Thursday, February 14, 2013

I Found My Other Half

Happy Day of LOVE!
To those of you that have a significant other: Squeeze your lovers tight.
To those of you that are single: Some of my BEST V-days were spent having girls nights and/or hitting up the bars. It's like a singles fest on Valentines day because the couples are gettin' busy don't really go "out".

Single or not, I think you will all get a kick out of this link up if you haven't already seen or partaken. It is a Q&A to test your spouse on his knowledge of you, and it was quite entertaining for me. My conclusion is that Will knows me really well, but possible fibs a bit.
You be the judge...
Source: via Janna on Pinterest

The Directions:
Fill out the questions below with your answers.
Hand over the same set of questions to your spouse and see if they can answer the questions about you. Write your post and compare both of your answers.
Link up with Jessica on February 14th!

Source: via Janna on Pinterest

How long have you been married?
Just shy of 3 years.
2 years and 10 months.
Where was your first date?
She went with me to Miami to "show me around" because I "didn't know" the area. She realized later that it was a date. Sucker. Haha
Miami and subsequently, Chili's at Bayside.
Where was your first kiss?
At my apartment, after a few dates.
At his was monumental.
Who first said, "I love you"?
She did.
Me and he DIDN'T say it back.
What were your wedding colors?
I wore a light green and she wore a white skirt and top
Greens and Purples.

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What is her most commonly used phrase?
She doesnt really have a catch phrase
I don't know if I have one...
Who is her celebrity crush?
I dont think she has one.
I don't need one. I'm married to a hunk.
If she was ordering drinks for both of you what would you each get?
Non-alcoholic, her-water me-unsweet tea, Alcoholic-Bourbon for us both.
Water and whiskey on the rocks or a dark beer.
What is the best meal she has ever cooked you?
Sooooo many great meals, I think her pizza is my favorite.
Roast beef sandwich on jalapeno cheddar bread with fresh curry jalapenos.
What is the worst meal she has ever cooked you?
She didnt cook it, it was a collaboration between the two of us. Baked spicy sweet potato fries. We tried cornstarch to make them crispy. They were not scrumptious.
I tried a recipe for an Alfredo sauce made with pureed tofu. Bleh.
What is the most-played song on her iPod?
Currently, Thriftshop by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis.
Thrift shop by Mackelmore.
What would she say is your most annoying habit?
I leave my clothes everywhere, all at various levels of "clean".
Probably the random piles of clothes.
What is the last thing she does before she goes to bed?
Catches up on blogging emails and surfs the web on her comp.
Catches up on the comp.
If you could throw out one item of her clothing what would it be?
She has a great sense of style so she always looks good when we go out. But around the house I prefer her to wear as little as possible, but she gets cold. Haha
Shelf bra tops.
What would you say is your favorite thing about her?
I love her eyes, I have always been a sucker for great eyes.
My boobs.

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I plead my case. 

What's her go-to drink at Starbucks?
We don't do Starbucks much, but she likes the passion fruit tea.
Passion Fruit tea.
What's her blog's name?!
Perception Is Everything. Duh! I read it daily and have even commented. Haha
Perception Is everything!

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According to Greek mythology, humans were originally created with 4 arms, 4 legs and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves.

I guess we just got lucky, because I definitely found my other half.


  1. Of course he knows you so well! Love the bottom quote! You are both perfect for one another. So sweet! Happy Valentines Day Sweetheart!!

  2. So sweet! You guys are awesome together!

  3. Oh my goodness he did incredible!!! You guys are cute together :)

  4. Awwwww ya'll are precious!

    PLEASE let that actually be his Facebook, i love it!


  5. This is so cute! I can't get over his Facebook background! Haha

  6. Very sweet, and you guys did pretty well answering the questions! I hope you enjoy your Valentine's Day with your sweetheart.

  7. I loved this!

    I'm happy to know there's another husband out there who keeps an orderly (to him) system of clean clothes piles. hahaha

  8. You guys are adorable!!
    I love the quote at the end :)

  9.'s love. Happy Valentine's Day Janna!

  10. He didn't say I love you back?? Oh man. Angel committed the other "i love you' faux pas. He said it, and then said, "what I mean is I care about you." Boys.

  11. I've always liked that Zeus tale.

    He didn't say it back?! What??? You have to do a post on that!!

  12. Cute link up! I have never heard that Zeus tale and I love it. Happy V Day.

  13. These questions are awesome! Happy Valentines day :)

    The Hartungs Blog

  14. That is REALLY cute! I wish I would have seen this sooner. Happy Valentine's day! Glad you found your other half. :)

  15. hahahah love his facebook cover! such a guy thing, but hey at least they're yours!
    thanks so much for linking up! happy valentine's day! xoxo

  16. this was a really sweet post. Happy lovers day to you two adorable love birds

  17. oh lord that facebook cover-- priceless! love both your answer and that you both know each other so well!!

  18. omg I am dying at his facebook page bahahahahahahha seriously that is so funny & amazing! you guys are so cute!! I think Will did pretty good!!! Hope you're having the best day together!! loveee you gf!

  19. Very cute! His facebook page made me laugh!!

  20. I didnt do it on my blog, but we talked about our answers. I found out that piles of clothes are Kev's pet peeve about me too. I had no idea it bothered him. I love learning something new about our relationship. Wills fb cover is awesome haha Hope your day was great!

  21. This was so sweet! So happy for you! Love the last quote :)

  22. LOVE this Janna! I'm particularly in love with that last paragraph. And of course I also laughed out loud at your screen shot of his Facebook. That's hilarious...

  23. LOVE this Janna! I'm particularly in love with that last paragraph. And of course I also laughed out loud at your screen shot of his Facebook. That's hilarious...

  24. Ah I LOVE THAT in Greek Mythology, I'd never heard that.

    And the Facebook hahahahaa

  25. This is adorable Janna. I like that you disproved his eye comment, which I'm sure he loves your eyes, but you're a trip.

  26. Oh I sooooo want that Julia Child sign! Way cool!

  27. I'm not sure of my BF would have done as well and we are coming up on 19 years! haha You guys are a great match for sure.
    Happy Valentine's Day!xoxo

  28. Aww, love that you guys know each other so well! I want to see how close Christopher and I would get with this. I know it's after Valentine's, but it'd still be fun to do sometime. :)

  29. I DID NOT KNOW THAT! i had no idea that's where the phrase "my other half" came from. i LOVE it. :) also, the boobs picture is hilarious.

    ps. thank you for letting me know i was a no-reply commenter. i had no idea. that darn Google+! i think i fixed it?

  30. HA HA!! I love his FB picture... too funny :) I just love you two! Cutest couple ever!


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!