Monday, January 28, 2013

Will Secretly Hides Trash

Y'all...for the first time in YEARS, I went to the gym all by myself!

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{Please excuse the hoochies in the background}

I went to the new gym on post and it is

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I mean, just look at the pool! I would totally take my kids if I had any.

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Did I mention that the gyms on Post are free? Awesome perk of the Military life.

We ate:

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We watched:

Source: via Janna on Pinterest

Source: via Janna on Pinterest

Both were great movies. Lincoln is awesome if you are into History, but Django is just plain awesome. You may not like it if you don't Like Tarantino movies, but I just think of the blood as exclamation points. I hate blood and gore, but for some reason it didn't bother me in this movie. It was really well done and riveting, I might add.

But the best part?
After a long day of work on Friday, I came home to dinner cooked, my favorite new album downloaded, movie night planned, and these:

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I have to show you the follow up too:

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Speaks for itself, I believe ;)

It wasn't a wild weekend, but it was perfect and just what I needed.


  1. Sometimes those are the best weekends ever!!! You've got a winner for sure!!! PS: I like your post gym, its really nice!!!

  2. Haha I LOVE the "hoochies", the girl in the pink looks like she is just wearing underwear! That gym looks awesome. I just started going to about 4 classes a week at the Y (they have so many offered!) and am feeling awesome after only a few weeks =)

    Awww and what a sweet hubby! Glad you had a great weekend.

  3. That is a HUGE gym. Wow. And I have yet to see Lincoln. I did see Django however...EPIC.

  4. That gym is awesome and way to go girlie! Proud you went to the gym!

    Love the flowers and the trash story, too sweet!

    Can't wait to see lincoln.


  5. I'm pretty sure one of those hoochies isn't wearing pants. Exercise undies.
    It is so great to see how good you guys are doing with adjustment. HAPPY MONDAY

  6. That gym is amazing! I want to come! haha

  7. He is so incredibly sweet!! So glad you had such a wonderful weekend, you deserve it girl :)

    p.s. That new gym looks amazing!

  8. Awesome achievement, going to the gym by yourself. It can intimidating sometimes!

    The food looks very good

  9. That sounds like a truly awesome weekend! You definitely have a good man there! And I think a gym with a rock climbing wall would actually be awesome.

  10. That gym looks awesome!!! And seriously mad props to ure lover! So sweet!! I totally agree about the Nag part!! You get what you give :) xoxo

  11. Awesome gym. I feel the same about Lincoln. Mj liked it way more then me because he's into history. We both loved Django. Our weekend was totally uneventful as well. Sometimes you need that.

  12. What an amazing gym! Jealous that you get to go for freee (one day...haha) Sounds like a great weekend!

  13. i'm going to throw up that is so sweet. i may be slightly jealous.

  14. I'm jealous of your gym. I only get a free gym membership if Matt is deployed. I would love to try Crossfit one day.
    Awww what a sweet husband you have :)

  15. That is SO sweet! Definitely a keeper. ;-) Free gym?! It looks amazing - I might actually go to the gym if there was one like that around here.

    Have a great week! :-)
    ~Marie ~ My Weekend Update

  16. Love the gym! Can't go wrong with free gyms on post. :)

  17. I love "just because I love you" day. It doesn't come around too often in my neck of the woods but it is so sweet when it does.

  18. Well goodness I think I need to go find myself a military man so I can actually have motivation to go to the gym. Kidding kidding. But I do need to find one that will give me flowers for special random days.

  19. Hilarious - my husband has definitely transported trash on the sly before.

    Beautiful flowers!

  20. That gym is awesome!

    You have a good guy - even if he is hiding trash. :) HILARIOUS!

    Have a great week.

  21. BEST made up day ever! I saw Django too...helllooooooo Jamie Foxx! It is pretty bloody, but I still enjoyed it.

  22. HAHA I love this! And those hoochies in the mirror..what the H?!

  23. Love those "just because" notes/gifts! So sweet! You guys together make me smile. :)

  24. It sounds like things have been going so good for yall! Way to go for hitting up the gym & your hubs is soooo sweet!

  25. Dude, your gym is awesome! What a nice perk of the military lifestyle! Also, I LOVE Django! It is by far Tarantino's best film. When I went to see it, I knew it was going to be awesome, but I didn't realize it was going to be AMAZING!

    We saw Movie 43 this weekend..... it was pretty funny but extremely raunchy so I wouldn't exactly recommend it unless you have a strong stomach for awkward potty humor!

  26. I just love yall. That gym looks awesome!!

  27. Aw your husband is so sweet! And speaking of sweet, look at that gym! Fancy!!

    Thanks for linking up! Glad to have you for Weekend Update :)

  28. Wow, now that's a gym. I wish we had a rock wall, a pool, and a jogging track!
    Will is so sweet :D

  29. That gym looks amazing. Makes me feel guilty for being a sloth all month. Ok I really need to set up a work out routine..

  30. Awesome gym and awesome thing he did for you. I would love to find a man like that!

  31. Ah goooood job going to the gym!!!!! I still haven't gone haha but I'm loving my Nikes! Will is the BEST!!!

  32. I LOVED Django Unchained. Minus a few parts that I couldn't watch (like the mandingo fighting...gross).


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