thought it was a photo editor.

Initially this post was asking all of you if I was supposed to comment back and/or how to do so, and then this gem popped up on Pinterest. It answered all of my questions and more! I even bet that the avid 'Grammers will learn at least one thing from this tips list:

Source: via Janna on Pinterest

Are there any more tricks that we should all know about?


  1. It's kind of like facebook and twitter, regarding tagging someone in a comment (i.e. @whatever their name in).

    Sometimes I edit some pics in Pic FX, since it has lots of more options for editing. Like A LOT! Plus, there is an option to upload it into IG if you want.

    I love IG! So addicting!

  2. I'm STILL not on instagram!!!!

    Probably the only person in the world ;)

  3. i love instagram!! but i'm sure there are plenty of things I don't know how to do on it!

  4. I am an Instagram addict! Which is probably weird for a guy but I love it!

  5. haha, don't worry. i'm so behind the tech. especially when it comes to social media. maybe i'm the only person who's not in twitter. and i'm still not in instagram.

  6. I didn't know it was social media for a long time either! I only used it as a photo editor and then one day I realized I was doing it all wrong. So embarrassing, haha.

  7. I still thought it was hilarious when you were like "Um, I didn't even know I could follow people on instagram for a year..." xoxo

  8. haha this is great!! thanks for sharing!

  9. I'm still not using instagram lol...I have too many social media sites as it is haha.

  10. I don't think I'm following you on Instagram.

    I don't always comment back! Sometimes I miss comments for days. Whoops.

  11. I'm not really concerned with followers and such, but I know relevant and easy hashtags work best. I know a lot of people use hashtags weird, but I think simple is better.

  12. This would be from Fat Mum Slim! She's awesome with pictures and we have her to thank for the Photo A Day topics! #12 is new to me!

  13. I love IG! I've used for the last year and half but only recently have my friends joined and with bloggers following it's really become fun! Great share girl! I had no idea I could delete comments, tucking that info away should I ever need it!

  14. OMG I thought I knew how to use it but I didn't know about so many of those things!!

  15. Seriously, thank you for sharing this! I jumped on the Instagram bandwagon and love it.. but never really knew how to use it. There were a ton of really helpful tips on there, and I can't wait to use some of them!

  16. I don't use instagram - I find it very intimidating. That's why I have a blog! ;)
    Enjoy Instagram.
    Have a good rest of the week!

  17. Yup those are some awesome tips! I definitely needed to learn how to delete comments :) And I love your instagrams so far!

  18. guess what i totally needed this post because i am an instagram newbie, just got it last week thanks to an upgrade on my phone and i am obsessed! so glad you posted this

  19. This IS helpful! Thank you!! Follow me! @ShelleyBells07

  20. I dont comment to instagram comments either unless someone asks a question!

  21. At least you have Instagram. My phone still isn't smart enough for that so I'm really in the archaic world. ;)

  22. Oh man...this is way too much work! I have instagram, but usually don't put that much effort into uploading a pic. LOL. Oh well, I'm ok with it!

  23. Some people take Instagram SO SERIOUSLY! Yes, it's a social network and I try to like and comment on pictures that I, well, actually like.

    I think like any social network people get too caught up in total number of comments and likes. It's not a contest.

    Just have fun with it and like and comment on what moves you, not what you feel obligated to.

  24. I just signed up for instagram and love it! Thanks for sharing this! I'm going to try that airplane mode tip soon. :)

  25. Wow, I even learned a thing or two by this. Thanks for sharing!

  26. LOL!!!! You are too funny! I knew about some of the tips, but actually learned a couple I had no idea I could make my pictures blurry!! This was awesome....and IG is awesome. My fave of all social media!!!

  27. Very funny , keep up the good work


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